Require school districts and licensed child welfare agencies to implement a policy and provide training regarding sexual abuse and other maltreatment of children.

HB 1247 Require school districts and licensed child welfare agencies to implement a policy and provide training regarding sexual abuse and other maltreatment of children

South Dakota 2016 Regular Session

Require school districts and licensed child welfare agencies to implement a policy and provide training regarding sexual abuse and other maltreatment of children.

About HB-1247

Require school districts and licensed child welfare agencies to implement a policy and provide training regarding sexual abuse and other maltreatment of children.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/04/2016

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Votes for: 0 Votes against: 0

Sponsors (13)


House State Affairs Tabled


Yeas: 12 | Nays: 0
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Bill Sponsors


Scheduled For Hearing


State Affairs Tabled, Passed, Yeas 12, Nays 0. H.j. 475


Referred To House State Affairs H.j. 322


First Reading House H.j. 290
