Vehicle Laws - Automotive Dismantlers and Recyclers or Scrap Processors - [SB-1054]
Requiring an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor to give to specified persons under specified circumstances at least 10 days' notice of intent to dispose of specified vehicles; and providing that an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor takes unencumbered title to a vehicle and may immediately dispose of the vehicle under specified circumstances.
SB-1054: Vehicle Laws - Automotive Dismantlers and Recyclers or Scrap Processors -
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Mathias
Unfavorable Report By Finance Withdrawn on 03/15/2012
Vehicle Laws - Junk and Abandoned Vehicles - Penalties for Violations [HB-768]
Altering the criminal penalties for advertising for the purchase, towing, or removal of junk or abandoned vehicles without an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor license; and altering the criminal penalties for and applying specified administrative penalties to violations of standards and procedures governing the disposition of specified vehicles to an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor when the vehicle's certificate of title is defective, lost, or destroyed.
HB-768: Vehicle Laws - Junk and Abandoned Vehicles - Penalties for Violations
Sponsored by: Rep. Doyle Niemann
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters on 03/24/2012
Precious Metal Object Dealers, Pawn Shops, Scrap Metal Processors, and [HB-755]
Requiring a precious metal object dealer, a pawnbroker, a junk dealer, a scrap metal processor, and an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor to obtain a legible fingerprint of the thumb of an individual who provides an object at the time of the transaction and to include the fingerprint in the records of the transaction.
HB-755: Precious Metal Object Dealers, Pawn Shops, Scrap Metal Processors, and
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/24/2012
Vehicle Laws - Disposition of Vehicle to Automotive Dismantler and Recycler or [HB-499]
Repealing a provision of law that authorizes specified persons to transfer specified inoperable vehicles to an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor without providing a certificate of title or fulfilling notice requirements; repealing a provision of law that authorizes an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor to require specified vehicle transferors to execute an indemnity agreement; altering the notice requirements for an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor; etc.
HB-499: Vehicle Laws - Disposition of Vehicle to Automotive Dismantler and Recycler or
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Frush
Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012
Vehicle Laws - Salvage - Defective, Lost, or Destroyed Certificates of Title [HB-435]
Authorizing an application for a salvage certificate submitted by an insurance company to be accompanied by a specified affidavit of ownership and evidence of final payment instead of a certificate of title if the certificate of title is defective, lost, or destroyed.
HB-435: Vehicle Laws - Salvage - Defective, Lost, or Destroyed Certificates of Title
Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle
Approved By The Governor on 04/10/2012
Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures [HB-160]
Clarifying the application of and altering security requirements for tow trucks; altering penalties for specified violations relating to tow truck vehicle registration; repealing a provision exempting abandoned vehicles from the application of provisions relating to the towing and removal of vehicles from parking lots; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to establish and maintain a database containing addresses for specified insurers and make the database available to any tower free of charge; etc.
HB-160: Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Re-referred Judicial Proceedings on 04/07/2012
Vehicle Laws - Automotive Dismantlers and Recyclers or Scrap Processors - [HB-1361]
Requiring an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor to give to specified persons under specified circumstances at least 10 days' notice of intent to dispose of specified vehicles; and providing that an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor takes unencumbered title to a vehicle and may immediately dispose of the vehicle under specified circumstances.
HB-1361: Vehicle Laws - Automotive Dismantlers and Recyclers or Scrap Processors -
Sponsored by: Rep. Norman Conway
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters Withdrawn on 03/14/2012
Vehicle Laws - Automotive Dismantlers and Recyclers or Scrap Processors - [HB-1008]
Repealing provisions of law that authorize specified persons to transfer inoperable vehicles to an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor without providing a certificate of title or fulfilling notice requirements; repealing a provision of law that authorizes an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor to require specified vehicle transferors to execute a specified indemnity agreement; requiring the State Police to perform a stolen vehicle investigation under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1008: Vehicle Laws - Automotive Dismantlers and Recyclers or Scrap Processors -
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Frush
Unfavorable Report By Environmental Matters on 03/24/2012
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records and Hold Period [SB-897]
Requiring specified junk dealers and scrap metal processors to submit digital photographs of individuals from whom junk or scrap metal is acquired to law enforcement units under specified circumstances; and requiring specified junk dealers and scrap metal processors to hold specified items of junk and scrap metal for 3 business days.
SB-897: Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records and Hold Period
Sponsored by: Sen. Roy Dyson
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 03/31/2011
Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures [SB-570]
Providing for the statewide application of provisions of law governing the towing or removal of vehicles from parking lots; establishing a motor vehicle towing, recovery, and storage lien on a towed motor vehicle on behalf of the tower or agent; authorizing a court to enter a judgment of restitution for a specified victim under specified circumstances; prohibiting a motor vehicle towing, recovery, and storage lienor from selling the motor vehicle to which the lien is attached under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-570: Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures
Sponsored by: Sen. Victor Ramirez
Favorable With Amendments Report By Environmental Matters on 04/09/2011
Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures [HB-356]
Providing for the statewide application of provisions of law governing the towing or removal of vehicles from parking lots; establishing a motor vehicle towing, recovery, and storage lien on a towed motor vehicle on behalf of the tower or agent for specified charges; prohibiting a motor vehicle towing, recovery, and storage lienor from selling the motor vehicle to which the lien is attached under specified circumstances; specifying the manner in which a motor vehicle towing, recovery, and storage lienor may sell a vehicle; etc.
HB-356: Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey
Senators Raskin, Frosh, And Shank on 04/07/2011
Vehicle Laws - Towed and Stored Vehicles - Disposal [HB-320]
Providing that an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor takes unencumbered title to specified inoperable vehicles under specified circumstances; authorizing an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor to dispose of specified vehicles under specified circumstances; altering the records an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor is required to keep for each vehicle acquired; etc.
HB-320: Vehicle Laws - Towed and Stored Vehicles - Disposal
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Frush
Hearing 3/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/25/2011
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - State Licensing Laws - Applicability [HB-203]
Repealing a provision exempting specified counties from specified State licensing laws on junk dealers and scrap metal processors; exempting specified licensed dealers and pawnbrokers from the scope of specified State licensing laws on junk dealers and scrap metal processors; repealing specified licensing provisions for Calvert County junk dealers and scrap metal processors; etc.
HB-203: Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - State Licensing Laws - Applicability
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011
Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records [SB-99]
Altering requirements for records that junk dealers and scrap metal processors must keep for each purchase of specified junk or scrap metal in the State; providing for the designation of primary law enforcement units; preempting specified rights and superseding specified laws of counties and municipalities; providing that provisions of law do not apply to specified transactions; requiring specified contracts to be open to inspection by a local law enforcement agency under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-99: Junk Dealers and Scrap Metal Processors - Required Records
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Motor Vehicles - Salvage - Standards and Requirements [SB-907]
Prohibiting a person from using specified costs to determine the cost to repair a motor vehicle for highway operation under the motor vehicle salvage program; providing that specified persons that acquire specified nonrepairable motor vehicles may only sell the motor vehicles to specified other persons; and limiting the pool of motor vehicles in need of repair for which an insurance company is required to provide specified notice to the Motor Vehicle Administration under specified circumstances.
SB-907: Motor Vehicles - Salvage - Standards and Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone
Hearing 3/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/24/2010
Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures [SB-788]
Providing for the statewide application for provisions of law governing the towing or removal of vehicles from parking lots; altering specified maximum amounts that a person may charge for towing and storing a vehicle; requiring a tower to release a towed vehicle to specified persons under specified circumstances; altering specified penalties related to towing; establishing a motor vehicle towing and storage lien on a towed motor vehicle on behalf of the tower for specified towing and storage charges; etc.
SB-788: Motor Vehicles - Towing Practices and Procedures
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Pugh
Hearing 3/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/12/2010
Local Government - Applicability of Laws to Counties and Baltimore City [HB-777]
Specifying that specified powers are granted to code home rule and charter home rule counties in addition to powers granted in the Express Powers Act under Article 25A, § 5 of the Annotated Code; providing that the additional powers are supplemental and not intended to limit specified other powers; clarifying that specified other provisions of law apply to specified types of counties; clarifying that specified provisions of law apply to Baltimore City; etc.
HB-777: Local Government - Applicability of Laws to Counties and Baltimore City
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Motor Vehicles - Disposal Under Indemnity Agreement - Repeal [HB-38]
Repealing a provision of law that authorizes specified persons to transfer inoperable motor vehicles more than 8 years old to an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor without providing a certificate of title or fulfilling specified notice requirements; repealing a provision of law that authorizes an automotive dismantler and recycler or scrap processor to require specified motor vehicle transferors to execute an indemnity agreement; etc.
HB-38: Motor Vehicles - Disposal Under Indemnity Agreement - Repeal
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Frush
Favorable Report By Environmental Matters on 04/08/2010