You have voted HB-3313: Restraining county commissions from imposing rules and regulations on farmers beyond what is already prescribed through state statute.
Distracted Driving Act [HB-2218]
The purpose of this bill is to expand prohibitions on distracted driving of motorists utilizing a wireless communication device or stand-alone electronic device.
Relating to the Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program [HB-3347]
The purpose of this bill is to extend the Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program to June 30, 2028, and to add representation for eight communities in the area to the membership of the Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Council.
HB-3347: Relating to the Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Rowe
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2023
Valuation of industrial property and natural resources property by Tax Commissioner [HB-3334]
The purpose of this bill is to provide that valuation of industrial property and natural resources property by Tax Commissioner interest may not exceed the average actual sale price of similarly situated and like royalty interests; and that this subdivision shall be effective for all assessments made on or after July 1, 2022.
HB-3334: Valuation of industrial property and natural resources property by Tax Commissioner
Sponsored by: Rep. Shawn Fluharty
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2023
Protection of minors from harmful material on internet [HB-3339]
The purpose of this bill is to combat the sexualization of children and to allow children in the State of West Virginia to avoid the detrimental effects, both during childhood and later into adulthood, caused by exposure to pornography through an age verification. This bill also ensures that any personal identifying information of adults is not retained upon age verification.
HB-3339: Protection of minors from harmful material on internet
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Fast
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2023
HB-3402: Requiring annual report to the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary regarding statements of charges brought against a judge of this state
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Fast
Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2023
You have voted HB-3402: Requiring annual report to the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary regarding statements of charges brought against a judge of this state.
HB-3379: Providing DMV with certain medical information related to mental or physical disabilities as it relates to the ability of a person to drive safely
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Fast
Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2023
You have voted HB-3379: Providing DMV with certain medical information related to mental or physical disabilities as it relates to the ability of a person to drive safely.