Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act of 2009 [S.952]
Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act of 2009 - (Sec. 4) Amends the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act of 1998 to set forth as the purposes of such Act: (1) to provide for the development and coordination of a comprehensive and integrated national program to address harmful algal blooms and hypoxia; (2) to provide for the assessment of environmental, socio-economic, and human health impacts of harmful algal blooms and hypoxia and to integrate that assessment into marine and freshwater resource
S.952: Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. Reported By Senator Rockefeller With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute. With Written Report No. 111-125. on 02/04/2010
Secondary School Innovation Fund Act [S.968]
Secondary School Innovation Fund Act - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to authorize the Secretary of Education to establish a Secondary School Innovation Fund program awarding competitive matching grants to partnerships, which must include at least one state or local educational agency, for the implementation of innovative strategies to improve the achievement of at-risk students in secondary schools. Permits partnerships to award subgrants to schools for the implementation of such strategies. Lists innovative strategies,
S.968: Secondary School Innovation Fund Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Menendez
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S5081-5082) on 05/04/2009
SHOP Act [S.979]
Small Business Health Options Program Act of 2009 or the SHOP Act - Amends the Public Health Service Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to designate an office within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to administer a health insurance program for small businesses and self-employed individuals to purchase health insurance coverage meeting certain requirements. Establishes a Small Business Health Board to monitor the implementation of the program and make recommendations for improvements. Requires the Administrator
S.979: SHOP Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S5133-5134) on 05/05/2009
Native American Challenge Demonstration Project Act of 2009 [S.980]
Native American Challenge Demonstration Project Act of 2009 - Directs the Secretary of Commerce to establish and implement the Native American Millennium Challenge Demonstration Project through which federal economic development assistance may be provided for certain Native American communities. Authorizes the Secretary to provide such assistance to Alaska Native nonprofit organizations, Native Hawaiian community organizations, and other Indian tribes that enter into Native American Challenge Compacts. Requires such Compacts to establish a multiyear
S.980: Native American Challenge Demonstration Project Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Committee On Indian Affairs. Ordered To Be Reported With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute Favorably. on 11/18/2010
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act [S.982]
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act - Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for the regulation of tobacco products by the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including through disclosure, annual registration, inspection, recordkeeping, and user fee requirements. Directs the Secretary to establish the Center for Tobacco Products to implement this Act. Sets forth criteria by which tobacco products are deemed adulterated or misbranded. Allows the Secretary to require
S.982: Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. Ordered To Be Reported With Amendments Favorably. on 05/20/2009
International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010 [S.987]
International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010 - (Sec. 3) Defines "child marriage" as the marriage of a girl or boy not yet the minimum age for marriage stipulated in law in the country in which the girl or boy is a resident, or where there is no such law, under the age of 18. (Sec. 4) Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) child marriage is a violation of human rights and its prevention and elimination should be a U.S. foreign policy goal; and (2) expanding educational opportunities for girls, economic opportunities
S.987: International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill Failed By The Yeas And Nays: (2/3 Required): 241 - 166 (roll No. 645). on 12/16/2010
Afterschool Flexibility to Expand Reimbursement for School Meals Act of 2009 [S.990]
Afterschool Flexibility to Expand Reimbursement for School Meals Act of 2009 or the AFTERSchool Meals Act of 2009 - Amends the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to make institutions in any state eligible for reimbursement for meals provided to at-risk school children under programs organized primarily to provide care to at-risk school children during after-school hours, weekends, or holidays during the regular school year. (Currently, reimbursement is limited to institutions in 10 states.) Assists states in providing meals and meal supplements
S.990: Afterschool Flexibility to Expand Reimbursement for School Meals Act of 2009
Sponsored by: Sen. Bernard Sanders
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry. on 05/06/2009
SCR-11: A concurrent resolution condemning all forms of anti-Semitism and reaffirming the support of Congress for the mandate of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, and for other purposes.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Received In The House. on 07/21/2009
You have voted SCR-11: A concurrent resolution condemning all forms of anti-Semitism and reaffirming the support of Congress for the mandate of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, and for other purposes..
SCR-25: A concurrent resolution recognizing the value and benefits that community health centers provide as health care homes for over 18,000,000 individuals, and the importance of enabling health centers and other safety net providers to continue to offer accessible, affordable, and continuous care to their current patients and to every American who lacks access to preventive and primary care services.
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins
Referred To The Committee On Finance. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S6388) on 06/09/2009
You have voted SCR-25: A concurrent resolution recognizing the value and benefits that community health centers provide as health care homes for over 18,000,000 individuals, and the importance of enabling health centers and other safety net providers to continue to offer accessible, affordable, and continuous care to their current patients and to every American who lacks access to preventive and primary care services..
A concurrent resolution apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African Americans. [SCR-26]
Acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow laws. Apologizes to African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow laws. Expresses Congress's recommitment to the principle that all people are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and calls on all people of the United States to work toward eliminating racial prejudices, injustices,
SCR-26: A concurrent resolution apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African Americans.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S6761-6768) on 06/18/2009