Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness

SB 144 Victims and Witnesses U Nonimmigrant Status Certification of Victim Helpfulness

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness

About SB-144

Authorizing, for purposes of filing a petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, a victim of qualifying criminal activity or the victim's parent, guardian, or next friend to request a certifying official to certify victim helpfulness on a Form I-918, Supplement B certification under certain circumstances; providing the certifying entity must certify or decline certification of the form within 90 days of receiving a certain request; providing that a certifying entity or official is immune from certain criminal or civil liability; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/22/2019

Engrossed 03/18/2019

Chaptered 05/20/2019

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