SB-3413: As introduced, adds a reckless act resulting in the death or serious bodily injury of another while operating a motor vehicle or watercraft in this state to the acts for which a crime victim may receive compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13.
Sponsored by: Sen. Rusty Crowe
P2c, Ref. To S. Jud Comm. on 02/01/2010
You have voted SB-3413: As introduced, adds a reckless act resulting in the death or serious bodily injury of another while operating a motor vehicle or watercraft in this state to the acts for which a crime victim may receive compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13..
SB-2335: As introduced, adds as a "critical stage of the criminal justice process" for purposes of notifying victims under the victim's rights constitutional amendment any hearing on a motion to continue or any other similar hearing that may adversely impact a victim’s right to a speedy trial. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 3.
Sponsored by: Sen. Roy Herron
P2c, Ref. To S. Jud Comm. on 03/02/2009
You have voted SB-2335: As introduced, adds as a "critical stage of the criminal justice process" for purposes of notifying victims under the victim's rights constitutional amendment any hearing on a motion to continue or any other similar hearing that may adversely impact a victim’s right to a speedy trial. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 3..
SB-1772: As introduced, adds as a "critical stage of the criminal justice process" for purposes of notifying victims under the victim's rights constitutional amendment any hearing on a motion to continue or any other similar hearing that may adversely impact a victim’s right to a speedy trial. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 3.
Sponsored by: Sen. Roy Herron
P2c, Ref. To S. Jud Comm. on 02/18/2009
You have voted SB-1772: As introduced, adds as a "critical stage of the criminal justice process" for purposes of notifying victims under the victim's rights constitutional amendment any hearing on a motion to continue or any other similar hearing that may adversely impact a victim’s right to a speedy trial. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 3..
SB-1208: As enacted, confers immunity from civil action upon victim of crime for testimony given at offender's parole hearing unless testimony is intentionally and maliciously false and defamatory. - Amends TCA Title 40.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jamie Woodson
Pub. Ch. 50 on 04/22/2009
You have voted SB-1208: As enacted, confers immunity from civil action upon victim of crime for testimony given at offender's parole hearing unless testimony is intentionally and maliciously false and defamatory. - Amends TCA Title 40..
SB-1066: As introduced, authorizes victims of certain violent crimes to have immediate access to their phone, banking, and credit card records. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 1.
Sponsored by: Sen. Beverly Marrero
Action Def. In S. Jud Comm. To 5/20/2009 on 05/19/2009
You have voted SB-1066: As introduced, authorizes victims of certain violent crimes to have immediate access to their phone, banking, and credit card records. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 1..
SB-987: As introduced, specifies citation to definition of "victim" in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1976. - Amends TCA Section 40-24-107, Section 67-4-606, and Title 29, Chapter 13, Parts 1 and 3.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mae Beavers
Action Def. In Jud. Comm To 5-12-09 on 05/06/2009
You have voted SB-987: As introduced, specifies citation to definition of "victim" in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1976. - Amends TCA Section 40-24-107, Section 67-4-606, and Title 29, Chapter 13, Parts 1 and 3..
SB-101: As introduced, authorizes reimbursement from the criminal injuries compensation fund for the reasonable costs of temporary lodging for the victim of domestic violence, not to exceed 14 days. - Amends TCA Section 29-13-106.
Sponsored by: Sen. Andy Berke
Assigned To Gen. Sub Of: S. Fw&m Comm. on 06/18/2009
You have voted SB-101: As introduced, authorizes reimbursement from the criminal injuries compensation fund for the reasonable costs of temporary lodging for the victim of domestic violence, not to exceed 14 days. - Amends TCA Section 29-13-106..
SB-86: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Stanley
Recalled From S. Jud. Comm. on 03/24/2010
You have voted SB-86: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13..
SB-16: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Stanley
Ref. To S. Jud. Comm. on 02/09/2009
You have voted SB-16: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13.
HB-3284: As introduced, adds a reckless act resulting in the death or serious bodily injury of another while operating a motor vehicle or watercraft in this state to the acts for which a crime victim may receive compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kent Coleman
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In: Judiciary Committee on 04/20/2010
You have voted HB-3284: As introduced, adds a reckless act resulting in the death or serious bodily injury of another while operating a motor vehicle or watercraft in this state to the acts for which a crime victim may receive compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13..
HB-2202: As introduced, adds as a "critical stage of the criminal justice process" for purposes of notifying victims under the victim's rights constitutional amendment any hearing on a motion to continue or any other similar hearing that may adversely impact a victim’s right to a speedy trial. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 3.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Maddox
P2c, Ref. To Judiciary on 03/04/2009
You have voted HB-2202: As introduced, adds as a "critical stage of the criminal justice process" for purposes of notifying victims under the victim's rights constitutional amendment any hearing on a motion to continue or any other similar hearing that may adversely impact a victim’s right to a speedy trial. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 3..
HB-1547: As introduced, specifies citation to definition of "victim" in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1976. - Amends TCA Section 40-24-107, Section 67-4-606, and Title 29, Chapter 13, Parts 1 and 3.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kent Coleman
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In: Judiciary Committee on 05/06/2009
You have voted HB-1547: As introduced, specifies citation to definition of "victim" in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act of 1976. - Amends TCA Section 40-24-107, Section 67-4-606, and Title 29, Chapter 13, Parts 1 and 3..
HB-1452: As enacted, confers immunity from civil action upon victim of crime for testimony given at offender's parole hearing unless testimony is intentionally and maliciously false and defamatory. - Amends TCA Title 40.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kent Coleman
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 50 on 04/22/2009
You have voted HB-1452: As enacted, confers immunity from civil action upon victim of crime for testimony given at offender's parole hearing unless testimony is intentionally and maliciously false and defamatory. - Amends TCA Title 40..
HB-932: As introduced, authorizes victims of certain violent crimes to have immediate access to their phone, banking, and credit card records. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 1.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Kernell
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In: Judiciary Committee on 03/30/2010
You have voted HB-932: As introduced, authorizes victims of certain violent crimes to have immediate access to their phone, banking, and credit card records. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 38, Part 1..
HB-609: As introduced, authorizes reimbursement from the criminal injuries compensation fund for the reasonable costs of temporary lodging for the victim of domestic violence, not to exceed 14 days. - Amends TCA Section 29-13-106.
Sponsored by: Sen. Eric Stewart
Placed On S/c Cal Budget Of Fw&m For 06/01/2010 on 05/26/2010
You have voted HB-609: As introduced, authorizes reimbursement from the criminal injuries compensation fund for the reasonable costs of temporary lodging for the victim of domestic violence, not to exceed 14 days. - Amends TCA Section 29-13-106..
HB-317: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13.
Sponsored by: Rep. John DeBerry
Action Def. In S/c Civil Practice And Procedure Of Jud To 2010 on 05/06/2009
You have voted HB-317: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13..
HB-236: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13
Sponsored by: Rep. John DeBerry
Taken Off Notice For Cal. In S/c Civil Practice And Procedure Of Jud Of Judiciary Committee on 04/14/2009
You have voted HB-236: As introduced, prohibits a medical facility from holding the victim of domestic abuse responsible for the payment of a forensic medical examination and provides for compensation of such exam by the criminal injuries compensation fund. - Amends TCA Title 29, Chapter 13.
SB-2742: As introduced, prohibits requiring an advocate to disclose certain information in regard to a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking in a judicial, legislative, or administrative proceeding unless the victim gives express written consent. - Amends TCA Title 24; Title 36 and Title 39.
Sponsored by: Sen. Randy McNally
Rcvd. From S., Held On H. Desk. on 03/09/2020
You have voted SB-2742: As introduced, prohibits requiring an advocate to disclose certain information in regard to a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking in a judicial, legislative, or administrative proceeding unless the victim gives express written consent. - Amends TCA Title 24; Title 36 and Title 39..
SJR-885: Proposes an amendment to Article I, Section 35 of the Constitution of Tennessee for the purpose of rewriting the rights to which crime victims are entitled.
Sponsored by: Sen. Randy McNally
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Judiciary Committee on 06/02/2020
You have voted SJR-885: Proposes an amendment to Article I, Section 35 of the Constitution of Tennessee for the purpose of rewriting the rights to which crime victims are entitled..