Economic Development – Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Innovation Economy Infrastructure Act of 2023)

SB 549 Economic Development – Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Innovation Economy Infrastructure Act of 2023)

Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Economic Development – Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Innovation Economy Infrastructure Act of 2023)

About SB-549

Establishing the Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program in the Department of Commerce to provide funding for certain costs for infrastructure projects in eligible technology sectors; requiring certain grantees to provide matching funds and to demonstrate certain abilities; establishing the Build Our Future Grant Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; and requiring the Department to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the projects funded through and the economic impact of the Program on or before July 1, 2026.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 05/10/2023

Engrossed 03/20/2023

Introduced 02/07/2023

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