Relating to work group to examine expansion of child care facilities; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-2727]
Directs Department of Land and Conservation and Development to convene work group to examine strategies for expanding early learning and care facilities in this state. Directs Department of Land and Conservation and Development to convene work group to examine strategies for expanding early learning and care facilities in this state. Sunsets work group on January 2, 2025. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB-2727: Relating to work group to examine expansion of child care facilities; and prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans
Chapter 510, (2023 Laws): Effective Date September 24, 2023. on 08/15/2023
Relating to food assistance for COFA citizens. [SB-856]
Establishes COFA Food Assistance Program to provide nutrition assistance to COFA citizens who would qualify for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits but for their immigration status and who have incomes at or below federal poverty guidelines. Establishes COFA Food Assistance Program to provide nutrition assistance to COFA citizens who would qualify for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits but for their immigration status and who have incomes at or below federal poverty guidelines.
SB-856: Relating to food assistance for COFA citizens.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Meek
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to the Oregon State Fair; prescribing an effective date. [SB-894]
Authorizes issuance of bonds under Article XI-Q of Oregon Constitution to support use of Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center as regional emergency and evacuee center. Authorizes issuance of bonds under Article XI-Q of Oregon Constitution to support use of Oregon State Fair and Exposition Center as regional emergency and evacuee center. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
SB-894: Relating to the Oregon State Fair; prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill Hansell
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to a streetcar system in the City of Salem; declaring an emergency. [HB-3224]
Requires Cherriots to collaborate with Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Quality, local community members, economists and business leaders to study feasibility of developing rail streetcar system in City of Salem. Requires Cherriots to collaborate with Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Quality, local community members, economists and business leaders Department of Transportation, State Department of Energy and Department of Environmental Quality to collaborate with City of Salem and mass transit agencies]
HB-3224: Relating to a streetcar system in the City of Salem; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to pension benefit plans offered by public bodies. [HB-3219]
Establishes standards for fiduciary of pension benefit plan offered by public body. Establishes standards for fiduciary of pension benefit plan offered by public body. Limits factors that may be considered in investment of assets of plan.
HB-3219: Relating to pension benefit plans offered by public bodies.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill Hansell
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to prohibiting gender-affirming care at correctional facilities. [SB-897]
Prohibits Department of Corrections from paying for or providing, directly or indirectly, gender-affirming care to individuals in custody of correctional facility in this state. Prohibits Department of Corrections from paying for or providing, directly or indirectly, gender-affirming care to individuals in custody of correctional facility in this state.
SB-897: Relating to prohibiting gender-affirming care at correctional facilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rick Lewis
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to immunization against COVID-19 as a condition of attendance in programs. [SB-896]
Provides that Oregon Health Authority may not adopt rules requiring immunization against COVID-19 as condition of attendance in any school, children's facility or post-secondary institution of education. Provides that Oregon Health Authority may not adopt rules requiring immunization against COVID-19 as condition of attendance in any school, children's facility or post-secondary institution of education.
SB-896: Relating to immunization against COVID-19 as a condition of attendance in programs.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rick Lewis
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to voter registration. [HB-2585]
Ends automatic voter registration through Oregon Motor Voter. Ends automatic voter registration through Oregon Motor Voter. Reestablishes process of registration at any office of Department of Transportation where licenses or renewal applications are distributed or received that existed prior to enactment of Oregon Motor Voter.
HB-2585: Relating to voter registration.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lona Thatcher
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023
Relating to regional career and technical education; declaring an emergency. [HB-3236]
Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Department of Education to fund specified programs provided by Willamette Career Academy. Authorizes expenditures from Statewide Education Initiatives Account for funding of regional career and technical education programs.] Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Department of Education to fund specified programs provided by Willamette Career Academy. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2023.
HB-3236: Relating to regional career and technical education; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rick Lewis
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 06/25/2023