Hunting dogs; civil action for trespass by hunters using dogs.

SB 1525 Hunting dogs; civil action for trespass by hunters using dogs

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Hunting dogs; civil action for trespass by hunters using dogs.

About SB-1525

Trespass by persons using hunting dogs; penalty. Trespass by persons using hunting dogs; penalty. Provides that a person who intentionally releases hunting dogs on the land of another or releases hunting dogs and fails to exercise due care to prevent such dogs from entering onto the land of another is liable for damages incurred as a result of such conduct or $500, whichever is greater, in addition to reasonable attorney fees and costs. The bill further provides that any person who releases hunting dogs adjacent to lands subject to the trespass of the hunting dogs who knew or should have known that a trespass was imminent and who is in the act of hunting or training hunting dogs is subject to a Class 3 misdemeanor.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/19/2017

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