Veterans Affairs, Department Of

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Department of Veterans Affairs - Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Fund - Establishment [HB-186]
Establishing the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to maintain the operation of the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home; requiring the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to administer the Fund for staff salaries and benefits, physical improvements to the Home, and specified operating expenses; prohibiting, except under specified circumstances, any unspent portions of the Fund from being transferred to or reverting to the General Fund of the State; specifying the contents of the fund; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks Approved By The Governor - Chapter 317 on 05/10/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Freedom to Vote Act [HB-1007]
Requiring State agencies that are deemed electronic voter registration agencies to implement electronic voter registration systems on or before July 1, 2017; requiring the State Board of Elections to register individuals whose voter registration information is transmitted to the Board through an electronic voter registration system; requiring a public institution of higher education to provide a link to the online voter registration system on the home page of the online portal used by students to register for course work; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks Approved By The Governor - Chapter 287 on 04/26/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2015 Regular Session

Department of Veterans Affairs - Employment Assistance for Veterans [SB-625]
Expanding the responsibility of service centers established by the Department of Veterans Affairs; requiring the Department to provide veterans with employment-related services; specifying the types of employment-related services provided to veterans; requiring the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to develop, in consultation with the Board of Trustees and the Veterans Commission, a program to reduce unemployment among veterans by assisting specified businesses to attract, hire, train, and retain specified veterans; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Ulysses Currie Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2015

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2015 Regular Session

Funeral Establishments and Crematories - Unclaimed Cremains of Veterans - Disposition [SB-433]
Requiring licensed funeral establishments or holders of permits for the business of operating a crematory in the possession of unclaimed cremated human remains for 90 days or more to provide identifying information to specified veterans service organizations to determine if the unclaimed cremains are those of a veteran or an eligible dependent; requiring specified veterans service organizations to make a specified notification of specified information within 45 days of receipt of the identifying information of the unclaimed cremains; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor - Chapter 349 on 05/12/2015

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2015 Regular Session

Human Services - No Wrong Door Pilot Program [HB-66]
Establishing the No Wrong Door Pilot Program in the Department of Human Resources; specifying the purpose of the program is to ensure that low-income residents of the State have access to the services needed to sustain themselves and their families; requiring the Department to consult with stakeholders to develop criteria for the evaluation of grant applications, and track and assess Program outcomes; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget for specified fiscal years an appropriation of at least $500,000; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg Hearing 2/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/03/2015

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2015 Regular Session

Task Force to Improve Suicide Prevention Programs for Veterans [HB-1249]
Establishing the Task Force to Improve Suicide Prevention Programs for Veterans; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to study specified suicide prevention programs and develop a specified plan; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and specified plan to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2015; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Keith Haynes First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 03/05/2015

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2014 Regular Session

Department of Veterans Affairs - Opioid Time Lock Dispenser Pilot Program [SB-969]
Requiring the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a specified opioid time lock dispenser pilot program; requiring the Secretary to adopt specified regulations to carry out the pilot program; prohibiting the Secretary from requiring that a veteran pay a fee in order to get a time lock dispenser; requiring the Secretary annually to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the progress of the pilot program; and terminating the Act after September 30, 2018.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton Hearing 3/18 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/18/2014

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2014 Regular Session

Task Force to Study Services and Resources Provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs [SB-52]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Services and Resources Provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding how to improve services and resources provided to veterans residing in the State; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2014; and terminating the Act at the end of June 30, 2015.


Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations on 04/05/2014

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2014 Regular Session

Task Force to Study Services and Resources Provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs [HB-1433]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Services and Resources Provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding how to improve services and resources provided to veterans residing in the State; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2014; and terminating the Act at the end of June 30, 2015.


Sponsored by: Rep. Darren M. Swain Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 04/03/2014

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2014 Regular Session

Department of Veterans Affairs - Opioids Time Lock Dispenser Pilot Program [HB-1343]
Requiring the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a specified opioids time lock dispenser pilot program; requiring the Secretary to adopt specified regulations to carry out the pilot program; prohibiting the Secretary from requiring that a veteran pay a fee in order to get a time lock dispenser; requiring the Secretary annually to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the progress of the pilot program; and terminating the Act after September 30, 2018.


Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations on 03/31/2014

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2013 Regular Session

Task Force to Study the Establishment of a Maryland Higher Education Grant Program for Veterans [HB-1491]
Establishing the Task Force to Study the Establishment of a Maryland Higher Education Grant Program for Veterans; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations on or before December 15, 2013, regarding the feasibility of establishing a Maryland higher education grant program for veterans; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2013

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Drivers' Licenses and Identification Cards - Notation of Veteran Status [SB-276]
Requiring the Department of Veterans Affairs, on request, to provide a veteran with a document certifying veteran status; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to ensure that the driver's license or identification card of an applicant who presents specified documentation certifying veteran status includes a notation indicating that the applicant is a veteran; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton Approved By The Governor on 04/10/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts [SB-18]
Creating a Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; providing that a member of the Task Force may not receive compensation but may be reimbursed for specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study military service-related mental health issues and substance abuse problems and to make recommendations on or before December 1, 2013, concerning the establishment of a special court for defendants who are military members or veterans; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Drivers' Licenses and Identification Cards - Notation of Veteran Status [HB-358]
Requiring the Department of Veterans Affairs, on request, to provide a veteran with a document certifying veteran status; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to ensure that the driver's license or identification card of an applicant who presents specified documentation certifying veteran status includes a notation indicating that the applicant is a veteran; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Norman Conway Approved By The Governor on 04/10/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts [HB-252]
Creating a Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; providing that a member of the Task Force may not receive compensation but may be reimbursed for specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study military service-related mental health issues and substance abuse problems and to make recommendations on or before December 1, 2013, concerning the establishment of a special court for defendants who are military members or veterans; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Aumann Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Behavioral Health - Veterans - Coordination and Provision of Services [SB-682]
Reenacting specified provisions of law that were abrogated as of May 31, 2011, to provide for the continuance of the coordination of specified behavioral health services for specified veterans; requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in collaboration with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, the Maryland National Guard, and the Maryland Defense Force, to provide behavioral health services coordination for specified veterans, subject to specified limitations; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts [SB-531]
Creating a Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; providing that a member of the Task Force may not receive compensation but may be reimbursed for specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study military service-related mental health issues and substance abuse problems and to make recommendations on or before December 1, 2012, concerning the establishment of a special court for defendants who are military members or veterans; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 04/11/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home - Gifts and Grants - Authority to Accept and Spend [SB-227]
Authorizing the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home to accept specified gifts and grants for use at the Home; providing for the uses and administration of the gifts and grants accepted for use at the Home; and requiring the Director of the Veterans Home Program and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to report each year on the status of the gifts and grants accepted for use at the Home.


Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Behavioral Health - Veterans - Coordination and Provision of Services [HB-793]
Reenacting specified provisions of law that were abrogated as of May 31, 2011, to provide for the continuance of the coordination of specified behavioral health services for specified veterans; requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in collaboration with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, the Maryland National Guard, and the Maryland Defense Force, to provide behavioral health services coordination for specified veterans, subject to specified limitations; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Carolyn Howard Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts [HB-336]
Creating a Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; providing that a member of the Task Force may not receive compensation but may be reimbursed for specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study military service-related mental health issues and substance abuse problems and to make recommendations concerning the establishment of a special court for defendants who are military members or veterans; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/25/2011

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