Relief for Consumers During COVID–19 Act of 2020

HB 6332 Relief for Consumers During COVID–19 Act of 2020

US Congress 116th Congress

Relief for Consumers During COVID–19 Act of 2020

About HB-6332

Places restrictions on the collection of consumer debts during the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) emergency period. Among other things, debt collectors may not during such a period enforce a security interest through a repossession or foreclosure, commence or continue litigation to collect a debt, terminate utility service, seize assets, commence or continue an eviction, or charge fees or apply a higher interest rate as a result of nonpayment. After such a period, debt collectors must provide certain repayment options including extending the repayment period for debts. Violations of these provisions are subject to civil enforcement. The Federal Reserve Board must establish a facility to compensate financial institutions for losses caused by the suspension of payments.


Bill Texts

Introduced 04/12/2020

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