Secretary of Health - Professional Qualification Requirement [HB-287]
Requiring the Secretary of Health to be professionally qualified through certain experience or education in at least one health-related field, health or law policy, health care facilities administration, health economics or financial management, government operations related to health care, or as a health care provider.
HB-287: Secretary of Health - Professional Qualification Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/27/2022
Public Schools - Purple Star Schools Program - Establishment [HB-277]
Establishing the Purple Star Schools Program to recognize public schools that provide strong services and support for military-connected students and their families when, as a result of military service, a military-connected student transfers schools; establishing certain minimum criteria to qualify as a Purple Star School; and authorizing a public school to partner with the county board to fulfill the Department requirements to qualify as a Purple Star School under the Act.
HB-277: Public Schools - Purple Star Schools Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 65 on 04/12/2022
Maryland Economic Development Corporation - Student Housing - Applications and Occupancy Agreements [HB-385]
Requiring certain institutions of higher education to provide certain information to students who are applying to be a resident of certain types of student housing; requiring an occupancy agreement between a student and the Maryland Economic Development Corporation to include certain information; and applying the Act prospectively.
HB-385: Maryland Economic Development Corporation - Student Housing - Applications and Occupancy Agreements
Sponsored by: Rep. Sid Saab
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 183 on 04/21/2022
Landlord and Tenant – Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent – Rental Assistance Programs [HB-367]
Requiring a landlord of residential property to follow certain processes and procedures concerning rental assistance programs in the State prior to filing a complaint to repossess for failure to pay rent against a tenant experiencing financial hardship, either directly or indirectly due to or during the COVID-19 pandemic.
HB-367: Landlord and Tenant – Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent – Rental Assistance Programs
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 2/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/25/2022
Mold Inspections and Remediation - Standards, Reporting, Penalties, and Tax Credit [HB-361]
Requiring the Department of the Environment, in consultation with the Maryland Department of Health, the Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Department of General Services, to adopt certain regulations on or before June 1, 2024, establishing uniform standards for mold assessment and remediation; authorizing a tenant to deposit the tenant's rent in an escrow account under certain circumstances; authorizing a tax credit for taxpayers of certain residential properties who incur mold remediation costs; etc.
HB-361: Mold Inspections and Remediation - Standards, Reporting, Penalties, and Tax Credit
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/18/2022
Maryland Health Care Commission – User Fee Assessments [HB-353]
Increasing the maximum amount, from $16,000,000 to $20,000,000, of user fees the Maryland Health Care Commission may assess against hospitals, nursing homes, payors, and health care practitioners to cover the actual documented direct costs of fulfilling the statutory and regulatory duties of the Commission.
HB-353: Maryland Health Care Commission – User Fee Assessments
Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Landis
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 711 on 05/29/2022
Income Tax - Personal Exemption - Disabled Individuals [HB-466]
Authorizing individuals who have a permanent physical disability to deduct $1,000 as a personal exemption under the Maryland income tax; and applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2021.
HB-466: Income Tax - Personal Exemption - Disabled Individuals
Sponsored by: Rep. Ned Carey
Hearing 2/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2022
Primary and Secondary Education - Title IX - Notice (Hear Our Voices Act of 2022) [HB-472]
Requiring each public school to inform students, faculty, staff, and parents regarding who serves as the Title IX coordinator for the school, the process for filing a sexual misconduct compliant, and the support measures that are in place for filing a sexual misconduct complaint and how to access the support measures.
HB-472: Primary and Secondary Education - Title IX - Notice (Hear Our Voices Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (131-0) on 03/21/2022
Landlord and Tenant - Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent - Shielding of Court Records [HB-521]
Authorizing certain individuals to petition a court to remove from public inspection certain records relating to an action for repossession of residential property for failure to pay rent; establishing certain procedures and requirements for the consideration of a petition to shield records under the Act; etc.
HB-521: Landlord and Tenant - Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent - Shielding of Court Records
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 722 on 05/29/2022