Retail Sales and Use Tax; agricultural exemptions, structural construction materials, definition.

HB 1601 Retail Sales and Use Tax; agricultural exemptions, structural construction materials, definition

Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Retail Sales and Use Tax; agricultural exemptions, structural construction materials, definition.

About HB-1601

Retail sales and use tax; agricultural exemptions; structural construction materials; definition. Clarifies that for the purpose of agricultural exemptions from the retail sales and use tax the definition of "structural construction materials" does not include structural construction materials and environmental control systems that will be affixed to or integrated into a commercial greenhouse structure that is 50,000 square feet or more in size, provided that such materials and equipment have been ordered to meet the specifications of the commercial greenhouse operator and are necessary for use in the greenhouse structure and growing system.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/06/2023

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Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/23 23101843d


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