You have voted AB-1163: Revises laws governing provision of affordable housing; reestablishes regional contribution agreement as method of meeting affordable housing obligation; repeals Statewide non-residential development fee..
AB-1166: Requires Division of Property Management and Construction to conduct analysis of State buildings to determine energy and cost savings through use of renewable energy equipment or technology.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Rible
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Telecommunications And Utilities Committee on 01/12/2010
You have voted AB-1166: Requires Division of Property Management and Construction to conduct analysis of State buildings to determine energy and cost savings through use of renewable energy equipment or technology..
AB-1170: Permits municipalities to satisfy fair share housing obligation by a 15 percent set aside of new residential development; defines municipal fair share as a portion of prospective regional housing need.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Rible
Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Local Government Committee on 01/12/2010
You have voted AB-1170: Permits municipalities to satisfy fair share housing obligation by a 15 percent set aside of new residential development; defines municipal fair share as a portion of prospective regional housing need..