Government Shutdowns - Employees - Protections

HB 1318 Government Shutdowns Employees Protections

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Government Shutdowns - Employees - Protections

About HB-1318

Prohibiting a public service company from terminating electric or gas service to certain residential customers for nonpayment on a day that a government furlough is in effect or for 7 days after the furlough has ended; authorizing the Public Service Commission to adopt certain regulations; requiring a certain court to stay certain proceedings for the foreclosure or repossession of certain residential property for a certain period of time under certain circumstances; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/15/2019

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Hearing Canceled (environment And Transportation)


Hearing 3/12 At 1:00 P.m. (environment And Transportation)


Rereferred To Economic Matters And Environment And Transportation


First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations
