Rep. Ami Bera


District HD-CA-6
Party Democrat
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Bills Introduced 72

Sponsored Legislation

US Congress 116th Congress

Equal Dignity for Married Taxpayers Act of 2019 [HB-1244]
Modifies several tax provisions that refer to married couples to make the provisions equally applicable to legally married same-sex couples.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Introduced In House on 02/14/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6531 Van Nuys Boulevard in Van Nuys, California, as the "Marilyn Monroe Post Office". [HB-1252]
Designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6531 Van Nuys Boulevard in Van Nuys, California, as the "Marilyn Monroe Post Office."


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee Became Public Law No: 116-80. (txt | Pdf) on 12/12/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 13507 Van Nuys Boulevard in Pacoima, California, as the "Ritchie Valens Post Office Building". [HB-1253]
Designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 13507 Van Nuys Boulevard in Pacoima, California, as the "Ritchie Valens Post Office Building."


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee Became Public Law No: 116-81. (txt | Pdf) on 12/12/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019 [HB-748]
Responds to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak and its impact on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses. DIVISION A--KEEPING WORKERS PAID AND EMPLOYED, HEALTH CARE SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS, AND ECONOMIC STABILIZATION This division establishes the Paycheck Protection Program to provide eight weeks of cash flow assistance to small businesses through federally guaranteed loans to employers who maintain their payroll. Such assistance shall be to cover costs such as payroll, paid sick leave, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Committee On Small Business And Entrepreneurship. Hearings Held. on 07/23/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area Act [HB-357]
Establishes the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area in California. The Delta Protection Commission is designated as the local coordinating entity for the heritage area. The commission shall submit a proposed management plan for the heritage area to the Department of the Interior for approval. The management plan shall not be approved until Interior has received certification from the commission that the Delta Stewardship Council has reviewed such plan for consistency with the plan adopted by the council pursuant to state law.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jerry McNerney Referred To The Subcommittee On National Parks, Forests, And Public Lands. on 02/05/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 [HB-1296]
Makes it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD). The prohibition does not apply to a firearm that is (1) manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; (2) permanently inoperable; (3) an antique; or (4) a rifle or shotgun specifically identified by make and model. The bill also exempts from the prohibition the following, with respect to a SAW or LCAFD: importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession related to (continued...)

Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Introduced In House on 02/15/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019. [HJR-46]
This joint resolution terminates the national emergency related to the U.S.-Mexico border, declared by the President on February 15, 2019.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Pursuant To The Order Of The House Of March 18, 2019, The Chair Announced That The Unfinished Business Was The Further Consideration Of The Veto Message Of The President On H.j.res. 46. (consideration: Cr H2806-2812) on 03/26/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Digital GAP Act Digital Global Access Policy Act of 2019 [HB-1359]
Directs the Department of State to advance U.S. policy to promote public and private investments in secure Internet infrastructure and increase Internet access around the world. The U.S. Agency for International Development and the Peace Corps shall also make efforts to advance such policy. The President shall report to Congress about U.S. efforts to implement the policy, including government efforts to provide technical and regulatory assistance to developing countries and close the gender gap in Internet access.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Lieu Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 05/21/2019

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US Congress 116th Congress

Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019 [HB-4]
Establishes new criteria for determining which states and political subdivisions must obtain preclearance before changes to voting practices in these areas may take effect. (Preclearance is the process of receiving preapproval from the Department of Justice or the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia before making legal changes that would affect voting rights.) A state and all of its political subdivisions shall be subject to preclearance of voting practice changes for a 10-year period if (1) 15 or more voting rights violations occurred (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Con. Res. 107, Enrollment Corrections On H.r. 4 Have Been Made. on 07/27/2020

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US Congress 116th Congress

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States Postal Service should take all appropriate measures to ensure the continuation of door delivery for all business and residential customers. [HR-23]
This resolution expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that the U.S. Postal Service should continue door delivery for all customers.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Introduced In House on 01/04/2019

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