Sen. John Edwards


District SD-021
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 132

Sponsored Legislation

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Income tax and sales and use tax; credit and exemption for telecommunications service providers. [SB-117]
Income tax and sales and use tax; credit and exemption for certain telecommunications service providers. Creates an income tax credit and sales and use tax exemption for wireless and broadband equipment purchased by telecommunications providers for use within rural areas of the Commonwealth. For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2008, the income tax credit is equal to 30% of all expenditures for wireless and broadband equipment used in providing telecommunications services in the rural areas of the Commonwealth. There is a $10 million (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Senate: Stricken At Request Of Patron In Finance (14-y 0-n) on 02/05/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Notarial certificates; removes requirement that wording appear on same page as signature. [SB-118]
Notarial certificates. Provides that the requirement that the notarial certificate wording appear on the same page as the signature being notarized does not apply if the notarial certificate includes the name of each person whose signature is being notarized. This bill incorporates

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0685) on 04/14/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

VPI & SU; board of visitors to convey certain property to Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc. [SB-119]
Property transfer; Virginia Tech. Authorizes the board of visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, with the approval of the Governor, to convey 95 acres to the Virginia Tech Foundation, Inc. to allow the expansion of the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center. This bill is identical to

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0560) on 03/17/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Blacksburg, Town of; authority to bring civil action for failure to provide adequate crowd control. [SB-120]
Failure to provide adequate crowd control. Expands existing authority to bring a civil action against a person who negligently fails to provide adequate security or crowd control at events that draw large crowds to include the Town of Blacksburg.

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Senate: Continued To 2009 In Local Government (14-y 0-n) on 02/05/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

TransDominion Express Commission; created. [SB-121]
TransDominion Express Commission. Establishes the TransDominion Express Commission, to be responsible, within the TransDominion Corridor, for identifying needed construction, reconstruction, improvements of or repairs to railroads and their facilities and equipment to provide enhanced passenger rail service coordinated with freight rail opportunities within the corridor.

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards House: Left In Appropriations on 03/03/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Rail Transportation Development Authority; created. [SB-122]
Rail Transportation Development Authority. Establishes the Rail Transportation Development Authority. The Authority is to be responsible for identifying needed construction, reconstruction, improvements, or repairs to railroads and their facilities and equipment. The Authority is given the power to finance or assist in financing any such rail transportation project. The bill requires the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, in conjunction with the Authority, to develop a rail transportation plan for the Commonwealth. The bill (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Senate: Continued To 2009 In Finance (14-y 0-n) on 02/05/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Evidence; destruction of trial exhibits. [SB-123]
Destruction of criminal exhibits. Provides that the trial court may not order the destruction or donation of exhibits used in evidence in felony cases without prior notice to the counsel for the parties and until expiration one year after all appeals or, if no appeal, one year after appellate remedies expire.

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0805) on 04/14/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Public schools; Superintendent to develop guidelines eliminating trans fatty foods served. [SB-124]
Superintendent of Public Instruction; eliminating trans fats. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop guidelines, based on the FDA’s standards for trans fats, with the goal of eliminating foods containing trans fatty acids from public schools. The gradual elimination shall begin with the elimination of trans fats from vegetable oils used in school cafeterias. The final goal shall be to eliminate trans fats in all (i) foods sold as part of the official school breakfast and lunch programs, (ii) foods sold in vending machines (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards House: Left In Appropriations on 03/03/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Community College Scholarship Match Program; created. [SB-125]
Community College Scholarship Match Program. Establishes the Community College Scholarship Match Program to provide matching funds to community college foundations and the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education. Funds may be paid on the basis of one dollar of state general fund appropriation for every one dollar donated by corporations beginning on July 1, 2008, with state appropriations not to exceed $5 million in any fiscal year. These funds shall be used to award scholarships to students who (i) are domiciled residents of Virginia, (continued...)

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards House: Left In Appropriations on 03/03/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Dependent Children of University and College Faculty Tuition Grant Program; created. [SB-126]
Partial tuition waiver; children of university and college faculty. Establishes the Dependent Children of University and College Faculty Tuition Grant Program, to provide a tuition grant equal to 50% of the charge for tuition for the children of current full-time faculty members who have been employed full-time by any one or more public Virginia colleges or universities for an aggregate period of at least seven years. The tuition grants shall be used for undergraduate education at any public institution of higher education in Virginia.

Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards House: Left In Appropriations on 03/03/2008

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