Sen. Michael Bennet


District SD-CO
Party Democrat
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Bills Introduced 211

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US Congress 115th Congress

A resolution designating November 3, 2018, as National Bison Day. [SR-698]
A resolution designating November 3, 2018, as National Bison Day.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. on 11/15/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Chronic Wasting Disease Transmission in Cervidae Study Act [S.3644]
Chronic Wasting Disease Transmission in Cervidae Study Act


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry. on 11/15/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

A resolution expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children. [SR-331]
A resolution expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children. Supports the goals and ideals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S7194; Text: Cr S7216-7217) on 11/14/2017

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US Congress 115th Congress

A resolution designating November 4, 2017, as National Bison Day. [SR-315]
A resolution designating November 4, 2017, as National Bison Day. Designates November 4, 2017, as National Bison Day.


Sponsored by: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S6931; Text: Cr S6929) on 10/31/2017

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US Congress 115th Congress

A resolution expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children. [SR-704]
A resolution expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. on 11/26/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

A resolution expressing the need for bold climate action in response to the release of the United Nations report entitled "Global Warming of 1.5 C, an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty" and the Fourth National Climate Assessment report entitled "Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States" by the United States Global Change Research Program. [SR-708]
A resolution expressing the need for bold climate action in response to the release of the United Nations report entitled "Global Warming of 1.5 C, an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty" and the Fourth National Climate Assessment report entitled "Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed Referred To The Committee On Environment And Public Works. on 11/27/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2017 [S.281]
Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2017 This bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to: (1) eliminate the per country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants, and (2) increase the per country numerical limitation for family based immigrants from 7% to 15% of the total number of family-sponsored visas. The Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 is amended to eliminate the provision requiring the reduction of annual Chinese immigrant visas to offset status adjustments under such Act. The bill establishes the following (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. on 02/02/2017

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US Congress 115th Congress

Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2018 [S.3676]
Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2018


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory Gardner Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. on 11/29/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

Enhancing Grid Security through Public-Private Partnerships Act [S.3677]
Enhancing Grid Security through Public-Private Partnerships Act


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory Gardner Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. on 11/29/2018

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US Congress 115th Congress

A resolution condemning Russia's provocative actions in the Kerch Strait against the Ukrainian navy. [SR-709]
A resolution condemning Russia's provocative actions in the Kerch Strait against the Ukrainian navy.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Senate Committee On Foreign Relations Discharged By Unanimous Consent. on 11/29/2018

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