Sen. Dennis Linthicum


District SD-028
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 40

Sponsored Legislation

State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to treatment funded by public moneys; and declaring an emergency. [SB-1041]
Directs Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to study expenditure of public moneys on alcohol and drug treatment and report results to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September 15, 2019. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to commission for purposes of study and report. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Sen. Arnie Roblan Effective Date, August 8, 2017. on 08/11/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to an analysis required before a contracting agency constructs a public improvement with the agency's own resources; prescribing an effective date. [SB-1045]
Requires contracting agency to perform analysis to determine whether constructing public improvement with contracting agency's own equipment and personnel will result in least cost to contracting agency. Specifies contents of analysis. Requires contracting agency to file analysis with Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries. Requires commissioner to investigate alleged violation of Act in response to complaint from contractor or trade association that represents contractors. Provides that if commissioner finds that contracting agency has (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Boquist In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Honoring 555th "Triple Nickles" Parachute Infantry Battalion. [SCR-30]
Honors 555th "Triple Nickles" Parachute Infantry Battalion for pioneering achievements and service to their country and this state.


Sponsored by: Rep. Janelle Bynum Filed With Secretary Of State. on 06/26/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to zero-based budgeting. [SB-1063]
Declares policy of state to use zero-based budgeting in developing biennial budget plan. Requires state agencies to include information justifying proposed expenditures in agency request budgets filed with Oregon Department of Administrative Services. Applies to biennia beginning on or after July 1, 2019.


Sponsored by: Sen. Alan Olsen In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to charitable checkoffs; and prescribing an effective date. [SB-378]
Adds Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association to list of entities eligible for individual income tax return checkoff contribution. Provides conditions for use of contributions. Applies to individual income tax returns for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Williamson Chapter 487, 2017 Laws. on 07/04/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to providing notice before administering vaccination. [SB-580]
Requires health care practitioner, before administering vaccination to child, to provide written notice of each vaccination that child is required to receive as condition of attending school or children's facility in this state and of each exemption to that requirement.


Sponsored by: Sen. Tim Knopp In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to pay equity; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-2005]
Provides definitions relating to comparable work for purposes of pay equity provisions. Makes unlawful employment practice to discriminate in payment of wages against employee on basis of protected class. Makes unlawful employment practice to screen job applicants based on salary history, to base salary decision on salary history, other than for internal hires, and to seek salary history information from applicant for employment other than after making offer of employment to employee that includes amount of compensation. Allows employer to pay employees (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans Chapter 197, (2017 Laws): Effective Date October 6, 2017. on 06/21/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to publication of notice of a hearing regarding a proposed rule. [HB-2911]
Authorizes local government to publish notice of public hearing regarding proposed rule on agency's website instead of in newspaper of general circulation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to introduction of legislative measures. [SJR-42]
Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to provide that every legislative measure must be introduced at request of Senator or Representative. Prohibits committees from introducing legislative measures. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.


Sponsored by: Rep. Bill Post In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to authorizing persons without concealed handgun licenses to possess concealed firearms in certain circumstances. [SB-855]
Allows person without concealed handgun license to carry concealed firearm on person or in vehicle in certain circumstances if person can legally possess firearms under Oregon law.


Sponsored by: Sen. Alan Olsen In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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