Plain Language Explanation of H.R. 1154
This bill, introduced by Mr. Kildee and Mr. Fitzpatrick, is about giving public safety officers (like police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel) the right to bargain collectively for their working conditions.
It states that relationships between labor unions and employers should be based on trust, respect, open communication, and mutual problem-solving. It emphasizes the importance of public safety officers in protecting the country from threats like terrorism and natural disasters. The bill encourages mediation and arbitration to help employers and employees reach agreements on pay, working hours, and conditions.
The lack of cooperation between employers and employees in the public safety sector can have negative effects on both employees' safety and the economy. By setting standards for bargaining, the bill aims to prevent conflicts that could disrupt public safety services.
The bill defines terms like 'public safety officer', 'employer', 'labor organization', and outlines the procedures for determining whether a state law provides enough rights and responsibilities for public safety officers. It also prohibits strikes and lockouts that could disrupt emergency services.
Existing collective bargaining units and agreements will not be affected by this bill. It also states that states with laws providing similar or better rights for public safety officers will not be overridden by this federal law.
The bill authorizes funds for implementing its provisions.