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Explain HB-4018: Requiring able-bodied adults receiving Medicaid benefits to be participating with the requirements of a work, education, or volunteer program × Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Butler Filed For Introduction on 01/09/2020
You have voted HB-4018: Requiring able-bodied adults receiving Medicaid benefits to be participating with the requirements of a work, education, or volunteer program.
Explain HB-4011: Reorganizing various boards and authorities for the licensing and oversight of trades, occupations, and professions × Sponsored by: Rep. Daryl Cowles To Judiciary on 02/11/2020
You have voted HB-4011: Reorganizing various boards and authorities for the licensing and oversight of trades, occupations, and professions.
Explain HB-4019: Downstream Natural Gas Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit Act of 2020 × Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Butler Chapter 332, Acts, Regular Session, 2020 on 04/15/2020
You have voted HB-4019: Downstream Natural Gas Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit Act of 2020.
Explain HB-4016: Requiring motor vehicles safety inspections every three years instead of each year × Sponsored by: Rep. Adrian Criss Filed For Introduction on 01/09/2020
You have voted HB-4016: Requiring motor vehicles safety inspections every three years instead of each year.
Explain HB-4015: Relating to Broadband Enhancement and Expansion × Sponsored by: Rep. Martin Atkinson Chapter 36, Acts, Regular Session, 2020 on 04/15/2020
You have voted HB-4015: Relating to Broadband Enhancement and Expansion.
Explain HB-2164: Clarifying that appeals to the Supreme Court are a matter of right × Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Fleischauer Introduced In Senate on 02/05/2020
You have voted HB-2164: Clarifying that appeals to the Supreme Court are a matter of right.
Explain HB-4084: Relating to teacher salary enhancement × Sponsored by: Rep. Roy Cooper Filed For Introduction on 01/10/2020
You have voted HB-4084: Relating to teacher salary enhancement.
Explain HB-4082: Classifying single family real estate property as Class II property × Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Porterfield Filed For Introduction on 01/10/2020
You have voted HB-4082: Classifying single family real estate property as Class II property.
Explain HB-4090: Creating the Oil and Gas Abandoned Well Plugging Fund × Sponsored by: Rep. William Hartman Chapter 133, Acts, Regular Session, 2020 on 04/15/2020
You have voted HB-4090: Creating the Oil and Gas Abandoned Well Plugging Fund.
Explain HB-4086: Removing certain requirements related to wages for construction of public improvements × Sponsored by: Rep. Geoff Foster Filed For Introduction on 01/10/2020
You have voted HB-4086: Removing certain requirements related to wages for construction of public improvements.