Electricity - Customer Billing - Smart Meter Installation and Maintenance Costs [HB-1482]
Requiring an electric company to give specified written notice to specified customers before installing smart meters on a customer's premises under specified circumstances; requiring a specified notice to disclose the costs to a customer of installing and maintaining a smart meter on the customer's premises; prohibiting an electric company from billing a customer for specified charges except under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1482: Electricity - Customer Billing - Smart Meter Installation and Maintenance Costs
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/24/2014
Electricity - Smart Meter Installation - Consent Requirement [HB-1481]
Prohibiting an electric company from installing a smart meter on the exterior of any building without the written consent of the owner of the building or, if the building is rented, the tenant of the building.
HB-1481: Electricity - Smart Meter Installation - Consent Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/24/2014
Solar Farms - Construction Requirements - Exemptions [HB-1463]
Exempting a solar farm from the requirement to submit a grading and sediment control plan in order to obtain a permit for grading or construction; exempting a solar farm from the requirement to submit a forest stand delineation and forest conservation plan in order to obtain a permit for grading or construction; and exempting a solar farm from the requirement to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity before constructing a generating station if the solar farm meets specified requirements.
HB-1463: Solar Farms - Construction Requirements - Exemptions
Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/19/2014
Evaluation of the Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program by the Public Service Commission - Data Collection and Termination Extension [HB-1318]
Requiring the Department of Transportation, the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs, and the Public Service Commission to collect specified data regarding specified minority business enterprise participation with specified electricity suppliers from specified electricity suppliers that have entered into a specified memorandum of understanding; altering the date by which specified persons must submit a specified report to the General Assembly; and altering the termination of a specified Act.
HB-1318: Evaluation of the Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program by the Public Service Commission - Data Collection and Termination Extension
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 03/07/2014
You have voted HB-1318: Evaluation of the Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program by the Public Service Commission - Data Collection and Termination Extension.
Electricity - Community Renewable Energy Generating System - Pilot Program [HB-1192]
Establishing a pilot program on community renewable energy generating systems under the authority of the Public Service Commission; stating when the pilot program will begin and terminate; providing for the structure and operation of the pilot program, including the generation of electricity and allocation of costs and credits to system subscribers; authorizing an electric company to submit a petition to own and operate a community renewable energy generating system to the Commission; etc.
HB-1192: Electricity - Community Renewable Energy Generating System - Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/31/2014
Electricity - Certificate - Wind Turbines - Limitation [HB-1168]
Prohibiting the Public Service Commission from granting final approval for, and a person from undertaking, construction of a specified type of wind-powered generating station above specified heights within specified areas before July 1, 2015; providing that the Act may not be construed to affect any wind-powered generating station for which proceeds from a Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration loan have been paid to a manufacturer of wind-powered generating stations to initiate construction of the wind-powered generating station; etc.
Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services - Establishment [HB-1160]
Establishing an infrastructure to provide transportation network services; authorizing an individual to submit an application for registration as a transportation network operator; requiring a transportation network application company to approve or deny a specified application within 60 days after the application is submitted; etc.
HB-1160: Public Utilities - Transportation Network Services - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters Withdrawn on 04/07/2014
Public Utilities - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards [HB-1149]
Increasing the renewable energy portfolio standards for electricity derived from Tier 1 renewable sources for years 2017 through 2022; increasing the minimum required percentage of Tier 1 renewable energy that must be derived from solar energy in years 2017 through 2022; establishing specified renewable energy portfolio standards for years 2023 through 2025 and later; and applying the Act prospectively.
HB-1149: Public Utilities - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/27/2014
Public Utilities - Fixed Charges for Taxicab Services - Baltimore City [HB-1147]
Authorizing a taxicab permit holder to make a fixed charge for any trip by taxicab between specified locations in Baltimore City or between points within Baltimore City as approved by the Public Service Commission; and requiring that a fixed charge made under the Act be calculated on a mileage basis approved by the Commission.
HB-1147: Public Utilities - Fixed Charges for Taxicab Services - Baltimore City
Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 157 on 04/14/2014
Change in Electricity Supply - Written Permission Required [HB-1115]
Prohibiting an electricity supplier or specified other person from making specified changes in the electricity supplier for a customer or adding a new charge for a specified service or option without first obtaining the customer's written permission.
HB-1115: Change in Electricity Supply - Written Permission Required
Sponsored by: Rep. Darren M. Swain
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/12/2014
Energy-Generating Cooperative Advisory Committee [HB-1076]
Establishing the Energy-Generating Cooperative Advisory Committee; providing for the credit structure for the energy generated from an energy-generating cooperative; specifying the duties of the Committee; requiring the Committee to present a report to the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2015, including information regarding energy-generating cooperatives and the most efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sound methods for utilizing poultry litter; etc.
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - System Development Charge - Definitions PG/MC 106-14 [HB-1075]
Defining the terms "apartment unit" and "property" for purposes of law relating to system development charges imposed by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission; and altering the definition of "new service" to include a direct connection of an improvement or building and a connection through an existing on-site system.
HB-1075: Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - System Development Charge - Definitions PG/MC 106-14
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 639 on 05/15/2014
You have voted HB-1057: Prince George's County - University of Maryland, College Park Bus Service - Motor Carrier Permit Exemption - Removal of Sunset PG 403-14.
Public Safety - Gas Pipelines - Public Nuisance Suits [SB-985]
Granting the District Court exclusive original civil jurisdiction in a specified proceeding to abate a public nuisance; providing that a gas pipeline shall be considered a public nuisance under specified circumstances; authorizing specified persons to bring a specified action against the owner or operator of a gas pipeline to abate a public nuisance under the Act; authorizing a court to order a specified relief if, after a hearing, the court determines that a public nuisance exists; etc.
SB-985: Public Safety - Gas Pipelines - Public Nuisance Suits
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings Withdrawn on 03/28/2013
Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Repeal of Solar Energy Requirement [SB-974]
Repealing the requirement that an electricity supplier's renewable energy portfolio include a specified percent of solar energy in specified years; repealing specified compliance fees for a shortfall from solar energy requirements under the renewable energy portfolio standard; altering the responsibilities of a specified individual designated by the Public Service Commission; and repealing a requirement that specified compliance fees be accounted for and used in a specified manner.
SB-974: Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Repeal of Solar Energy Requirement
Sponsored by: Sen. E. J. Pipkin
Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2013
Pipeline Safety and Community Protection Act [SB-907]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to act under a specified certification or agreement with the U.S. Secretary of Transportation as an interstate authority agent for the purpose of implementing specified federal pipeline safety laws; requiring a gas transmission company to respond to a report of specified gas leaks in a specified manner; prohibiting a person from beginning construction in the State on a gas pipeline without first obtaining a specified construction permit; etc.
SB-907: Pipeline Safety and Community Protection Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Zirkin
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 03/25/2013
Public Utilities - Solar Photovoltaic Systems [SB-887]
Requiring a person to file a specified application for approval to construct a specified generating station at least a specified time before construction commences; requiring a person who constructs a specified generating station to pay a deposit to the Public Service Commission; requiring the Commission to place specified deposits in escrow accounts; etc.
SB-887: Public Utilities - Solar Photovoltaic Systems
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 572 on 05/16/2013