SR-238: A RESOLUTION urging the Energy and Environment Cabinet to explore and implement strategies to remove waste tires from Kentucky’s streams and waterways.
Sponsored by: Sen. Steve Rawlings
Introduced In Senate on 03/14/2025
You have voted SR-238: A RESOLUTION urging the Energy and Environment Cabinet to explore and implement strategies to remove waste tires from Kentucky’s streams and waterways..
AN ACT relating to residual wastes. [HB-697]
Amend KRS 224.43-350 to prohibit the Energy and Environment Cabinet from allowing metallurgic, industrial solid waste from being treated as a residual solid waste regardless of whether the waste is reprocessed in the solid waste facility's manufacturing or industrial processes.
HB-697: AN ACT relating to residual wastes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Raymer
To Natural Resources & Energy (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to the environmental remediation fee. [HB-698]
Amend KRS 224.43-500 to define "residual waste facility"; increase the environmental remediation fee from $1.75 to $2; require that the fee collected from residual waste facilities be returned to the county where the facility is located; amend KRS 224.43-505 to conform.
HB-698: AN ACT relating to the environmental remediation fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Raymer
To Natural Resources & Energy (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to coal combustion by-products. [HB-641]
Amend KRS 224.50-760 to allow coal combustion by-products to be beneficially reused at underground or surface coal mines and to allow for the resulting reclaimed land to be used for any suitable purposes, including agricultural purposes.
HB-641: AN ACT relating to coal combustion by-products.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Gooch
Reported Favorably, 2nd Reading, To Rules on 03/06/2025
AN ACT relating to solid waste management. [HB-371]
Amend KRS 224.40-315 to exclude from the exemption in the definition of municipal solid waste disposal facility any waste site or facility that accepts industrial solid waste generated on or adjacent to property owned by the generator or by another facility owned by the generator or wholly-owned subsidiary; amend KRS 224.43-345 to require a description in the solid waste management plan of capacity expansions for residual waste sites or facilities, including amounts of wastes from areas outside of the solid waste management area.
HB-371: AN ACT relating to solid waste management.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Raymer
Received In Senate on 03/05/2025
AN ACT relating to plastic waste. [HB-295]
Amend KRS 224.50-585 to define terms; prohibit the intentional release of more than 25 plastic balloons; establish a ban on plastic, single-use carryout bags by July 1, 2030; establish a ban on the provision of single-use plastic straws and Styrofoam food and beverage containers by retail food and beverage establishments by July 1, 2028; establish civil penalty of $100 per day for violations.
HB-295: AN ACT relating to plastic waste.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Marzian
To Natural Resources & Energy (h) on 02/07/2025
AN ACT relating to waste tires. [SB-86]
Amend KRS 224.50-854 to remove the exemption for a person who stores waste tires for resale from the requirements of the waste tire program; amend KRS 224.50-856 to allow a person making retail sales of used motor vehicles tires to be eligible for the same accumulator registration exemption as sellers of new motor vehicle tires; amend KRS 224.50-858 to require nonexempt sellers of new or used motor vehicle tires to register and be subject to the requirements of the waste tire program.
SB-86: AN ACT relating to waste tires.
Sponsored by: Sen. Casey Chambers Armstrong
To Natural Resources & Energy (s) on 02/06/2025
Relating To Landfills. [HB-878]
Extends the landfill buffer zone from one-half mile to one mile. Requires the landfill buffer zone to apply to lands in the state conservation district and lands designated as national conservation areas. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
HB-878: Relating To Landfills.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scot Matayoshi
Reported From Wal (stand. Com. Rep. No. 311) As Amended In Hd 1, Recommending Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Jha. on 02/10/2025
Relating To Waste Management. [SB-446]
Beginning 7/1/2025, prohibits the construction, modification, or expansion of a landfill unit or any component of a landfill unit mauka of the underground injection control line without first establishing a buffer zone of not less than one-quarter mile around the landfill unit. Prohibits the utilization of fly ash, bottom ash, or a combination of fly and bottom ash from a municipal waste combustor, including any ash residue that remains after removal of metals for recycling into new metal products, for the purposes of road building, construction,
SB-446: Relating To Waste Management.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donovan Cruz
Pass First Reading on 03/06/2025
AN ACT relating to waste management districts. [HB-88]
Amend KRS 109.115 to allow a member serving on a waste management district board in a county containing a consolidated local government to serve until his or her successor is appointed, not to exceed 60 days after the expiration of his or her term; require that the board director's position be vacated after the 60-day period; provide that on the effective date of the Act, any current director on a waste management district board in a county containing a consolidated local government who has exceeded 60 days on the board after expiration of his or
HB-88: AN ACT relating to waste management districts.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Hodgson
To Natural Resources & Energy (s) on 03/04/2025
SCR-167: Urging The Department Of Health And Encouraging The County Of Maui, United States Army Corps Of Engineers, And Federal Emergency Management Agency To Take Certain Measures To Ensure The Safest Possible Management Of Ash And Debris From The August 2023 Maui Wildfires.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
Referred To Hhs/psm. on 03/14/2024
You have voted SCR-167: Urging The Department Of Health And Encouraging The County Of Maui, United States Army Corps Of Engineers, And Federal Emergency Management Agency To Take Certain Measures To Ensure The Safest Possible Management Of Ash And Debris From The August 2023 Maui Wildfires..
SR-141: Urging The Department Of Health And Encouraging The County Of Maui, United States Army Corps Of Engineers, And Federal Emergency Management Agency To Take Certain Measures To Ensure The Safest Possible Management Of Ash And Debris From The August 2023 Maui Wildfires.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
Referred To Hhs/psm. on 03/14/2024
You have voted SR-141: Urging The Department Of Health And Encouraging The County Of Maui, United States Army Corps Of Engineers, And Federal Emergency Management Agency To Take Certain Measures To Ensure The Safest Possible Management Of Ash And Debris From The August 2023 Maui Wildfires..
SR-94: Demanding The Department Of Accounting And General Services To Develop A Comprehensive Recycling Program, With Specific Focus On The Collection Of Hi-5 Recyclable Items, To Be Implemented In All Offices At The Hawaii State Capitol.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Certified Copies Of Resolution Sent, 05-31-24 on 05/31/2024
You have voted SR-94: Demanding The Department Of Accounting And General Services To Develop A Comprehensive Recycling Program, With Specific Focus On The Collection Of Hi-5 Recyclable Items, To Be Implemented In All Offices At The Hawaii State Capitol..
SCR-112: Demanding The Department Of Accounting And General Services To Develop A Comprehensive Recycling Program, With Specific Focus On The Collection Of Hi-5 Recyclable Items, To Be Implemented In All Offices At The Hawaii State Capitol.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Referred To Lmg, Fin, Referral Sheet 27 on 04/05/2024
You have voted SCR-112: Demanding The Department Of Accounting And General Services To Develop A Comprehensive Recycling Program, With Specific Focus On The Collection Of Hi-5 Recyclable Items, To Be Implemented In All Offices At The Hawaii State Capitol..
AN ACT relating to solid waste management. [HB-706]
Amend KRS 224.1-010 to restrict residual wastes in the definition of "municipal solid waste disposal facility" and define "residual waste" and "residual waste facility"; amend KRS 224.40-315 to require the generator of a residual solid waste and the location of the residual waste site or facility to be located in the same county to qualify for the exception from local determination; restrict the owner of a residual waste site or facility from accepting industrial wastes from other facilities outside of the county and then disposing of those wastes
HB-706: AN ACT relating to solid waste management.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Raymer
Introduced In House on 02/26/2024
AN ACT relating to the environmental remediation fee and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-773]
Amend KRS 224.43-500 to increase the environmental remediation fee from $1.75 to $2.00; amend KRS 224.43-505 to allocate 50 percent of the environmental remediation fee collected from residual waste facilities to the county where the facility is located and that remaining 50 percent to the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation fund; APPROPRIATION.
HB-773: AN ACT relating to the environmental remediation fee and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rebecca Raymer
Introduced In House on 02/26/2024
AN ACT relating to environmental emergencies. [HB-583]
Amends KRS 224.1-401 to require that the chief executive officers of all forms of local government and mayors receive notification of a declaration of an environmental emergency in their jurisdiction.
HB-583: AN ACT relating to environmental emergencies.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Meredith
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 60) on 04/04/2024
AN ACT relating to waste management districts. [HB-565]
Amend KRS 109.115 to allow a director on a waste management district board to serve until his or her successor is appointed, not to exceed 60 days after the expiration of his or her term; require that the board director's position be vacated after the 60 day period; provide that the requirements of the Act apply to current directors on waste management district boards; RETROACTIVE.
HB-565: AN ACT relating to waste management districts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Bratcher
Received In Senate on 03/13/2024