Sen. Jason Howell


District SD-001
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 88

Sponsored Legislation

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to Medicaid coverage for assisted living. [SB-88]
Direct the Department for Medicaid Services to submit a state plan amendment application to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services no later than November 1, 2023, to establish an assisted living community services option in the Commonwealth's Medicaid state plan.


Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Meredith To Health Services (s) on 02/09/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of the Honorable Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. [SR-66]
Adjourn in honor and recognition of the life and legacy of the Honorable Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Stivers Adopted on 03/30/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. [SB-5]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define "harmful to minors"; require local boards of education to adopt a complaint resolution policy to address parent complaints about materials that are harmful to minors; require the school to ensure that a student whose parent has filed a complaint does not have access to the material; require the Kentucky Department of Education to promulgate model complaint resolution policy; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Sen. George Wise Became Law Without Governor's Signature (acts Ch. 120) on 03/29/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the retirement of fossil fuel-fired electric generating units and declaring an emergency. [SB-4]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 278 to define terms; prohibit the Public Service Commission from approving a request by a utility to retire a coal-fired electric generator unless the utility demonstrates that the retirement will not have a negative impact on the reliability or the resilience of the electric grid or the affordability of the customer's electric utility rate; require the Public Service Commission to submit an annual report on retirements of electric generating units by December 1 to the Legislative Research Commission; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Sen. George Wise Became Law Without Governor's Signature (acts Ch. 118) on 03/29/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to disaster relief funding and declaring an emergency. [SB-99]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to define "relief fund"; direct government agency head, cabinet secretary, or appointed official to provide a report and analysis of all relief funds created to accept and expend funds recieved from any source to provide assistance to entities impacted by an emergency; direct report to be submitted to the Legislative Research Commission by the end of each fiscal year; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Sen. David Givens Signed By Governor(acts Ch. 91) on 03/24/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to peace officer contracts. [SB-101]
Amend KRS 16.050 to extend contracts subject to reimbursement for training costs to five years for state police officers; amend KRS 70.290 to extend contracts subject to reimbursement for training costs to five years for law enforcement officers employed by cities and counties; amend KRS 183.881 to allow public airport boards to condition employment of a safety and security officer to contract to repay the airport board for training costs if the officer accepts a similar position within five years, and require the firing entity to repay costs under (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jimmy Higdon Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 69) on 03/23/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION honoring Kevin Munsey upon receiving a heart transplant. [SR-76]
Honor Kevin Munsey upon receiving a heart transplant.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Howell To Senate Floor on 02/14/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to venue and declaring an emergency. [SB-126]
Amend KRS 452.005 to establish the method for obtaining a change of venue in specified civil actions; EMERGENCY.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Howell Delivered To Secretary Of State (acts Ch. 131) on 03/29/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Mrs. Sydney Anne Logan. [SR-90]
Adjourn in honor and loving memory of Mrs. Sydney Anne Logan.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Howell Adopted By Voice Vote on 02/28/2023

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2023 Regular Session

A RESOLUTION recognizing April 2023 as Organ Donor Month. [SR-88]
Recognize April 2023 as Organ Donor Month.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Howell Adopted on 03/30/2023

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