Wine & Wineries

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, authorizes Tennessee licensed wineries to conduct business at no more than two additional satellite locations after obtaining a satellite permit and paying a fee to the alcoholic beverage commission. - Amends TCA Title 57. [HB-736]
As introduced, authorizes Tennessee licensed wineries to conduct business at no more than two additional satellite locations after obtaining a satellite permit and paying a fee to the alcoholic beverage commission. - Amends TCA Title 57.


Sponsored by: Rep. Glen Casada Action Def. In State & Local Government Committee To 2012 on 04/27/2011

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, creates an additional class of licenses allowing the sale of wine at certain retail food stores; requires person purchasing wine at certain retail food stores to present photo identification. - Amends TCA Title 57. [HB-561]
As introduced, creates an additional class of licenses allowing the sale of wine at certain retail food stores; requires person purchasing wine at certain retail food stores to present photo identification. - Amends TCA Title 57.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Lundberg Assigned To S/c General Sub Of S&lg on 02/16/2011

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, allows local jurisdictions to hold a referendum concerning the sale of wine in retail food stores; creates license for sale of wine in retail food stores. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 1 and Title 57, Chapter 3. [HB-560]
As introduced, allows local jurisdictions to hold a referendum concerning the sale of wine in retail food stores; creates license for sale of wine in retail food stores. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 1 and Title 57, Chapter 3.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Lundberg Taken Off Notice For Cal. In S/c S&lg Subcommittee Of State & Local Government Committee on 02/29/2012

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, allows sale of wine in retail food stores where sales of alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption has been approved but does not allow sale of wine in retail food stores where sales of alcoholic beverages in retail package stores has been approved. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 1 and Title 57, Chapter 3. [HB-559]
As introduced, allows sale of wine in retail food stores where sales of alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption has been approved but does not allow sale of wine in retail food stores where sales of alcoholic beverages in retail package stores has been approved. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 1 and Title 57, Chapter 3.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Lundberg Assigned To S/c General Sub Of S&lg on 02/16/2011

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 107th General Assembly

As introduced, creates an additional class of licenses allowing the sale of wine at certain retail food stores; requires person purchasing wine at certain retail food stores to present photo identification. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 1 and Title 57, Chapter 3. [HB-406]
As introduced, creates an additional class of licenses allowing the sale of wine at certain retail food stores; requires person purchasing wine at certain retail food stores to present photo identification. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 1 and Title 57, Chapter 3.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Lundberg Action Def. In S/c S&lg Subcommittee To July 4,2012 on 04/13/2011

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to creating a winery festival permit. [SB-711]
Relating to creating a winery festival permit.

Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Effective On 9/1/09 on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the amount of wine certain wineries may sell directly to consumers. [SB-538]
Relating to the amount of wine certain wineries may sell directly to consumers.

Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Estes Placed On General State Calendar on 05/21/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the sale and use of certain alcoholic beverages manufactured by holders of a winery permit. [SB-529]
Relating to the sale and use of certain alcoholic beverages manufactured by holders of a winery permit.

Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Effective On 9/1/09 on 05/30/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the possession and consumption of wine on the premises of a mixed beverage or private club permittee; providing for separate statement of the mixed beverage tax. [SB-2523]
Relating to the possession and consumption of wine on the premises of a mixed beverage or private club permittee; providing for separate statement of the mixed beverage tax.

Sponsored by: Sen. Tommy Williams Left Pending In Committee on 05/06/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the purchase and sale of certain alcoholic beverages by the holder of a winery permit. [SB-1333]
Relating to the purchase and sale of certain alcoholic beverages by the holder of a winery permit.

Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson Read First Time on 03/17/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the possession and consumption of wine on the premise of a mixed beverage or private club permittee, providing for separate statement of the mixed beverage tax. [HB-4813]
Relating to the possession and consumption of wine on the premise of a mixed beverage or private club permittee, providing for separate statement of the mixed beverage tax.

Sponsored by: Rep. John Kuempel Read First Time on 04/22/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the transfer of certain alcoholic beverages between certain permitted premises. [HB-3177]
Relating to the transfer of certain alcoholic beverages between certain permitted premises.

Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Thompson Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/22/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the amount of wine certain wineries may sell directly to consumers. [HB-1185]
Relating to the amount of wine certain wineries may sell directly to consumers.

Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Homer Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/01/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to shipment of wine to ultimate consumers. [HB-1084]
Relating to shipment of wine to ultimate consumers.

Sponsored by: Rep. Vicki Truitt Effective On 9/1/09 on 06/19/2009

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, creates the Tennessee wine and grape board; establishes the powers and duties of the board; abolishes the viticulture advisory board; establishes certain requirements regarding use of funds received by the board. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 43; Title 57 and Title 67. [SB-302]
As enacted, creates the Tennessee wine and grape board; establishes the powers and duties of the board; abolishes the viticulture advisory board; establishes certain requirements regarding use of funds received by the board. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 43; Title 57 and Title 67.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dolores Gresham Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 444 on 05/29/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, authorizes a winery or farm wine producer to self-distribute not more than 10,000 gallons of wine to a satellite facility for sale without obtaining the wine from a wholesaler if the satellite facility is located in the county where the wine was produced or a county contiguous thereto. - Amends TCA Title 57. [HB-1173]
As introduced, authorizes a winery or farm wine producer to self-distribute not more than 10,000 gallons of wine to a satellite facility for sale without obtaining the wine from a wholesaler if the satellite facility is located in the county where the wine was produced or a county contiguous thereto. - Amends TCA Title 57.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Withdrawn. on 03/09/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, requires shipment of wine to be in a clearly marked container that is visible to a person four feet away, instead of three feet away, that the container contains alcoholic beverages. - Amends TCA Section 57-3-101; Section 57-3-202; Section 57-3-207 and Section 57-3-217. [SB-2835]
As introduced, requires shipment of wine to be in a clearly marked container that is visible to a person four feet away, instead of three feet away, that the container contains alcoholic beverages. - Amends TCA Section 57-3-101; Section 57-3-202; Section 57-3-207 and Section 57-3-217.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bo Watson Action Deferred In Senate State & Local Government Committee on 03/17/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, requires shipment of wine to be in a clearly marked container that is visible to a person four feet away, instead of three feet away, that the container contains alcoholic beverages. - Amends TCA Section 57-3-101; Section 57-3-202; Section 57-3-207 and Section 57-3-217. [HB-2899]
As introduced, requires shipment of wine to be in a clearly marked container that is visible to a person four feet away, instead of three feet away, that the container contains alcoholic beverages. - Amends TCA Section 57-3-101; Section 57-3-202; Section 57-3-207 and Section 57-3-217.


Sponsored by: Rep. Glen Casada Taken Off Notice For Cal. In State Committee on 05/27/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, defines "closeout" for purposes of the Unfair Wine Sales Law. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 3. [SB-2495]
As introduced, defines "closeout" for purposes of the Unfair Wine Sales Law. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 3.


Sponsored by: Sen. Steven Dickerson Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate State & Local Government Committee on 03/06/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, clarifies a winery direct shipper is not liable for the actions of a common carrier if the shipper has clearly and appropriately labeled the container and acknowledged in writing to the common carrier that deliveries of wine are to be made only face-to-face and to individuals over 21 years of age with signature required upon receipt. - Amends TCA Section 57-3-217. [SB-2489]
As introduced, clarifies a winery direct shipper is not liable for the actions of a common carrier if the shipper has clearly and appropriately labeled the container and acknowledged in writing to the common carrier that deliveries of wine are to be made only face-to-face and to individuals over 21 years of age with signature required upon receipt. - Amends TCA Section 57-3-217.


Sponsored by: Sen. Steven Dickerson Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate State And Local Government Committee on 02/10/2020

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