Honoring Hometown Heroes Act

HB 1892 Honoring Hometown Heroes Act

US Congress 115th Congress

Honoring Hometown Heroes Act

About HB-1892
HB-1892 sections

Honoring Hometown Heroes Act DIVISION A--HONORING HOMETOWN HEROES ACT Honoring Hometown Heroes Act

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Section 10102

This division authorizes the governor of a state, territory, or possession of the United States or the Mayor of the District of Columbia to proclaim that the U.S. flag shall be flown at half-staff in the event of the death of a first responder (public safety officer) working in such jurisdiction who dies while serving in the line of duty. DIVISION B--SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS, TAX RELIEF, AND MEDICAID CHANGES RELATING TO CERTAIN DISASTERS AND FURTHER EXTENSION OF CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS Subdivision 1--Further Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2018 Further Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2018 This subdivision provides emergency supplemental FY2018 appropriations to several federal departments and agencies for expenses related to the consequences of recent hurricanes, wildfires, and other natural disasters. The funding provided by this subdivision is designated as emergency spending, which is exempt from discretionary spending limits and other budget enforcement rules. TITLE I This title provides FY2018 appropriations to the Department of Agriculture (USDA) for: the Office of the Secretary; the Office of Inspector General; the Agricultural Research Service; the Farm Service Agency; the Natural Resources Conservation Service; Rural Development Programs, including the Rural Housing Service, and the Rural Utilities Service; and the Food and Nutrition Service, including the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and the Commodity Assistance Program. This title also provides FY2018 appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services for the Food and Drug Administration.

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Section 20101

This section amends the Agricultural Act of 2014 to modify USDA's permanent disaster assistance programs to: require USDA to make partial payments under the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) for livestock that is sold for a reduced sale price in excess of the normal mortality (LIP currently provides payments to eligible producers on farms that have incurred livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality due to adverse weather, or attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government or protected by federal law.); remove the $20 million annual limit on mandatory funding for emergency assistance under the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP); increase from 500 acres to 1,000 acres the total quantity of acres planted to trees or tree seedlings for which a person or entity may be entitled to receive payments under the Tree Assistance Program (TAP); remove the $125,000 annual payment limitation that applies to a person or legal entity receiving assistance under TAP; and remove the $125,000 annual limit on the total amount of disaster assistance payments that may be received by a person or legal entity under LIP, the Livestock Forage Disaster Program, and ELAP. The amendments made by this section apply to losses incurred on or after January 1, 2017. TITLE II This title provides FY2018 appropriations for the Department of Commerce, the Department of Justice, science agencies, and related agencies. Within Commerce, the bill provides appropriations to the Economic Development Administration for Economic Development Assistance Programs. Also within Commerce, this title provides appropriations to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for: Operations, Research, and Facilities; Procurement, Acquisition and Construction; and Fisheries Disaster Assistance. Within the Department of Justice, the title provides appropriations for: the U.S. Marshals Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Federal Prison System. For science agencies, the title provides appropriations for:

  • (1) the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and
  • (2) the National Science Foundation

The title also provides appropriations for the Legal Services Corporation.

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Section 20201

For certain projects in Louisiana, Commerce must waive provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act relating to the moratorium on the taking and importation of marine mammals and marine mammals. Commerce must waive the provisions within 120 days of enactment of this bill, and no rulemaking, permit, determination, or other condition or limitation may be required when issuing the waiver. The waiver must remain in effect for the duration of the construction, operations, and maintenance of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion, Mid-Breton Sound Sediment Diversion, and Calcasieu Ship Channel Salinity Control Measures projects. Upon the issuance of the waiver, Louisiana must:

  • (1) to the extent practicable and consistent with the purposes of the projects, minimize impacts on marine mammal species and population stocks; and
  • (2) monitor and evaluate the impacts of the projects on such species and population stocks

TITLE III This title provides FY2018 appropriations to the Department of Defense (DOD) for: Operation and Maintenance, Procurement, the Defense Working Capital Funds, and the Defense Health Program. TITLE IV This title provides FY2018 appropriation to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for: Investigations, Construction, Mississippi River and Tributaries, Operation and Maintenance, Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies, and Expenses. The title also provides appropriations to the Department of Energy (DOE) for:

  • (1) Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, and
  • (2) the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)

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Section 20401

The Corps of Engineers must submit to Congress monthly estimates of damages to each Corps of Engineers project.

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Section 20402

The section transfers unobligated balances from the Corps of Engineers Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies and Operation and Maintenance accounts to the Construction account to be used for rehabilitation, repair, and construction of certain Corps of Engineer projects. TITLE V This title provides FY2018 appropriations to independent agencies, including the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA). For the GSA, the bill provides appropriations to the Federal Buildings Fund. The title provides appropriations to the SBA for:

  • (1) the Office of Inspector General, and
  • (2) the Disaster Loans Program Account

TITLE VI This title provides FY2018 appropriations to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for: the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Transportation Security Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, and Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers. Within DHS, this title also provides appropriations to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for: Operations and Support; Procurement, Construction, and Improvements; and the Disaster Relief Fund.

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Section 20601

FEMA may provide assistance for critical services in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands for the duration of the recovery from Hurricanes Maria and Irma and to replace or restore:

  • (1) the function of a facility or system to industry standards without regard to the pre-disaster condition, and
  • (2) components of the facility or system not damaged by the disaster where necessary to fully effectuate the replacement or restoration of disaster-damaged components to restore the function of the facility or system to industry standards

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Section 20602

This section provides hazard mitigation assistance to recipients of Fire Management Assistance Grants for FY2017 and FY2018.

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Section 20603

This section extends the period of time that local government revenue loss and projected cash outlays as a result of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria may be considered for the purpose of Community Disaster Loans.

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Section 20604

This section amends the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) to specify that the private nonprofit facilities that may qualify for certain federal disaster assistance programs include facilities that provide essential social services to the public, community centers, houses of worship, and religious nonprofit organizations. It also specifies that religious facilities are eligible for assistance for the repair, restoration, and replacement of damaged facilities, without regard to the religious character of the facility or the primary religious use of the facility.

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Section 20605

This section specifies that the federal cost share is 90% for debris removal costs related to major disasters declared as a result of a wildfire in 2017.

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Section 20606

The President may increase the federal cost share for certain disaster assistance from 75% to 85% if recipients have invested in specified measures that increase readiness for, and resilience from, a major disaster.

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Section 20607

This section amends the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 to provide premium pay authority, overtime authority, and exemptions from certain limitations on pay for federal employees who worked overtime in response to disasters in calendar year 2017. TITLE VII This title provides FY2018 appropriations to the Department of the Interior for: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, Insular Affairs, and the Office of Inspector General. The title also provides appropriations to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for: Hazardous Substance Superfund, the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Fund Program, and State and Tribal Assistance Grants. The title waives matching and cost share requirements for certain EPA funds that were previously appropriated for capitalization grants for the State Revolving Funds under Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly known as the Clean Water Act) or the Safe Drinking Water Act to a state or territory included in a disaster declaration related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The title also specifies requirements regarding the use of the funds. Additionally, this title provides appropriations to the USDA for the Forest Service, including for: State and Private Forestry, the National Forest System, and Capital Improvement and Maintenance.

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Section 20701

Agencies receiving funds provided by this title must submit monthly reports to Congress detailing the allocation and obligation of the funds by account. TITLE VIII This title provides FY2018 appropriations to the Department of Labor, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Education (ED), and related agencies. The title provides appropriations to Labor for the Employment and Training Administration, including for:

  • (1) Training and Employment Services, and
  • (2) Job Corps

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Section 20801

This section allows the U.S. Virgin Islands to delay an Unemployment Insurance debt payment for one year without interest accruing.

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Section 20802

Local workforce areas affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria may, with the approval of the governor, transfer 100% of the 2016 and 2017 funds provided under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for Youth Workforce Investment activities among the Adult, Youth, and Dislocated Worker training categories. Within HHS, this title provides appropriations to: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health, the Administration for Children and Families, and the Office of the Secretary for the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund.

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Section 20803

This section provides HHS with temporary direct hiring authority for positions to perform critical work directly related to the consequences of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, including:

  • (1) intermittent disaster response personnel in the National Disaster Medical System, and
  • (2) term or temporary related positions in the CDC and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response

The title also provides appropriations to ED for Hurricane Education Recovery to assist in meeting the educational needs of individuals affected natural disasters or emergencies.

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Section 20804

This section forgives loans made by ED to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in response to Hurricane Katrina under the HBCU Hurricane Supplemental Loan program.

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Section 20805

This section provides authority and requirements for the transfer of certain funds provided to HHS by this title.

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Section 20806

HHS must submit to Congress specified spending plans and updates regarding the uses of funds provided by this title.

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Section 20807

Unless otherwise provided for by this title, the additional funds provided by this title for appropriations accounts are subject to the same authorities and conditions that apply to the accounts for FY2018. TITLE IX This title provides FY2018 appropriations to the Government Accountability Office for audits and investigations relating to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria and the 2017 wildfires. TITLE X This title provides FY2018 appropriations to DOD for Military Construction for:

  • (1) the Navy and Marine Corps, and
  • (2) the Army National Guard

It also provides appropriations to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the Veterans Health Administration, including for: Medical Services, Medical Support and Compliance, and Medical Facilities. This title also provides appropriations to the VA for Departmental Administration, including Construction--Minor Projects.

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Section 21001

DOD must contribute to Puerto Rico 100% of the total cost of construction (including the cost of architectural, engineering and design services) for the acquisition, construction, expansion, rehabilitation, or conversion of the Arroyo readiness center. TITLE XI This title provides FY2018 appropriations to the Department of Transportation (DOT) for: the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the Maritime Administration.

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Section 21101

The FTA may distribute formula funding for certain programs using the 2000 Census for areas that lost their "urbanized" area designation because the population fell below 50,000 after the 2000 census as a result of a major disaster. This title also provides appropriations to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Community Planning and Development, including the Community Development Fund.

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Section 21102

Funds provided for the Community Development Fund that remain available after the other funds for the account have been allocated for authorized activities may be used for additional mitigation activities in the most impacted and distressed areas resulting from a major declared disaster that occurred in 2014, 2015, 2016, or 2017.

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Section 21103

HUD may adjust Section 8 voucher funding and administrative fee eligibility determinations for public housing agencies located in the most impacted and distressed areas in which a major presidentially declared disaster occurred during 2017. TITLE XII

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Section 21201

The funds provided by this subdivision are in addition to the amounts otherwise provided for the fiscal year involved.

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Section 21202

No appropriation provided by this subdivision may remain available beyond the current fiscal year, unless the subdivision expressly provides otherwise.

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Section 21203

Unless otherwise specified in this subdivision, the additional funds provided by this subdivision for appropriations accounts are provided under the authorities and conditions applicable to the accounts for FY2018.

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Section 21204

Funds provided by this subdivision that are designated by Congress as an emergency requirement are only available if the President subsequently designates all of the amounts and transmits the designations to Congress.

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Section 21205

For purposes of this subdivision, the consequences or impacts of any hurricane include damages caused by the storm at any time during the entirety of its duration as a cyclone, as defined by the National Hurricane Center.

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Section 21206

Funds that are provided by this subdivision and designated as an emergency requirement shall retain the designation if the funds are transferred under authorities provided by this subdivision.

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Section 21207

The terms and conditions that apply to funds provided by this subdivision also apply to funds provided by division B (Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements, 2017) of P.L 115-56 and division A (Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act of 2017) of P.L. 115-72.

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Section 21208

This section amends the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2017 to:

  • (1) modify requirements for reporting the use of funds, deeming programs and activities to be susceptible to significant improper payments, and the time frame for spending grants; and
  • (2) apply the requirements to the funds provided by this division

The Office of Management and Budget must issue standard guidance for federal agencies to use in designing internal control plans for disaster relief funding.

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Section 21209

If this subdivision provides more than $3 billion to an agency (including FEMA, HUD, and the Corps of Engineers), the agency must report to Congress regarding its efforts to provide adequate resources and technical assistance for small, low-income communities affected by natural disasters.

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Section 21210

The governor of Puerto Rico, in coordination and with support and contributions from specified federal agencies, must submit to Congress specified reports and status updates regarding Puerto Rico's 12- and 24-month economic and disaster recovery plan. The Oversight Board established by the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) may review amounts greater than $10 million that are provided by this subdivision to a covered territory for response to or recovery from Hurricane Irma or Hurricane Maria. When developing a Fiscal Plan while the recovery plan required under this section is in development and in effect, the Oversight Board must use and incorporate, to the greatest extent feasible, damage assessments prepared pursuant to federal law. Subdivision 2--Tax Relief and Medicaid Changes Relating To Certain Disasters TITLE I--CALIFORNIA FIRES This title amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow various tax credits, deductions, and modifications to existing rules for individuals and businesses affected by wildfires in California.

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Section 20101

A "California wildfire disaster zone" is the portion of the California wildfire disaster area determined by the President to warrant federal assistance under the Stafford Act by reason of wildfires in California. A "California wildfire disaster area" is an area with respect to which between January 1, 2017, through January 18, 2018, a major disaster has been declared by the President under the Stafford Act by reason of wildfires in California.

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Section 20102

This section waives the 10% additional tax on early distributions from retirement plans for up to $100,000 in qualified wildfire distributions. A "qualified wildfire distribution" must be made on or after October 8, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, to an individual:

  • (1) whose principal place of abode during any portion of the period from October 8, 2017, to December 31, 2017, is located in the California wildfire disaster area, and
  • (2) who has sustained an economic loss by reason of the wildfires to which the declaration of the area relates

A taxpayer who has received such a distribution may:

  • (1) repay the distribution by making additional contributions to a retirement account within three years, and
  • (2) include the distribution in gross income by dividing the amount over a three-year period

This section also:

  • (1) permits individuals to recontribute funds to retirement plans if the funds were distributed for a home purchase in a California wildfire disaster area that was cancelled on account of the wildfires, and
  • (2) increases the limit and extends the repayment deadline for loans from retirement plans

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Section 20103

This section allow an employee retention tax credit for employers affected by the California wildfires. The credit is equal to 40% of the qualified wages (up to $6,000 per employee) paid to an employee whose principal place of employment on October 8, 2017, with the employer was in the California wildfire disaster zone. "Qualified wages" include wages that:

  • (1) are paid or incurred on or after October 8, 2017, and before January 1, 2018; and
  • (2) occurred during the period that begins when the trade or business became inoperable at the principal place of employment of the employee immediately before the wildfires and ends when the trade or business has resumed significant operations

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Section 20104

The section modifies the deduction for charitable contributions to temporarily suspend the limitations on charitable contributions made during the period beginning on October 8, 2017, and ending on December 31, 2018, for relief efforts in the California wildfire disaster area. The section also modifies the deduction for personal casualty losses in the California wildfire disaster areas to eliminate:

  • (1) the requirement for losses to exceed 10% of adjusted gross income to qualify for the deduction, and
  • (2) the requirement to itemize

For the purposes of determining earned income for the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, certain taxpayers affected by the California wildfires may use earned income from the immediately preceding year. TITLE II--TAX RELIEF FOR HURRICANES HARVEY, IRMA, AND MARIA

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Section 20201

This title amends the Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2017 to modify the Hurricanes Harvey and Irma Disaster Areas to include areas with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by the President before October 17, 2017 (before September 21, 2017, under current law) under the Stafford Act by reasons of Hurricanes Harvey or Irma. TITLE III--HURRICANE MARIA RELIEF FOR PUERTO RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS MEDICAID PROGRAMS

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Section 20301

This title increases Medicaid funding for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands through FY2019. Such funding shall be further increased through 2019 for each territory if the territory takes specified actions to improve its Medicaid program. The division also increases the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for the additional funds to 100%. TITLE IV--BUDGETARY EFFECTS

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Section 20401

This section designates this subdivision as an emergency requirement pursuant to the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Act of 2010. (This prohibits the budgetary effects of this subdivision from being counted for the purpose of PAYGO rules that prohibit certain revenue and direct spending legislation from increasing the deficit.)

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Section 20402

In the Senate, this subdivision is designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to the FY2018 congressional budget resolution. (Emergency spending is exempt from discretionary spending limits and other budget enforcement rules.) Subdivision 3--Further Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018 Further Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018

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Section 20101

This subdivision amends the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018 to provide continuing FY2018 appropriations to federal agencies through March 23, 2018 (February 8, 2018, under current law). It ends the government shutdown that began when the existing continuing resolution (CR) expired because the FY2018 appropriations bills have not been enacted. The subdivision also: continues funding authority to maintain the schedule and deliver the required data according to statutory deadlines in the 2020 Decennial Census Program, makes additional funding available for the Southeastern Power Administration, permits the Department of Energy to draw down and sell up to $350 million of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) during FY2018 and requires the proceeds to be used for the SPR modernization program, makes additional funding available to the judiciary for juror fees, provides additional funding for the staffing of newly opened or expanded Indian Health Service facilities, continues Department of Education authority to make account maintenance fee payments to guaranty agencies under the Federal Family Education Loan program, modifies existing authority to allow the Department of Education to waive cohort default rate requirements for public institutions of higher education operating in economically distressed counties, provides authority for new construction starts for projects associated with the DOD F-35A Joint Strike Fighter program, makes technical corrections related to the authority of the Department of Transportation to consolidate its credit programs, and extends HUD's HOPE VI program for the duration of the CR. (The program provides funds to renovate or demolish existing public housing and replace it with mixed-income housing.) DIVISION C--BUDGETARY AND OTHER MATTERS TITLE I--BUDGET ENFORCEMENT

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Section 30101

This title amends the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to increase the defense and nondefense discretionary spending limits for FY2018 and FY2019. The title revises procedures for implementing the sequester of direct spending, which is required under current law and involves cuts that interact with discretionary spending levels. The title requires the sequester to take place in FY2018 and FY2019 as if the amendments that this title makes to the discretionary spending limits have not been made. It also extends the sequester for mandatory spending through FY2027 (currently through FY2025) and adjusts the cuts required for Medicare. (Direct spending, also known as mandatory spending, is spending provided by laws other than appropriations bills. Sequestration is a process of automatic, usually across-the-board spending reductions under which budgetary resources are permanently cancelled to enforce specific budget policy goals.)

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Section 30102

This section resets the balances on the scorecards established by the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO) to zero.

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Section 30103

After April 15, 2018, but not later than May 15, 2018, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee must file committee allocations, aggregate spending and revenue levels, and levels of Social Security revenues and outlays consistent with this bill. The chairman may also include the deficit neutral reserve funds contained in the FY2018 budget resolution updated by one fiscal year. After April 15, 2018, the allocations, aggregates, and levels submitted by the chairman are enforceable in the Senate as if they were included in a FY2019 congressional budget resolution. This section expires if Congress agrees to a budget resolution for FY2019.

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Section 30104

After April 15, 2018, but not later than May 15, 2018, the chairman of the House Budget Committee must submit for publication in the Congressional Record committee allocations, aggregate spending levels, and aggregate revenue levels consistent with this bill. If a FY2019 congressional budget resolution has not been adopted by April 15, 2018, the allocations, aggregates, and levels submitted by the chairman are enforceable in the House of Representatives as if they were included in a FY2019 congressional budget resolution. The chairman may adjust the levels to reflect the budgetary effects of any legislation enacted during the 115th Congress that reduces the deficit or as otherwise necessary. This section expires if Congress agrees to a budget resolution for FY2019.

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Section 30105

This section specifies that section 30103 and section 30104 are enacted under the rulemaking powers of the Senate and the House of Representatives and will be considered part of the rules of each chamber. It also recognizes that each chamber has the authority to change the rules. TITLE II--OFFSETS

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Section 30201

This section amends the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 to extend the authority of Treasury to collect certain customs user fees. It also amends the United States--Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act to extend the increased rate for merchandise processing fees.

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Section 30202

This section extends the requirement for DOT to deposit into the Treasury a portion of the aviation security service fees charged to passengers of air carriers.

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Section 30203

This section amends the Immigration and Nationality Act and the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act to extend certain immigration fees for:

  • (1) using the Electronic System for Travel Authorization to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, and
  • (2) L-1 (intracompany transferees) and H-1B visas (temporary workers in professions specialty occupations)

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Section 30204

DOE must draw down and sell specified oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) during FY2022-FY2025, FY2026, and FY2027 and deposit the proceeds in the Treasury during the fiscal year in which the sale occurs. DOE may not draw down and sell crude oil under this section in quantities that would limit the authority to sell petroleum products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act in order to prevent or reduce adverse impacts of severe domestic energy supply interruptions. This section amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to:

  • (1) modify the conditions for a drawdown for the SPR to require DOE to find that the action will not impair the ability of the U.S. to carry out U.S. obligations under the international energy program, and
  • (2) prohibit a draw down when there are fewer than 450 million (currently 350 million) barrels of petroleum product stored in the SPR

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Section 30205

This section amends the Federal Reserve Act to reduce the limit on the aggregate amount of the surplus funds of the Federal Reserve banks from $10 million to $7.5 million. Under current law, surplus funds that exceed or would exceed the limit must be deposited into the Treasury.

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Section 30206

The Department of Labor must award grants for states to conduct a program of reemployment services and eligibility assessments for certain individuals who receive unemployment compensation. This section also amends the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 and the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to require discretionary spending limits, committee allocations, and budget aggregates to be adjusted, subject to specified limits, for legislation that appropriates more than $117 million for a fiscal year for the grants. TITLE III--TEMPORARY EXTENSION OF PUBLIC DEBT LIMIT

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Section 30301

The public debt limit is suspended through March 1, 2019. On March 2, 2019, the limit is increased to accommodate obligations issued during the suspension period. Adjustments to the debt limit for obligations during the suspension period are limited to obligations necessary to fund a commitment incurred by the federal government that required payment before March 2, 2019. The Department of the Treasury may not issue obligations during the suspension period to increase cash balances above normal operating balances. TITLE IV--JOINT SELECT COMMITTEES Subtitle A--Joint Select Committee on Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans

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Section 30422

This subtitle establishes a joint select committee of Congress to provide recommendations and legislative language that will significantly improve the solvency of multiemployer pension plans and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. The joint committee terminates on December 31, 2018, or 30 days after submission of its report and legislative recommendations, whichever occurs first.

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Section 30423

The Senate may allocate up to $500,000 from the special reserve within the Expenses of Inquiries and Investigations account for use by the joint committee. None of the funds provided by this section may be obligated by the joint committee after January 2, 2019.

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Section 30424

The Senate must consider legislation proposed by the joint committee using specified expedited legislative procedures. Subtitle B--Joint Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations Process Reform

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Section 30442

This subtitle establishes a joint select committee of Congress to provide recommendations and legislative language that will significantly reform the budget and appropriations process. The joint committee terminates on December 31, 2018, or 30 days after submission of its report and legislative recommendations, whichever occurs first.

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Section 30443

The Senate may allocate up to $500,000 from the special reserve within the Expenses of Inquiries and Investigations account for use by the joint committee. None of the funds provided by this section may be obligated by the joint committee after January 2, 2019.

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Section 30444

The Senate must consider legislation proposed by the joint committee using specified expedited legislative procedures. DIVISION D--REVENUE MEASURES This division amends the Internal Revenue Code to extend various expiring tax provisions and modify several tax credits, deductions, and requirements. TITLE I--EXTENSION OF EXPIRING PROVISIONS Subtitle A--Tax Relief For Families And Individuals

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Section 40201

This section extends through 2017 the exclusion from gross income for the discharge of qualified principal residence indebtedness.

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Section 40202

This section extends through 2017 the treatment of mortgage insurance premiums as qualified residence interest.

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Section 40203

This section extends through 2017 the above-the-line deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses. Subtitle B--Incentives For Growth, Jobs, Investment, And Innovation

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Section 40301

This section extends through 2017 the Indian employment credit.

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Section 40302

This section extends through 2017 the railroad track maintenance credit.

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Section 40303

This section extends through 2017 the mine rescue team training credit.

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Section 40304

This section extends through 2017 the classification of certain race horses as three-year property for the purposes of depreciation.

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Section 40305

This section extends through 2017 the seven-year recovery period for motorsports entertainment complexes for the purposes of depreciation.

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Section 40306

This section extends through 2017 the accelerated depreciation for business property on an Indian reservation.

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Section 40307

This section extends through 2017 the election to expense advanced mine safety equipment.

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Section 40308

This section extends through 2017 the special expensing rules for certain film, television, and live theatrical productions.

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Section 40309

This section extends through 2017 the deduction for income attributable to domestic production activities in Puerto Rico.

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Section 40310

This section extends through 2017 the special tax rate for certain timber gains.

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Section 40311

This section extends through 2017 the empowerment zone tax incentives.

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Section 40312

This section amends the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 to extend through 2017 the American Samoa economic development credit. Subtitle C--Incentives For Energy Production And Conservation

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Section 40401

This section extends through 2017 the credit for nonbusiness energy property.

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Section 40402

This section extends through 2021 the residential energy efficient property credit for fuel cell, small wind, and geothermal heat pump property expenditures. It also reduces the credit rate for the property from 30% to 26% for property placed in service in 2020 and to 22% for property placed in service in 2021.

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Section 40403

This section extends through 2017 the alternative motor vehicle credit for new qualified fuel cell motor vehicles.

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Section 40404

This section extends through 2017 the credit for alternative fuel vehicle refueling property.

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Section 40405

This section extends through 2017 the credit for two-wheeled plug-in electric vehicles.

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Section 40406

This section extends through 2017 the second generation biofuel producer credit.

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Section 40407

This section extends through 2017:

  • (1) the income tax credit for biodiesel and renewable diesel used as fuel,
  • (2) the excise tax credit for biodiesel mixtures, and
  • (3) the payments that are equivalent to the excise tax credit for biodiesel mixtures

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Section 40408

This section extends through 2017 the production credit for Indian coal facilities.

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Section 40409

This section extends through 2017 the beginning-of-construction date for non-wind renewable power facilities eligible to claim the renewable electricity production credit or the credit for investments in energy property in lieu of the production credit.

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Section 40410

This section extends through 2017 the credit for energy efficient new homes.

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Section 40411

This section modifies the credit for investment in energy property to extend the energy credit for fiber optic solar, fuel cell, microturbine, and combined heat and power system, geothermal heat pump, and small wind property for property with construction that begins before January 1, 2022. With respect to fiber optic solar, fuel cell, and small wind energy property, the bill:

  • (1) reduces the 30% credit rate to 26% for property with construction that begins in 2020 and to 22% for property with construction that begins in 2021, and
  • (3) requires the property to be placed in service before 2024 to qualify for the credit

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Section 40412

This section extends through 2017 the special depreciation allowance for second generation biofuel plant property.

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Section 40413

This section extends through 2017 the deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings.

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Section 40414

This section extends through 2017 the tax deferral rules for sales or dispositions of qualified electric facilities to implement Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or state electric restructuring policy.

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Section 40415

This section extends through 2017:

  • (1) the excise tax credit for alternative fuels,
  • (2) the excise tax credit for alternative fuel mixtures, and
  • (3) the payments that are equivalent to the excise tax credit for alternative fuels

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Section 40416

This section extends through 2018 the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund financing rate. Subtitle D--Modifications Of Energy Incentives

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Section 40501

This section modifies the tax credit for the production of electricity from advanced nuclear power facilities to:

  • (1) establish requirements for the allocation of unutilized portions of the national megawatt capacity limitation, and
  • (2) allow public entities to transfer the credit to project partners


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Section 41102

This section extends the increase in the limit on the amount of excise taxes on rum covered over (paid) to the treasuries of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. (Under the provision, the limitation of $13.25 per proof gallon is extended for rum brought into the United States after December 31, 2016, and before January 1, 2022. After December 31, 2021, the limit reverts to $10.50 per proof gallon.) The amount of excise taxes collected on rum must be determined without regard to the reduced tax rates that apply for 2018 and 2019.

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Section 41103

This section amends the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 to extend the waiver of limitations on credits or refunds related to the exclusion from gross income of certain civil damages, restitution, or other monetary awards received by wrongfully incarcerated individuals.

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Section 41104

This section holds individuals harmless for making certain contributions to retirement plans after an improper levy on a retirement plan.

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Section 41105

This section modifies the user fee requirements for installment agreements to:

  • (1) limit the fee to the amount that is in effect on the date of enactment of this section, and
  • (2) require waivers and reimbursements of fees for certain low-income taxpayers

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Section 41106

This section directs the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to make available to taxpayers who have turned age 65 at the close of the taxable year a new federal income tax Form 1040SR (similar to the existing Form 1040EZ). Such taxpayers may use this new form even if their income includes:

  • (1) Social Security benefits;
  • (2) distributions from qualified retirement plans, annuities, or other such deferred payment arrangements;
  • (3) interest and dividends; or
  • (4) capital gains and losses

The form must be available without regard to the amount of any item of taxable income or the total amount of taxable income for the taxable year.

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Section 41107

This section expands the above-the-line deduction for attorney's fees relating to awards to whistle-blowers to include fees paid in connection with certain actions brought under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, a state false claims act, or the Commodity Exchange Act.

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Section 41108

This section modifies requirements for the IRS to award whistle-blowers a specified percentage of the collected proceeds from an administrative or judicial action, or settlement in the response to the action, based on the information provided by the whistle-blower. The bill specifies that the term "proceeds" includes

  • (1) penalties, interest, additions to tax, and additional amounts provided under the internal revenue laws; and
  • (2) any proceeds arising from laws for which the IRS is authorized to administer, enforce, or investigate, including: criminal fines and civil forfeitures, and violations of reporting requirements

The bill also specifies that:

  • (1) the amount of proceeds must be determined without regard to whether such proceeds are available to the IRS, and
  • (2) the disputed amount threshold applies to the amount of proceeds in dispute

(Under current law, the threshold applies to the amount of tax, penalties, interest, additions to tax, and additional amounts in dispute.)

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Section 41109

This section modifies the excise tax based on investment income of private colleges and universities to exempt educational institutions that do not have tuition-paying students.

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Section 41110

This section creates an exception to the excise tax on excess business holdings for the holdings of a private foundation in any business enterprise that meets specified requirements relating to exclusive ownership, minimum distribution of net operating income for the charitable purpose (all profits to charity distribution requirement), and independent operation (not controlled by a substantial contributor or family members) from the excise taxes on excess business holdings.

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Section 41111

Specified provisions of P.L. 115-97 (commonly known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) related to the taxation of alcoholic beverages may not be construed to preempt, supersede, or otherwise limit or restrict any state, local, or tribal law that prohibits or regulates the production or sale of distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverage.

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Section 41112

This section modifies requirements for records, statements, and returns for certain breweries.

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Section 41113

The Department of the Treasury must modify regulations governing hardship distributions from certain retirement plans to:

  • (1) delete the requirement that an employee be prohibited from making elective deferrals and employee contributions for six months after the receipt of a hardship distribution in order for the distribution to be deemed necessary to satisfy an immediate and heavy financial need, and
  • (2) make any other modifications necessary to carry out the purposes of the rule allowing elective deferrals to be distributed in the case of hardship

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Section 41114

This section allows earnings on elective deferrals under a section 401(k) plan, as well as qualified nonelective contributions and qualified matching contributions (and associated earnings), to be distributed on account of hardship. A distribution is not treated as failing to be on account of hardship solely because the employee does not take any available plan loan.

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Section 41115

This section deems population census tracts in Puerto Rico that are low-income communities to be certified and designated as a qualified opportunity zone. (Various tax incentives apply for investments in opportunity zones in low-income areas.)

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Section 41116

This section allows certain U.S. citizens or residents living abroad in support of the Armed Forces in a combat zone to be treated as having a tax home in a foreign country.

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Section 41117

This section modifies the requirements for returns relating to payments made in settlement of payment card and third party network transactions. A person with only a foreign address may not be treated as a participating payee with respect to any payment settlement entity solely because such person receives payments from such payment settlement entity in dollars.

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Section 41118

This section amends the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 to repeal a shift in the time of payment of corporate estimated taxes. It repeals the 8% increase in the amount of the required installment of corporate estimated tax otherwise due in July, August, or September of 2020. It also increases the next required installment to reflect the amount of the decrease due to this provision.

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Section 41119

This section extends and modifies the tax credit for carbon dioxide sequestration. The section modifies the credit to apply it to carbon oxide sequestration. (Carbon oxide refers to any of the three oxides of carbon: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and carbon suboxide.) This section also: allows certain new industrial or direct air capture facilities to qualify for the credit if construction begins before January 1, 2024; allows qualified projects to claim the credit for 12 years, beginning on the date the equipment was originally placed in service; increases the separate credit amounts, with respect to projects placed in service upon or after the enactment of this bill, that apply to captured carbon oxide that is:

  • (1) disposed of in secure geological storage, and
  • (2) used as a tertiary injectant in an enhanced oil or natural gas recovery project and disposed of in secure geological storage; expands the purposes for which captured carbon oxide may be used; establishes separate carbon oxide capture thresholds for electricity generating facilities, direct air capture facilities, and facilities used for other purposes; specifies that the 75 million metric ton cap on the carbon dioxide that may qualify for the credit applies to carbon oxide and only to projects placed in service before the enactment of this bill; and allows the credit to be transferred from the entity that owns and uses the capture equipment to the entity that disposes of or uses the carbon oxide


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Section 50101

This title extends funding through FY2027 the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the Child Enrollment Contingency Fund. In addition, the title reauthorizes through FY2027: the qualifying-states option (which allows states that provided coverage to now CHIP-eligible children prior to CHIP's enactment to continue to provide such coverage), and the express-lane eligibility option (which allows states to use eligibility findings from other public benefit programs to determine children's eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP.

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Section 50102

The title extends funding through FY2027 for the Pediatric Quality Measures Program and otherwise revises the program.

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Section 50103

The title extends funding through FY2027 for CHIP's outreach and enrollment program and otherwise revises the program. TITLE II--MEDICARE EXTENDERS

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Section 50201

This title extends by two years the floor of the Work Geographic Practice Cost Index (which affects how certain Medicare fees are paid in various localities).

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Section 50202

The title repeals specified caps on Medicare payment for certain therapy services. However, claims for therapy services beyond specified payment thresholds shall be subject to targeted medical review.

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Section 50203

The title extends specified Medicare payment increases related to ground-ambulance services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) must develop a data collection system to collect cost, revenue, utilization, and other information from providers of such services.

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Section 50204

The title extends and otherwise revises specified Medicare payment increases for certain low-volume hospitals.

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Section 50205

The title extends and otherwise revises the Medicare-Dependent Hospital Program (which provides increased payments to certain smaller, rural hospitals that serve a proportionally high number of Medicare patients).

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Section 50206

The title extends funding for certain Medicare quality-measurement activities and requires the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to report on such activities.

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Section 50207

The title extends funding for state health-insurance programs, area agencies on aging, aging and disability resource centers, and technical assistance related to outreach and enrollment.

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Section 50208

The title extends and otherwise revises specified Medicare payment increases for home-health services furnished in rural counties. TITLE III--CREATING HIGH-QUALITY RESULTS AND OUTCOMES NECESSARY TO IMPROVE CHRONIC (CHRONIC) CARE Subtitle A--Receiving High Quality Care in the Home

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Section 50301

This subtitle extends and expands the Independence at Home demonstration program, through which comprehensive primary-care services are delivered at home to Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions.

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Section 50302

A Medicare beneficiary who has end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and is receiving home dialysis may choose to receive monthly ESRD-related visits via telehealth, provided that the beneficiary also receives face-to-face visits periodically. Specified facility fees and geographic requirements shall not apply with respect to the provision of such services via telehealth. Subtitle B--Advancing Team-Based Care

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Section 50311

Current law allows a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan, until 2019, to restrict plan enrollment to individuals who are within one or more classes of special-needs individuals. This subtitle allows an MA plan to do so permanently, provided that the plan meets specified applicable requirements. The Federal Coordinated Health Care Office within the CMS shall serve as a dedicated point of contact for states with regard to special-needs MA plans for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. The CMS shall establish a unified process for grievances and appeals for individuals enrolled in such plans. The CMS must, with respect to special-needs MA plans for individuals with chronic conditions, convene a panel of clinical advisors to establish and update the list of chronic conditions that make an individual eligible for participation in such a plan. The CMS shall, with respect to special-needs MA plans, consider applying certain quality measures at the plan level rather than at the contract level. The GAO must report to Congress on state-level integration between the Medicaid program and special-needs MA plans for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. Subtitle C--Expanding Innovation and Technology

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Section 50321

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation shall expand testing of an MA value-based insurance model that allows MA plans to propose and design benefit structures that vary benefits, cost-sharing, and supplemental benefits with respect to enrollees who have specific chronic diseases. The test model (initially being carried out in specified states) shall be expanded to all states, and may not be terminated prior to 2022.

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Section 50322

Beginning in plan year 2020, an MA plan may provide certain supplemental benefits to chronically ill enrollees. The GAO must report to Congress on the provision of such supplemental benefits to MA enrollees.

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Section 50323

Beginning in plan year 2020, an MA plan may provide certain additional telehealth benefits.

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Section 50324

With respect to the provision of telehealth services to Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries at home by certain accountable care organizations (ACOs), the home shall be treated as an originating site. In such a case,

  • (1) specified geographic limitations shall generally not apply,
  • (2) the CMS shall not pay an originating-site facility fee, and
  • (3) the CMS shall not pay for services that are inappropriate to furnish in a home setting

The GAO must report to Congress on the implementation of these requirements.

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Section 50325

Certain siting requirements applicable under the Medicare program shall not apply to telehealth services furnished after 2018 for purposes of diagnosing, evaluating, or treating an acute stroke. The CMS shall not, with respect to such telehealth services, pay an originating-site facility fee to an originating site that does not meet those requirements. Subtitle D--Identifying the Chronically Ill Population

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Section 50331

This subtitle requires the CMS to:

  • (1) allow certain ACOs to elect prospective, rather than retrospective, assignment of Medicare FFS beneficiaries; and
  • (2) allow a Medicare FFS beneficiary to voluntarily identify an ACO professional as the beneficiary's primary-care provider for purposes of the beneficiary's assignment to an ACO

Subtitle E--Empowering Individuals and Caregivers in Care Delivery

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Section 50341

This subtitle allows certain ACOs to operate incentive-payment programs for beneficiaries who receive qualifying primary-care services.

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Section 50342

The GAO must report to Congress on the establishment, under Medicare, of a payment code for longitudinal comprehensive-care planning services. Subtitle F--Other Policies to Improve Care for the Chronically Ill

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Section 50351

The GAO must report to Congress on the extent to which Medicare prescription drug plans (PDPs) and private payors use programs that synchronize pharmacy dispensing to facilitate comprehensive counseling and promote medication adherence.

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Section 50352

The GAO must report to Congress on the use of prescription drugs to manage the weight of obese patients and the impact of such drugs on patient health and health care spending.

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Section 50353

The CMS shall report to Congress on long-term cost drivers to the Medicare program that may contribute to the deterioration of health conditions among Medicare beneficiaries with chronic conditions.

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Section 50354

The CMS must establish a process for Medicare PDP sponsors to request, beginning in plan year 2020, standardized extracts of claims data for Medicare hospital and medical services. PDP sponsors may use such data for specified purposes. TITLE IV--PART B IMPROVEMENT ACT AND OTHER PART B ENHANCEMENTS Subtitle A--Medicare Part B Improvement Act

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Section 50401

This subtitle temporarily provides for transitional Medicare payment with respect to certain home-infusion services furnished on or after January 1, 2019. Under current law, the CMS is required to establish a permanent payment system with respect to such services furnished on or after January 1, 2021.

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Section 50402

Documentation created by an orthotist or prosthetist shall be considered part of a Medicare beneficiary's medical record for purposes of determining the reasonableness and medical necessity of orthotics and prosthetics.

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Section 50403

The subtitle allows renal-dialysis facilities to be accredited by a CMS-approved accreditation body for participation in the Medicare program. The subtitle also establishes a time frame with respect to initial surveys of renal-dialysis facilities.

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Section 50404

The subtitle codifies certain CMS rules regarding signature requirements and holdover arrangements as they relate to prohibitions against physician self-referrals. Subtitle B--Additional Medicare Provisions

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Section 50411

This subtitle makes permanent the elimination of a specified Medicare payment cap with respect to speech-generating devices.

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Section 50412

The subtitle increases civil and criminal penalties relating to false claims and other abuse under Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal health care programs.

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Section 50413

The subtitle repeals the requirement for the CMS to, over time, require more stringent measures for the meaningful use of electronic health records by providers.

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Section 50414

The subtitle modifies provisions relating to Medicare's competitive-acquisition program with respect to diabetic-testing strips. TITLE V--OTHER HEALTH EXTENDERS

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Section 50501

This title extends funding for family-to-family health information centers.

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Section 50502

The title extends funding for, and otherwise revises provisions related to, sexual-risk avoidance education.

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Section 50503

The title extends funding for, and otherwise revises provisions related to, personal-responsibility education. TITLE VI--CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES AND SUPPORTS EXTENDERS Subtitle A--Continuing the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program

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Section 50601

This subtitle reauthorizes through FY2022, and otherwise revises, the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program.

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Section 50602

Under current law, grantees were required, after three years of program implementation, to demonstrate improvement in specified benchmark areas. The subtitle requires grantees to continue to track and demonstrate, on a triennial basis, improvement in applicable benchmark areas. A grantee that fails to do so must develop and implement a corrective action plan, subject to approval by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS shall terminate a program grant made to a grantee that implements such a plan but continues to fail to demonstrate improvement.

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Section 50603

As a condition for receiving grant funds under the program, a state must review and update its statewide needs assessment by October 1, 2020.

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Section 50605

A grantee may use a portion of program grant funds to support "pay-for-outcomes initiative" (a performance-based grant, contract, or cooperative agreement, awarded by a public entity, in which a commitment is made to pay for improved outcomes that result in social benefit and public-sector cost savings).

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Section 50606

HHS must designate data-exchange standards applicable to the program.

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Section 50607

To the extent that grant funds are allocated on the basis of relative population or poverty considerations, HHS shall use the most accurate federal data available. Subtitle B--Extension of Health Professions Workforce Demonstration Projects

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Section 50611

This subtitle extends demonstration projects addressing health-professions workforce needs. TITLE VII--FAMILY FIRST PREVENTION SERVICES ACT Subtitle A--Investing in Prevention and Supporting Families Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 Part I--Prevention Activities under Title IV-E

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Section 50711

This subtitle revises provisions related to payments to states for certain foster-care prevention services and programs. HHS may reimburse a state for providing such services or programs to enable a child to remain safely at home or in a kinship placement instead of entering foster care.

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Section 50712

Under specified circumstances, a child shall be eligible for foster-care maintenance payments for a period of up to one year during which the child is placed with a parent who is in a licensed, residential, family-based treatment facility for substance abuse.

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Section 50713

States shall be entitled to specified federal reimbursement for the costs of operating kinship-navigator programs. Part II--Enhanced Support under Title IV-B

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Section 50721

Current law restricts the provision of certain family-reunification services to a 15-month period that begins when a child enters foster care. The subtitle eliminates this restriction and otherwise revises provisions related to such services.

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Section 50722

The subtitle revises provisions related to the interstate placement of children.

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Section 50723

The subtitle reauthorizes through FY2021, and otherwise revises, targeted grants for improving permanency outcomes for children affected by substance abuse. Part III--Miscellaneous

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Section 50731

HHS must identify model standards for the licensing of relative foster-family homes. By a specified date, each state shall report to HHS specified information related to whether the state's licensing standards are consistent with the model standards.

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Section 50732

The subtitle revises documentation requirements for states with respect to child-maltreatment deaths. Part IV--Ensuring the Necessity of a Placement that Is Not in a Foster Family Home

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Section 50741

The subtitle limits federal reimbursement to states for placements that are not in foster-family homes.

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Section 50742

The subtitle establishes assessment, documentation, and judicial-determination requirements with respect to a child's placement in a qualified residential -treatment program.

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Section 50743

A state plan for child-welfare services must include an outline of procedures and protocols the state has established to ensure that children are not placed in foster-care placements other than foster-family homes due to inappropriate diagnoses.

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Section 50744

The subtitle revises state reporting requirements with respect to children in foster-care placements other than foster-family homes.

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Section 50745

In general, a state plan for foster-care and adoption assistance shall provide procedures for a child-care institution to conduct criminal-records checks of any adult working in the institution. Part V--Continuing Support for Child and Family Services

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Section 50751

HHS shall make competitive grants to states to support the recruitment and retention of high-quality foster families.

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Section 50752

The subtitle reauthorizes through FY2021 specified child- and family-services programs.

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Section 50753

The subtitle revises provisions related to the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (renamed by the bill as the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood). Part VI--Continuing Incentives to States to Promote Adoption and Legal Guardianship

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Section 50761

The subtitle reauthorizes through FY2020 certain adoption and legal-guardianship incentive-payment programs for states. Part VII--Technical Corrections

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Section 50771

The subtitle revises provisions regarding data exchange standards with respect to child-welfare services.

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Section 50772

The subtitle revises provisions regarding the required contents of a state child-welfare services plan with respect to a child's developmental needs. Part VIII--Ensuring States Reinvest Savings Resulting from Increase in Adoption Assistance

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Section 50781

The subtitle delays the final phase-out of certain income-eligibility requirements with respect to adoption-assistance payments.

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Section 50782

The GAO must study and report on the effects of the phase-out. TITLE VIII--SUPPORTING SOCIAL IMPACT PARTNERSHIPS TO PAY FOR RESULTS Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act

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Section 50802

This title allows the Department of the Treasury to enter into agreements with state and local governments for social-impact partnership projects for which federal funds shall be awarded only if a project achieves certain agreed-upon outcomes resulting in both social benefit and federal, state, or local savings. In carrying out these agreements, Treasury must consult with the Federal Interagency Council on Social Impact Partnerships and the Commission on Social Impact Partnerships (both newly established by this title). TITLE IX--PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRAMS

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Section 50901

This title extends funding for, and otherwise revises provisions related to, community health centers, teaching health centers, and the National Health Service Corps.

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Section 50902

The title extends funding for certain diabetes programs. TITLE X--MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH CARE POLICIES

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Section 51001

This title requires the CMS, by 2020, to apply a 30-day unit of service for purposes of implementing prospective payment with respect to Medicare home-health services.

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Section 51002

The CMS shall, as appropriate, use an individual's medical record from a home-health agency to support certification of the individual's Medicare eligibility for home-health services.

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Section 51003

The title modifies provisions related to Medicare's merit-based incentive payment system.

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Section 51004

The title revises requirements related to Medicare coverage of intensive cardiac-rehabilitation programs.

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Section 51005

The title extends certain payment rules related to long-term care hospital discharges.

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Section 51006

The title allows physician assistants to provide hospice care under Medicare.

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Section 51007

The title extends the application by the CMS of an instruction against the enforcement, under the Medicare program, of certain physician-supervision requirements with respect to outpatient services in critical-access hospitals and small rural hospitals.

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Section 51008

The title allows physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and clinical nurse specialists to supervise cardiac, intensive cardiac, and pulmonary rehabilitation programs.

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Section 51009

The title extends certain Medicare payment rules related to radiation-therapy services. TITLE XI--PROTECTING SENIORS' ACCESS TO MEDICARE ACT

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Section 52001

This title amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to terminate the Independent Payment Advisory Board. Under PPACA, the board is tasked with developing proposals to reduce the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending. TITLE XII--OFFSETS

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Section 53101

This title modifies reductions to Medicaid disproportionate-share hospital allotments.

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Section 53102

The title revises provisions related to third-party liability with respect to Medicaid and CHIP claims.

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Section 53103

The title specifies how a state must treat qualified lottery winnings and lump-sum income


Bill Texts

Amended 11/29/2017

Amended 02/07/2018

Amended 02/09/2018

Enrolled 02/09/2018

Engrossed 05/19/2017

Introduced 04/10/2017

Introduced 05/16/2017

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Sponsors (17)


On the Cloture Motion H.R. 1892


Yeas: 73 | Nays: 26
On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1892 with an Amendment (SA 1930))


Yeas: 71 | Nays: 28
On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1892 with an Amendment (SA 1930))


Yeas: 71 | Nays: 28
Support by Party


Sponsors by party


Bill Sponsors


Became Public Law No: 115-123. (txt | Pdf)


S.amdt.1930 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S847)


S.amdt.1931 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S847)


S.amdt.1932 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S847)


S.amdt.1933 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S847)


S.amdt.1934 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S847)


Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S847-849)


Cloture On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892 With An Amendment (sa 1930) Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 73 - 26. Record Vote Number: 30.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Refer To Senate Committee On Appropriations The House Message To Accompany H.r. 1892 With Instructions To Report Back Forthwith With The Following Amendment (sa 1932) Fell When Cloture Invoked On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892 With An Amendment (sa 1930) In Senate.


S.amdt.1932 Sa 1932 (the Instructions Of The Motion To Refer) Fell When Cloture Invoked On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892 With An Amendment (sa 1930).


S.amdt.1933 Sa 1933 Fell When Sa 1932 Fell.


S.amdt.1934 Sa 1934 Fell When Sa 1933 Fell.


S.amdt.1931 Proposed Amendment Sa 1931 Withdrawn In Senate. (consideration: Cr S849)


Senate Concurred In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892 With An Amendment (sa 1930) By Yea-nay Vote. 71 - 28. Record Vote Number: 31.


Message On Senate Action Sent To The House.


Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 734, Mr. Frelinghuysen Brought Up H.r. 1892 And Offered A Motion. (consideration: Cr 2/8/2018 H1002-1071)


Mr. Frelinghuysen Moved That The House Agree To The Senate Amendment To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 734, The House Proceeded With 1 Hour Of Debate On The Motion That The House Agree In The Senate Amendment To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892.


The Previous Question Was Ordered Pursuant To The Rule.


On Motion That The House Agree To The Senate Amendment To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment Agreed To By Recorded Vote: 240 - 186 (roll No. 69). (text Of Senate Amendment To The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment: Cr H1002-1066)


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Presented To President.


Signed By President.


Became Public Law No: 115-123.


S.amdt.1930 Amendment Sa 1930 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 71 - 28. Record Vote Number: 31.


Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Con. Res. 104, Enrollment Corrections On H.r. 1892 Have Been Made.


Motion To Proceed To Consideration Of The House Message To Accompany H.r. 1892 Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote. (consideration: Cr S799-838)


S.amdt.1930 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S799)


S.amdt.1931 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S799)


S.amdt.1932 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S799)


S.amdt.1933 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S799)


S.amdt.1934 Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S799)


Considered By Senate (message From The House Considered). (consideration: Cr S799-838)


S.amdt.1932 Amendment Sa 1932 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell. (consideration: Cr S700) To Change The Enactment Date.


S.amdt.1934 Amendment Sa 1934 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1933. (consideration: Cr S700) Of A Perfecting Nature.


S.amdt.1933 Amendment Sa 1933 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1932 (the Instructions Of The Motion To Refer). (consideration: Cr S700) Of A Perfecting Nature.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Refer To Senate Committee On Appropriations The House Message To Accompany H.r. 1892 With Instructions To Report Back Forthwith With The Following Amendment (sa 1932) Made In Senate. (cr S699)


S.amdt.1931 Amendment Sa 1931 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell To Amendment Sa 1930. (consideration: Cr S699-700) To Change The Enactment Date.


Cloture Motion On The Motion To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892 With An Amendment (sa 1930) Presented In Senate. (cr S699)


S.amdt.1930 Amendment Sa 1930 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell. (consideration: Cr S699-700) In The Nature Of A Substitute.


Motion By Senator Mcconnell To Concur In The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892 With An Amendment (sa 1930) Made In Senate.


Measure Laid Before Senate By Motion. (consideration: Cr S699-700)


Motion To Proceed To Consideration Of The House Message To Accompany H.r. 1892 Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote.


Message On House Action Received In Senate And At Desk: House Amendment To Senate Amendment.


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 727, Mr. Frelinghuysen Brought Up H.r. 1892 And Offered A Motion. (consideration: Cr H834-896)


Mr. Frelinghuysen Moved That The House Agree With An Amendment To The Senate Amendment.


Debate - Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 727, The House Proceeded With 1 Hour Of Debate On The Motion That The House Agree In The Senate Amendment To H.r. 1892 With An Amendment.


The Previous Question Was Ordered Pursuant To The Rule.


On Motion That The House Agree With An Amendment To The Senate Amendment Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: 245 - 182 (roll No. 60). (text Of House Amendment To Senate Amendment: Cr H834-888)


Message On Senate Action Sent To The House.


S.amdt.1587 Amendment Sa 1587 Proposed By Senator Mcconnell For Senator Boozman. (consideration: Cr S7362) To Make A Technical Correction.


Senate Committee On The Judiciary Discharged By Unanimous Consent.


Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S7362-7363)


S.amdt.1587 Amendment Sa 1587 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


Passed Senate With An Amendment By Unanimous Consent.


Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary.


Motion To Reconsider Laid On The Table Agreed To Without Objection.


On Motion To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill Agreed To By The Yeas And Nays: (2/3 Required): 411 - 1 (roll No. 266). (text: Cr 5/16/2017 H4208)


Considered As Unfinished Business. (consideration: Cr H4341-4342)


At The Conclusion Of Debate, The Yeas And Nays Were Demanded And Ordered. Pursuant To The Provisions Of Clause 8, Rule Xx, The Chair Announced That Further Proceedings On The Motion Would Be Postponed.


Mr. Goodlatte Moved To Suspend The Rules And Pass The Bill.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H4208-4210; Text Of Measure As Reported: Cr H4208)


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On H.r. 1892.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H4208-4210)


Placed On The Union Calendar, Calendar No. 72.


Reported By The Committee On Judiciary. H. Rept. 115-119.


Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held.


Ordered To Be Reported By Voice Vote.


Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held. Markup Report Cq


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On The Judiciary.



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