Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to limitations on gubernatorial emergency powers. [HJR-206]
Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to limit ability of Governor to declare emergency or to exercise powers under declaration of emergency to only those powers granted by law and to 30 days' duration. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to limit ability of Governor to declare emergency or to exercise powers under declaration of emergency to only those powers granted by law and to 30 days' duration. Authorizes county governing bodies in counties subject to declaration of emergency to extend declaration of emergency in up to 30-day increments
HJR-206: Proposing amendment to Oregon Constitution relating to limitations on gubernatorial emergency powers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022
Relating to insurance; and declaring an emergency. [HB-4134]
Requires insurer and health care service contractor to cover labor and delivery services provided at out-of-network health care facility, and medical transport of individual presenting with signs of labor from in-network facility to out-of-network facility, if services provided at out-of-network facility due solely to diversion of patient from in-network health care facility for reasons related to state or federal declaration of public health emergency. Requires insurer and health care service contractor to cover labor and delivery services provided
HB-4134: Relating to insurance; and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon
Chapter 72, (2022 Laws): Effective Date March 23, 2022. on 04/01/2022
Relating to veterans; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-4095]
Establishes Veterans Dental Program in Oregon Health Authority to provide oral health care to low-income veterans who reside in Oregon beginning in 2023. Establishes Veterans Dental Program in Oregon Health Authority to provide oral health care to low-income veterans who reside in Oregon beginning in 2023. Specifies eligibility requirements for program. Provides that character of discharge does not affect eligibility. Directs Department of Veterans' Affairs to create criteria for waiver to eligibility requirement that veteran be discharged or released
HB-4095: Relating to veterans; and prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans
Chapter 61, (2022 Laws): Effective Date June 3, 2022. on 04/01/2022
Relating to abortion. [SB-1553]
Requires health care practitioner to exercise proper degree of care to preserve health and life of child born alive after abortion or attempted abortion. Requires health care practitioner to exercise proper degree of care to preserve health and life of child born alive after abortion or attempted abortion. Requires health care practitioner to ensure child born alive is transported to hospital. Allows specified person to bring civil action for damages and equitable relief against health care practitioner for failure to exercise proper degree of care.
SB-1553: Relating to abortion.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022
Relating to business transactions; declaring an emergency. [SB-1588]
Modifies criteria and processes for approval of material change transactions by Oregon Health Authority, Department of Consumer and Business Services or Department of Justice. Modifies criteria and processes for approval of material change transactions by Oregon Health Authority, Department of Consumer and Business Services or Department of Justice. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
SB-1588: Relating to business transactions; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022
Relating to a principal Act for predator damage control districts; prescribing an effective date. [HB-4080]
Authorizes landowners who meet certain criteria to petition for formation of predator damage control district as funding mechanism to pay actual costs to county of preventing, reducing and mitigating damage to property from predatory animals. Authorizes landowners who meet certain criteria to petition for formation of predator damage control district as funding mechanism to pay actual costs to county of preventing, reducing and mitigating damage to property from predatory animals. Defines "prevent, reduce and mitigate damage to property from predatory
HB-4080: Relating to a principal Act for predator damage control districts; prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022
Relating to appropriations for livestock loss; declaring an emergency. [HB-4127]
Appropriates moneys from General Fund to State Department of Agriculture for deposit in Wolf Management Compensation and Proactive Trust Fund. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to State Department of Agriculture for deposit in Wolf Management Compensation and Proactive Trust Fund. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
HB-4127: Relating to appropriations for livestock loss; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022
Relating to veterans. [HB-4082]
Directs county governing body of each county to designate person to ensure interment of unclaimed human remains of veteran or spouse, dependent or survivor of veteran. Directs county governing body of each county to designate person to ensure interment of unclaimed cremated or reduced] human remains of veteran or spouse, dependent or survivor of veteran. Limits civil liability except for gross negligence. Requires cemetery association] funeral establishment, crematory operator, cemetery authority, alternative disposition facility operator, licensed
HB-4082: Relating to veterans.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans
At President's Desk Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022
Relating to abortion; prescribing an effective date. [HB-4042]
Requires physician who prescribes drugs for chemical abortion to provide certain information to person to whom drugs are prescribed. Requires physician who prescribes drugs for chemical abortion to provide certain information to person to whom drugs are prescribed. Requires Oregon Health Authority to publish on authority website specified information regarding possible reversal of chemical abortion. Allows specified persons to bring cause of action for actual and punitive damages. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
HB-4042: Relating to abortion; prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Smith
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022
Relating to incubation boxes for salmonids; declaring an emergency. [HB-4145]
Requires State Department of Fish and Wildlife to establish and operate fish incubation box program for rearing of salmonids on suitable waterways in coastal areas of southern Oregon. Requires State Department of Fish and Wildlife to establish and operate fish incubation box program for rearing of salmonids on suitable waterways in coastal areas of southern Oregon. Requires department to report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2023, regarding establishment and operation of program. Appropriates moneys from
HB-4145: Relating to incubation boxes for salmonids; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Evans
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 03/04/2022