SB-1785: Relating to the creation of the Texas Department of Health Professions to regulate certain health professions, the transfer of certain powers and duties to the department, and the abolishment of certain state agencies and other licensing entities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Patrick
Read First Time on 03/23/2011
You have voted SB-1785: Relating to the creation of the Texas Department of Health Professions to regulate certain health professions, the transfer of certain powers and duties to the department, and the abolishment of certain state agencies and other licensing entities..
HB-414: Relating to the regulation of equine dentistry and the conducting of licensing examinations by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sid Miller
Effective On 9/1/11 on 06/17/2011
You have voted HB-414: Relating to the regulation of equine dentistry and the conducting of licensing examinations by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners..
HB-3426: Relating to the creation of the Texas Department of Health Professions to regulate certain health professions, the transfer of certain powers and duties to the department, and the abolishment of certain state agencies and other licensing entities.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Zedler
Read First Time on 03/18/2011
You have voted HB-3426: Relating to the creation of the Texas Department of Health Professions to regulate certain health professions, the transfer of certain powers and duties to the department, and the abolishment of certain state agencies and other licensing entities..
HB-1802: Relating to the registration and regulation of equine dental technicians, advertising by veterinarians and equine dental technicians, and the confidentiality of investigation files maintained by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; providing penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/29/2011
You have voted HB-1802: Relating to the registration and regulation of equine dental technicians, advertising by veterinarians and equine dental technicians, and the confidentiality of investigation files maintained by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; providing penalties..
You have voted SB-104: Veterinary medicine, definitions, licensure and regulation further provided for, prohibited acts, authorized tasks for veterinary technicians and unlicensed assistants revised, Secs. 34-29-61, 34-29-76, 34-29-77, 34-29-94 am'd..
You have voted HB-288: Veterinary medicine, definitions, licensure and regulation further provided for, prohibited acts, authorized tasks for veterinary technicians and unlicensed assistants revised, Secs. 34-29-61, 34-29-76, 34-29-77, 34-29-94 am'd..
You have voted HB-1562: Relating to the confidentiality of investigation records of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners and clarification of the regulatory authority of the board..
HB-293: Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, dispensing veterinarians, required to notify animal owners options to purchase veterinary drugs from pharmacies which carry them
Sponsored by: Rep. Margie Wilcox
Read For The First Time And Referred To The House Of Representatives Committee On Agriculture And Forestry on 04/02/2019
You have voted HB-293: Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, dispensing veterinarians, required to notify animal owners options to purchase veterinary drugs from pharmacies which carry them.
HB-4057: Relating to the practice of veterinary medicine and the medical treatment and care of animals in animal shelters and releasing agencies; expanding the applicability of an occupational license.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Cyrier
Read First Time on 03/22/2017
You have voted HB-4057: Relating to the practice of veterinary medicine and the medical treatment and care of animals in animal shelters and releasing agencies; expanding the applicability of an occupational license..
HB-3998: Relating to the practice of veterinary medicine and the medical treatment and care of animals in animal shelters and releasing agencies; expanding the applicability of an occupational license.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Anderson
Read First Time on 03/22/2017
You have voted HB-3998: Relating to the practice of veterinary medicine and the medical treatment and care of animals in animal shelters and releasing agencies; expanding the applicability of an occupational license..
SB-319: Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner
Effective On 9/1/17 on 06/09/2017
You have voted SB-319: Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties..
HB-3208: Relating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission.
Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Gonzales
Read First Time on 03/30/2017
You have voted HB-3208: Relating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission..
SB-316: Relating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/21/2017
You have voted SB-316: Relating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission..
HB-2967: Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/19/2017
You have voted HB-2967: Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties..