Calling for the establishment of a Haiti Marshall Plan Committee to coordinate aid and development initiatives from multilateral development banks, international financial institutions, United States bilateral aid programs, and major international charities and nongovernmental organizations in response to the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, and encouraging them to work in a coordinated manner and to do even more to support Haiti as it recovers and rebuilds following the greatest natural disaster to hit this nation in over 200 years.

HR 1160 Calling for the establishment of a Haiti Marshall Plan Committee to coordinate aid and development initiatives from multilateral development banks, international financial institutions, United States bilateral aid programs, and major international charities and nongovernmental organizations in response to the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, and encouraging them to work in a coordinated manner and to do even more to support Haiti as it recovers and rebuilds following the greatest natural disaster to hit this nation in over 200 years

US Congress 111th Congress

Calling for the establishment of a Haiti Marshall Plan Committee to coordinate aid and development initiatives from multilateral development banks, international financial institutions, United States bilateral aid programs, and major international charities and nongovernmental organizations in response to the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, and encouraging them to work in a coordinated manner and to do even more to support Haiti as it recovers and rebuilds following the greatest natural disaster to hit this nation in over 200 years.

About HR-1160

Extends condolences to the millions in Haiti, the United States, and around the world who lost family and loved ones in the January 2010 earthquake. Calls for the establishment of a Haiti Marshall Plan Committee to develop a reconstruction strategy for Haiti. Encourages the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide additional resources to Haiti without adding to the nation's existing debt.


Bill Texts

Introduced 11/27/2010

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Referred To The Committee On Financial Services, And In Addition To The Committee On Foreign Affairs, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned.


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