You have voted SB-103: An Act To Amend Title 1 Of The Delaware Code By Establishing May As Melanoma And Skin Care Detection And Prevention Month In Delaware..
An Act To Amend Title 26 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Energy Efficiency Resource Standards And Energy Efficiency Planning. [SB-106]
This act creates Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS) and sets goals for consumption and peak demand for electricity and natural gas utilities. The goals are 15% electricity consumption savings and 10% natural gas consumption savings by 2015. Savings will be reported to the State Energy Coordinator by Affected Energy Providers on an annual basis. This act designates energy efficiency as a priority energy supply resource for the state, recognizing that energy efficiency is among the least expensive ways to meet the growing energy demands of
SB-106: An Act To Amend Title 26 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Energy Efficiency Resource Standards And Energy Efficiency Planning.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gary Simpson
Signed By Governor on 07/29/2009
An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Salvinorin A. [SB-109]
Salvinorin A is the active constituent of salvia divinorum and is believed to be the ingredient responsible for the hallucinogenic effects of salvia divinorum. In 2006, the Delaware General Assembly outlawed salvia divinorum. This Bill outlaws Salvinorin A and includes it as a Schedule I controlled substance with other hallucinogenic substances. The Federal Drug Enforcement Agency considers Salvinorin A is a “drug of concern” because of its wide availability, potential for abuse, and hallucinogenic effects.
SB-109: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Salvinorin A.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Signed By Governor on 07/06/2009
You have voted SB-110: An Act To Amend Title 16 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Penalties For Failing To Report Suspected Child Abuse Or Neglect..
An Act To Amend Title 6 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware False Claims And Reporting Act. [SB-115]
This Act amends the Delaware False Claims and Reporting Act to meet the guidelines set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General for Delaware to receive a 10% increase above the state share in all Medicaid fraud recoveries. This Act also streamlines and updates the procedures for investigating and litigating false claim cases by the Department of Justice. This Act also provides a posting requirement for employers to post a summary of the Act.
SB-115: An Act To Amend Title 6 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Delaware False Claims And Reporting Act.
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Cloutier
Signed By Governor on 07/16/2009
SB-121: An Act To Amend Titles 6, 9, 18, 19, 25, And 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Discrimination In Employment, Public Works Contracting, Housing, Equal Accommodations And The Insurance Business.
Sponsored by: Sen. Harris McDowell
Signed By Governor on 07/02/2009
You have voted SB-121: An Act To Amend Titles 6, 9, 18, 19, 25, And 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Discrimination In Employment, Public Works Contracting, Housing, Equal Accommodations And The Insurance Business..
An Act Relating To A Civil Remedy For Victims Of Child Sexual Exploitation Or Child Pornography. [SB-158]
Recognizing that the creation of visual images of child sexual exploitation and child pornography necessarily inflicts serious injury to the child victim, this bill creates a right in the victim to sue those who are responsible for producing, or knowingly possessing, pornographic visual images of the victim. If a defendant has produced or possessed such images, the victim is deemed to have suffered damages and is entitled to an award of damages of not less than $150,000. The bill also provides for a statute of limitations specific to this cause
SB-158: An Act Relating To A Civil Remedy For Victims Of Child Sexual Exploitation Or Child Pornography.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bruce Ennis
Stricken on 06/02/2010