Candidates for Village Board or Columbia Council in a Village of Columbia – Reports of Donations and Disbursements Ho. Co. 10–24

SB 1127 Candidates for Village Board or Columbia Council in a Village of Columbia – Reports of Donations and Disbursements Ho Co 10–24

Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Candidates for Village Board or Columbia Council in a Village of Columbia – Reports of Donations and Disbursements Ho. Co. 10–24

About SB-1127

Requiring each village community association for a village of Columbia to require each candidate for election to the village board or the Columbia Council who receives donations or makes disbursements to file reports of the donations and disbursements with the village community association; requiring each village community association to make the reports of donations and disbursements available to the public; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/14/2024

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