Secretary of Health - Professional Qualification Requirement [HB-287]
Requiring the Secretary of Health to be professionally qualified through certain experience or education in at least one health-related field, health or law policy, health care facilities administration, health economics or financial management, government operations related to health care, or as a health care provider.
HB-287: Secretary of Health - Professional Qualification Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/27/2022
Income Tax - Personal Exemption - Disabled Individuals [HB-466]
Authorizing individuals who have a permanent physical disability to deduct $1,000 as a personal exemption under the Maryland income tax; and applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2021.
HB-466: Income Tax - Personal Exemption - Disabled Individuals
Sponsored by: Rep. Ned Carey
Hearing 2/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2022
Primary and Secondary Education - Title IX - Notice (Hear Our Voices Act of 2022) [HB-472]
Requiring each public school to inform students, faculty, staff, and parents regarding who serves as the Title IX coordinator for the school, the process for filing a sexual misconduct compliant, and the support measures that are in place for filing a sexual misconduct complaint and how to access the support measures.
HB-472: Primary and Secondary Education - Title IX - Notice (Hear Our Voices Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (131-0) on 03/21/2022
General Provisions – Commemorative Days – Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day [HB-479]
Requiring the Governor annually to proclaim the fourth Thursday in March as Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day; and requiring the proclamation to urge educational and cultural organizations to observe Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day through appropriate and informative programs and activities.
HB-479: General Provisions – Commemorative Days – Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day
Sponsored by: Rep. Darryl Barnes
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 68 on 04/12/2022
Landlord and Tenant - Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent - Shielding of Court Records [HB-521]
Authorizing certain individuals to petition a court to remove from public inspection certain records relating to an action for repossession of residential property for failure to pay rent; establishing certain procedures and requirements for the consideration of a petition to shield records under the Act; etc.
HB-521: Landlord and Tenant - Repossession for Failure to Pay Rent - Shielding of Court Records
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 722 on 05/29/2022
Constitutional Amendment - Environmental Rights [HB-596]
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland to establish that every person has the fundamental and inalienable right to a healthful and sustainable environment; and requiring the State to serve as the trustee of the State's natural resources, including the air, land, water, wildlife, and ecosystems of the State, and to conserve, protect, and enhance the State's natural resources for the benefit of every person, including present and future generations.
HB-596: Constitutional Amendment - Environmental Rights
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Ebersole
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2022
State Government - Maryland Reparations Commission - Establishment (Harriet Tubman Community Investment Act) [HB-594]
Establishing the Maryland Reparations Commission to develop and administer a program to provide compensatory benefits to the descendants of individuals enslaved in the State; providing that any individual whose ancestors were enslaved in the State is eligible to receive certain benefits; authorizing the Commission to seek the assistance of State agencies to develop and evaluate processes and applications; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill such sums as necessary to carry out the Act; etc.
HB-594: State Government - Maryland Reparations Commission - Establishment (Harriet Tubman Community Investment Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Walker
Hearing 3/01 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/03/2022
Child Care Programs – Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program – Information and Assistance [HB-664]
Requiring a child care program to provide to parents or guardians of a child under the age of 3 years information about the Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program and contact information for the local agency responsible for administering the Program; requiring a child care program to assist a parent or guardian with scheduling a time and location for the administering agency of the Program to provide a certain screening; and requiring the State Department of Education to provide certain information to child care programs.
HB-664: Child Care Programs – Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program – Information and Assistance
Sponsored by: Rep. Michele Guyton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 469 on 05/16/2022
Public Health - Commission on Universal Health Care [HB-610]
Establishing the Commission on Universal Health Care to develop a plan for the State to establish a universal health care program to provide health benefits to all residents of the State through a single-payer system; requiring a member of the Commission to be subject to ethics laws and disclose certain other information related to ethics; and prohibiting a member of the Commission from being held personally liable for actions taken as a member under certain circumstances.
HB-610: Public Health - Commission on Universal Health Care
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Ebersole
Hearing 3/10 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/16/2022
Employment – Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Discrimination – Use of Medical Cannabis [HB-628]
Altering the circumstances under which a covered employee or a dependent of a covered employee is not entitled to compensation or benefits under the workers' compensation law to include circumstances related to the use of medical cannabis; including medical cannabis in the medicine that an employer or its insurer is required to provide to a certain covered employee under certain circumstances; applying the Act prospectively: etc.
HB-628: Employment – Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Discrimination – Use of Medical Cannabis
Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Jalisi
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/01/2022