
State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the procedure for review by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and related entities of environmental flow standards and environmental flow set-asides for river basin and bay systems and related matters. [SB-1894]
Relating to the procedure for review by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and related entities of environmental flow standards and environmental flow set-asides for river basin and bay systems and related matters.


Sponsored by: Sen. Troy Fraser Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/23/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the development of brackish groundwater. [SB-1760]
Relating to the development of brackish groundwater.


Sponsored by: Sen. Carlos Uresti Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/07/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the establishment of regional water banks by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board. [SB-1624]
Relating to the establishment of regional water banks by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board.


Sponsored by: Rep. Yvonne Davis Read First Time on 03/20/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the appointment of a watermaster for the Brazos River Basin. [SB-1579]
Relating to the appointment of a watermaster for the Brazos River Basin.


Sponsored by: Sen. Larry Taylor Read First Time on 03/19/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the power of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to authorize certain injection wells that transect or terminate in the Edwards Aquifer. [SB-1532]
Relating to the power of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to authorize certain injection wells that transect or terminate in the Edwards Aquifer.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Effective On 9/1/13 on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the Edwards Aquifer Authority's regulation of wells with limited production capabilities. [SB-1241]
Relating to the Edwards Aquifer Authority's regulation of wells with limited production capabilities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Glenn Hegar Effective On 9/1/13 on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to reporting and information availability requirements for persons impounding, diverting, or otherwise using state water; providing a penalty. [SB-1209]
Relating to reporting and information availability requirements for persons impounding, diverting, or otherwise using state water; providing a penalty.


Sponsored by: Sen. Troy Fraser Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/19/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 281. [HR-2795]
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 281.


Sponsored by: Rep. James Frank Reported Enrolled on 05/26/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Urging the U.S. Department of State to take appropriate action to ensure that Mexico complies with the 1944 Treaty regarding shared water resources and that it make required water deliveries to the United States a priority. [HCR-55]
Urging the U.S. Department of State to take appropriate action to ensure that Mexico complies with the 1944 Treaty regarding shared water resources and that it make required water deliveries to the United States a priority.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Signed By The Governor on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the appropriation of money from the general revenue fund to the Texas Water Development Board to provide a grant to the Angelina and Neches River Authority to be used by the authority for the purpose of obtaining preconstruction permits or other authorizations for the proposed Lake Columbia reservoir project. [HB-998]
Relating to the appropriation of money from the general revenue fund to the Texas Water Development Board to provide a grant to the Angelina and Neches River Authority to be used by the authority for the purpose of obtaining preconstruction permits or other authorizations for the proposed Lake Columbia reservoir project.


Sponsored by: Rep. Travis Clardy Read First Time on 02/18/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the types of entities that are considered municipal water suppliers for purposes of the law governing the effect of the subdivision of certain land on certain irrigation water rights. [HB-752]
Relating to the types of entities that are considered municipal water suppliers for purposes of the law governing the effect of the subdivision of certain land on certain irrigation water rights.


Sponsored by: Sen. Juan Hinojosa Effective Immediately on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the report by the Water Conservation Advisory Council on progress made in water conservation in this state. [HB-3606]
Relating to the report by the Water Conservation Advisory Council on progress made in water conservation in this state.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lon Burnam Read First Time on 03/21/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to financial assistance awarded by the Texas Water Development Board for water supply projects. [HB-3605]
Relating to financial assistance awarded by the Texas Water Development Board for water supply projects.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Lucio Effective On 9/1/13 on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the implementation of a water conservation plan and drought contingency plan, as applicable, by certain entities. [HB-3604]
Relating to the implementation of a water conservation plan and drought contingency plan, as applicable, by certain entities.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Lucio Effective On 9/1/13 on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to water conservation. [HB-3603]
Relating to water conservation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lon Burnam Read First Time on 03/21/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the power of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to authorize certain injection wells that transect or terminate in the Edwards Aquifer. [HB-340]
Relating to the power of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to authorize certain injection wells that transect or terminate in the Edwards Aquifer.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Rodriguez Referred To Natural Resources on 05/09/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the procedure for action by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on an application for a water right. [HB-3234]
Relating to the procedure for action by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on an application for a water right.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Johnson Failed To Receive Affirmative Vote In Comm. on 05/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to interbasin transfers of state water. [HB-3233]
Relating to interbasin transfers of state water.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Johnson Effective On 9/1/13 on 06/14/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to water programs administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board. [HB-3167]
Relating to water programs administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board.


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan King Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/16/2013

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State (Texas)
Texas 83rd Legislature Regular Session

Relating to limiting the amount of a fee or assessment imposed by the Rio Grande Regional Water Authority. [HB-3137]
Relating to limiting the amount of a fee or assessment imposed by the Rio Grande Regional Water Authority.


Sponsored by: Sen. Eddie Lucio Effective Immediately on 06/14/2013

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