Video Lottery Terminal Proceeds - Racetrack Facility Renewal Account - Racecourse at Timonium

HB 643 Video Lottery Terminal Proceeds Racetrack Facility Renewal Account Racecourse at Timonium

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Video Lottery Terminal Proceeds - Racetrack Facility Renewal Account - Racecourse at Timonium

About HB-643

Requiring that, for each of fiscal years 2020 through 2024, a certain amount of video lottery terminal proceeds distributed to the Racetrack Facility Renewal Account for certain racing licensees be allocated in a certain manner to the racecourse at Timonium for racetrack facility capital construction and improvements; repealing a provision of law that authorizes the holder of a racing license to race at the racecourse at Timonium to use a certain amount of money to support a certain number of racing days; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/07/2019

Engrossed 03/16/2019

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