Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts - Golden Beach Patuxent Knolls [HB-176]
Creating an exception from motor vehicle registration requirements for golf carts in the community of Golden Beach Patuxent Knolls, St. Mary's County; providing that a person who operates a golf cart in Golden Beach Patuxent Knolls may operate the golf cart only on specified roads, between dawn and dusk, and only if the golf cart is equipped with specified lighting; authorizing the St. Mary's County Department of Public Works and Transportation to designate the specified highways on which a person may operate a golf cart; etc.
HB-176: Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts - Golden Beach Patuxent Knolls
Sponsored by: Rep. Deb Rey
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 710 on 05/25/2017
Electric Vehicles and Recharging Equipment - Rebates and Tax Credits - Extension [HB-110]
Extending to fiscal year 2020 the Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Rebate Program and authorization to issue motor vehicle excise tax credits for specified qualified plug-in electric drive vehicles; increasing a specified amount required to be transferred from the Strategic Energy Investment Fund to the Transportation Trust Fund; increasing, from $1,800,000 to $3,600,000 the total amount of motor vehicle excise tax credits that may be issued during a fiscal year; etc.
HB-110: Electric Vehicles and Recharging Equipment - Rebates and Tax Credits - Extension
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/18/2017
Vehicle Laws - Drivers' Licenses and Vehicle Registrations - Mailing Address [SB-89]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to include a vehicle owner's mailing address on the vehicle registration card; requiring an applicant for a driver's license to provide the Administration with a mailing address; requiring drivers' licenses issued by the Administration to display a mailing address; requiring individuals who have applied for or obtained a driver's license to notify the Administration within 30 days of a change in mailing address; etc.
Motor Vehicles - Leased Vehicles - Inspections, Insurance, and Excise Tax [SB-34]
Exempting from the motor vehicle excise tax a vehicle that is leased by the State or a political subdivision of the State; prohibiting the Motor Vehicle Administration from issuing, reinstating, or renewing a vehicle registration for a motor vehicle lessee who has an unpaid insurance penalty; and exempting a leased vehicle transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease term from the requirement to obtain a motor vehicle safety inspection.
SB-34: Motor Vehicles - Leased Vehicles - Inspections, Insurance, and Excise Tax
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 344 on 04/18/2017
Wicomico County - Vehicle Dealer's Licenses - Motor Home and Travel Trailer Shows [SB-20]
Exempting an out-of-state dealer of Class M motor homes or Class G trailers from specified license requirements solely for the purpose of displaying and selling vehicles at a specified vehicle show in Wicomico County; authorizing specified out-of-state dealers and salesmen to participate in a specified vehicle show in Wicomico County; authorizing specified dealers and salesmen to conduct all activities involved in a vehicle sale at a specified vehicle show in Wicomico County; etc.
SB-20: Wicomico County - Vehicle Dealer's Licenses - Motor Home and Travel Trailer Shows
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Mathias
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/13/2017
Motor Vehicles - Autonomous and Connected Vehicles [SB-9]
Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration, in consultation with the Department of State Police, to adopt regulations governing the inspection, registration, and safe testing and operation of autonomous and connected vehicles and the safe testing and operation of autonomous technologies on the highways of the State.
SB-9: Motor Vehicles - Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Sponsored by: Sen.
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/13/2017
Motor Vehicle Administration - Driving Instructors - Criminal History Records Checks [SB-45]
Requiring the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to provide to the Motor Vehicle Administration specified revised criminal history record information under specified circumstances; altering the application process for a criminal history records check for driving instructors; making a technical correction; etc.
SB-45: Motor Vehicle Administration - Driving Instructors - Criminal History Records Checks
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 195 on 04/18/2017