Occupational Board Reform Act

HB 2984 Occupational Board Reform Act

West Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Occupational Board Reform Act

About HB-2984

The purpose of this bill is to creating the Occupational Board Reform Act. The bill creates the Office of Supervision of Occupational Boards. The bill provides the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division with the authority to establish the office. The bill establishes the office’s responsibilities. The bill gives the office the authority to actively supervise state occupational boards. The bill authorizes the office to play a substantial role in the development of an occupational board’s rules and policies, including the approval and disapproval of certain proposed rules or policies. The bill provides for review and oversight by the Attorney General. The bill requires the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the President of the Senate to establish a position in the nonpartisan research staff to analyze occupational rules. The bill provides for the Legislature’s analysis of occupational rules. The bill provides a short title. The bill establishes its policy. The bill provides for avoidance of liability under federal anti-trust laws. The bill defines terms. The bill provides for statutory interpretation. The bill provides for petitions for review of criminal history. The bill provides for preemption. The bill provides an effective date.


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