Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of additional general obligation bonds that may be issued by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.

HJR 167 Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of additional general obligation bonds that may be issued by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas

Texas 88th Legislature Regular Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of additional general obligation bonds that may be issued by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.

About HJR-167

Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of additional general obligation bonds that may be issued by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/09/2023

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