Larry Doby Congressional Gold Medal Act [S.802]
Larry Doby Congressional Gold Medal Act This bill directs the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate to arrange for the presentation of a Congressional Gold Medal in honor of Larry Doby in recognition of his achievements and contributions to American major league athletics, civil rights, and the Armed Forces during World War II.
S.802: Larry Doby Congressional Gold Medal Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 04/03/2017
A bill to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. [S.896]
A bill to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This bill amends the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 to make permanent the authorization for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The greater of 1.5% of the annual authorized funding amount or $10 million shall be used for projects that secure recreational public access to existing federal public land for hunting, fishing, and other recreational purposes.
S.896: A bill to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. on 04/07/2017
SR-134: A resolution congratulating the University of South Carolina women's basketball team for winning the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Women's Basketball Tournament Championship.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lindsey Graham
Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S2462) on 04/07/2017
You have voted SR-134: A resolution congratulating the University of South Carolina women's basketball team for winning the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Women's Basketball Tournament Championship..
Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act [S.926]
Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act This bill allows the Global War on Terror Memorial Foundation to establish the National Global War on Terrorism Memorial as a commemorative work on federal land in the District of Columbia to commemorate and honor the members of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
S.926: Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Committee On Energy And Natural Resources Subcommittee On National Parks. Hearings Held. on 07/19/2017
SR-141: A resolution congratulating the University of South Carolina women's basketball team for winning the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Women's Basketball Tournament Championship.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lindsey Graham
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S2536; Text: Cr S2534) on 04/25/2017
You have voted SR-141: A resolution congratulating the University of South Carolina women's basketball team for winning the 2017 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Women's Basketball Tournament Championship..
SR-145: A resolution designating April 2017 as "Financial Literacy Month".
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S2631; Text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S2627-2628) on 04/27/2017
SR-148: A resolution congratulating the students, parents, teachers, and leaders of charter schools across the United States for making ongoing contributions to education, and supporting the ideals and goals of the 18th annual National Charter Schools Week, to be held May 1 through May 5, 2017.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S2654; Text: Cr S2652) on 05/01/2017
You have voted SR-148: A resolution congratulating the students, parents, teachers, and leaders of charter schools across the United States for making ongoing contributions to education, and supporting the ideals and goals of the 18th annual National Charter Schools Week, to be held May 1 through May 5, 2017..
Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access Act of 2017 [S.1008]
Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access Act of 2017 This bill amends the Controlled Substances Act (CSA): to add definitions for the terms "cannabidiol," "cannabidiol-rich plants," and "tetrahydrocannabinol concentration"; to exclude cannabidiol and cannabidiol-rich plants from the definition of marijuana; and to remove cannabidiol and cannabidiol-rich plants from coverage under the CSA. It also specifies that no provision of this bill prohibits or restricts the use, production, or distribution of marijuana in a state in which such activities are legal
S.1008: Therapeutic Hemp Medical Access Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Lee
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 05/02/2017
You have voted S.1016: CONNECT for Health Act of 2017 Creating Opportunities Now for Necessary and Effective Care Technologies (CONNECT) for Health Act of 2017.