Local and Regional Jails, State Board of; powers and duties.

HB 103 Local and Regional Jails, State Board of; powers and duties

Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Local and Regional Jails, State Board of; powers and duties.

About HB-103

State Board of Local and Regional Jails; powers and duties. Requires the State Board of Local and Regional Jails, when promulgating regulations and adopting any policy or guidance document related to the enforcement of any minimum standards applicable to local, regional, or community correctional facilities, to expressly and specifically include such items in its published agenda for meetings of the Board or any of its subcommittees. The bill also requires the Board, when developing and implementing policies and procedures for the review of the death of any inmate or when establishing minimum standards for health care services, to adhere to procedures of the Administrative Process Act. State Board of Local and Regional Jails; powers and duties. Requires the State Board of Local and Regional Jails, when promulgating regulations and adopting any policy or guidance document related to the enforcement of any minimum standards applicable to local, regional, or community correctional facilities, to expressly and specifically include such items in its published agenda for meetings of the Board or any of its subcommittees. The bill also requires the Board, when developing and implementing policies and procedures for the review of the death of any inmate or when establishing minimum standards for health care services, to adhere to procedures of the Administrative Process Act.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 03/26/2024

Enrolled 02/27/2024

Comm Sub 01/19/2024

Prefiled 12/31/2023

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