A resolution expressing gratitude and appreciation for the entry of the United States into World War I. [SR-130]
A resolution expressing gratitude and appreciation for the entry of the United States into World War I. Recognizes the 100th anniversary of the official entry of the United States into World War I on April 6, 1917. Expresses gratitude and appreciation to the members of: (1) the Armed Forces who participated in World War I operations alongside the countries of the Triple Entente, and (2) the Allied Forces who participated such operations alongside France from 1914 until the end of the war. Commends centenary commemorations to honor people from France,
SR-130: A resolution expressing gratitude and appreciation for the entry of the United States into World War I.
Sponsored by: Sen. Tim Kaine
Senate Committee On Foreign Relations Discharged By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S2535-2536) on 04/25/2017
Tax Filing Simplification Act of 2017 [S.912]
Tax Filing Simplification Act of 2017 This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to require the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to establish and operate the following programs free of charge: online tax preparation and filing software, a program for taxpayers to download third-party provided return information relating to individual income tax returns, and a program to permit individuals with simplified tax situations to elect to have the IRS prepare their returns. The IRS may not enter into any agreement which restricts its legal right to provide
S.912: Tax Filing Simplification Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Markey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 04/24/2017
Social Security Fairness Act of 2017 [S.915]
Social Security Fairness Act of 2017 This bill amends title II (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act to repeal the "government pension offset" and the "windfall elimination provision." Under current law, those provisions reduce OASDI benefits for individuals who receive a pension based on earnings in government employment that was not covered under the Social Security program.
S.915: Social Security Fairness Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 04/24/2017
SR-138: A resolution honoring National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day on April 9, 2017, and commemorating the 75th anniversary of the fall of Bataan.
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory Booker
Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S2533) on 04/25/2017
You have voted SR-138: A resolution honoring National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day on April 9, 2017, and commemorating the 75th anniversary of the fall of Bataan..
Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2017 [S.928]
Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2017 This bill prohibits sexual orientation or gender identity conversion therapy from being provided in exchange for compensation. It bars advertisements for such therapy that claim to: (1) change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity, (2) eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same gender, or (3) be harmless or without risk. Individuals or entities shall not knowingly assist or facilitate a conversion therapy if they receive compensation from
S.928: Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. on 04/25/2017
America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2017 [S.948]
America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2017 This bill designates specified lands in the following areas of Utah as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System: (1) Great Basin, (2) Grand Staircase-Escalante, (3) Moab-La Sal Canyons, (4) Henry Mountains, (5) Glen Canyon, (6) San Juan-Anasazi, (7) Canyonlands Basin, (8) San Rafael Swell, and (9) Book Cliffs and Uinta Basin. The bill sets forth administrative requirements for: (1) the exchange of state-owned lands within such areas, (2) federal reservation of water rights, (3) measurement
S.948: America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. (sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure: Cr S2560-2561; Text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S2556-2559) on 04/26/2017
Paying a Fair Share Act of 2017 [S.955]
Paying a Fair Share Act of 2017 This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to require an individual taxpayer whose adjusted gross income exceeds $1 million (high-income taxpayer) to pay a minimum tax rate of 30% of the excess of the taxpayer's adjusted gross income over the taxpayer's modified charitable contribution deduction for the taxable year (tentative fair share tax). The amount of the tax is the excess (if any) of the tentative fair share tax over the excess of: (1) the sum of the taxpayer's regular tax liability, the alternative minimum
S.955: Paying a Fair Share Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 04/27/2017
Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act of 2017 [S.954]
Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act of 2017 Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act of 2017 This bill amends the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require each institution of higher education (IHE) to include in its annual security report a statement of policy regarding harassment that includes: (1) a prohibition of harassment of students by other students, faculty, and staff; (2) a description of its programs to prevent harassment; (3) a description of the procedures that students should follow if harassment occurs; and
S.954: Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions. on 04/27/2017
Marketplace Fairness Act of 2017 [S.976]
Marketplace Fairness Act of 2017 This bill authorizes each member state under the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement (the multistate agreement for the administration and collection of sales and use taxes adopted on November 12, 2002) to require all sellers not qualifying for a small-seller exception (applicable to sellers with annual gross receipts in total U.S. remote sales not exceeding $1 million) to collect and remit sales and use taxes with respect to remote sales under provisions of the agreement, but only if such agreement includes minimum
S.976: Marketplace Fairness Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed
Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. Hearings Held. on 05/18/2017