FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018

HB 4 FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018

US Congress 115th Congress

Bill Texts

Introduced 05/09/2018

Engrossed 05/02/2018

Introduced 04/14/2018

Weigh In

Sponsors (17)


Transportation And Public Works Accidents Accounting And Auditing Administrative Law And Regulatory Procedures Administrative Remedies Advanced Technology And Technological Innovations Advisory Bodies American Samoa Appropriations Aviation And Airports Child Health Computer Security And Identity Theft Congressional Oversight Consumer Affairs Dams And Canals Department Of Homeland Security Department Of Transportation Disaster Relief And Insurance Emergency Medical Services And Trauma Care Employment Discrimination And Employee Rights Environmental Assessment, Monitoring, Research Europe European Union Evidence And Witnesses Executive Agency Funding And Structure Federal Emergency Management Agency (fema) Federal Officials Fires Floods And Storm Protection Forests, Forestry, Trees Government Employee Pay, Benefits, Personnel Management Government Information And Archives Government Studies And Investigations Health Technology, Devices, Supplies Horticulture And Plants Labor Standards Lakes And Rivers Licensing And Registrations Motor Fuels Oklahoma Performance Measurement Public-private Cooperation Research Administration And Funding Research And Development Roads And Highways State And Local Government Operations Technology Assessment Telephone And Wireless Communication Trade Agreements And Negotiations Transportation Employees Transportation Programs Funding Transportation Safety And Security U.s. Territories And Protectorates Veterans' Education, Employment, Rehabilitation Atmospheric Science And Weather Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases Emergency Planning And Evacuation Hazardous Wastes And Toxic Substances Intergovernmental Relations Natural Disasters Oil And Gas