Constitutional amendment; qualifications of voters, right to vote, persons not entitled to vote. [HJR-2]
Constitutional amendment (first reference); qualifications of voters; right to vote; persons not entitled to vote. Provides that every person who meets the qualifications of voters set forth in the Constitution of Virginia shall have the fundamental right to vote in the Commonwealth and that such right shall not be abridged by law, except for persons who have been convicted of a felony and persons who have been adjudicated to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting. A person who has been convicted of a felony shall not be entitled to vote
HJR-2: Constitutional amendment; qualifications of voters, right to vote, persons not entitled to vote.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Continued To 2025 In Privileges And Elections By Voice Vote on 02/09/2024
High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes; disabled veteran license plates. [HB-135]
High-occupancy toll lanes; disabled veteran license plates. Provides that, on Interstate 95, vehicles displaying a disabled veteran license plate meet the high-occupancy requirement for high-occupancy toll lanes, regardless of the number of occupants in the vehicle.
Higher educational institutions, public; student identification cards, emergency services website. [HB-163]
Public institutions of higher education; student identification cards; emergency services website page and telephone numbers. Requires each public institution of higher education to maintain and annually update as necessary to ensure accuracy and currency a website page that includes telephone numbers for certain emergency services enumerated in the bill and to include (i) the URL of such website page on each new digital student identification card and any replacement digital student identification card issued by the institution beginning with the
State correctional and juvenile correctional facilities; use of canines, prohibited acts. [HB-159]
Use of canines in correctional and juvenile correctional facilities; prohibited acts. Makes it unlawful for any correctional officer or other employee of a state correctional facility who is permitted to handle canines to use a patrol or security canine in any state correctional facility unless such correctional officer or other employee (i) reasonably believes that the use of a patrol or security canine is immediately necessary to protect any prisoner or any officer or employee from the threat of serious bodily injury or death or (ii) has the prior
HB-159: State correctional and juvenile correctional facilities; use of canines, prohibited acts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0099) on 03/20/2024
Stafford County; authorized to impose an additional local sales tax for schools. [HB-193]
Sales tax; additional local tax for schools; Stafford County. Adds Stafford County to the list of localities that are authorized to impose an additional local sales tax at a rate not to exceed one percent in order to provide revenue for the construction or renovation of schools.
HB-193: Stafford County; authorized to impose an additional local sales tax for schools.
Sponsored by: Rep. Candi Mundon King
Left In Finance on 02/13/2024
Campaign finance; prohibited contributions to candidates. [HB-190]
Campaign finance; prohibited contributions to candidates. Prohibits candidates, campaign committees, and political committees from soliciting or accepting contributions from any public utility, as defined in the bill, and prohibits any public utility or any political committee established by such public utility from making any such contribution.
HB-190: Campaign finance; prohibited contributions to candidates.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Cole
Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/13/2024
Minimum wage; farm laborers or farm employees, temporary foreign workers. [HB-157]
Minimum wage; farm laborers or farm employees; temporary foreign workers. Eliminates the exemptions from Virginia's minimum wage requirements for (i) persons employed as farm laborers or farm employees and (ii) certain temporary foreign workers.
Sickle cell disease; statewide registry created, collection of disease case information, report. [HB-252]
Sickle cell disease; statewide registry; collection of sickle cell disease case information; penalties; notification; annual report. Creates a statewide registry of sickle cell disease patients to be maintained by the State Health Commissioner. The bill establishes: (i) standards and selection criteria for the collection of sickle cell disease information; (ii) penalties for unauthorized use of data from such registry; and (iii) notice requirements for patients whose personal identifying information has been submitted to such registry. The bill
HB-252: Sickle cell disease; statewide registry created, collection of disease case information, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Helmer
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0437) on 04/04/2024
Sickle Cell Disease, Advisory Council on; established, report. [HB-239]
Advisory Council on Sickle Cell Disease; established; report. Establishes the Advisory Council on Sickle Cell Disease to advise the State Health Commissioner on the efforts to improve awareness of sickle cell disease and the needs of individuals with sickle cell disease. The bill requires the Board of Health to report annually by December 1 to the Governor and the General Assembly regarding its activities and recommendations.
HB-239: Sickle Cell Disease, Advisory Council on; established, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Left In Rules on 02/13/2024