Utilities--water & Sewer

State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the provision of wholesale water and wastewater service to certain municipalities. [HB-2959]
Relating to the provision of wholesale water and wastewater service to certain municipalities.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Isaac Committee Report Distributed on 05/02/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality provide an expedited procedure for acting on certain applications for an amendment to a water right by certain applicants that use desalinated seawater. [HB-2894]
Relating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality provide an expedited procedure for acting on certain applications for an amendment to a water right by certain applicants that use desalinated seawater.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Lucio Placed On General State Calendar on 05/10/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to an application for the amendment of a certificate of public convenience and necessity in an area within the boundaries of a political subdivision. [HB-2777]
Relating to an application for the amendment of a certificate of public convenience and necessity in an area within the boundaries of a political subdivision.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dade Phelan Placed On General State Calendar on 05/08/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the revocation of certain water utilities' certificate of public convenience and necessity for major rules violations. [SB-1115]
Relating to the revocation of certain water utilities' certificate of public convenience and necessity for major rules violations.


Sponsored by: Sen. Sylvia Garcia Read First Time on 03/07/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to municipal fees charged to public school districts for water and sewer service. [HB-2369]
Relating to municipal fees charged to public school districts for water and sewer service.


Sponsored by: Sen. Eddie Lucio Effective Immediately on 06/15/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the dissolution of the Chisholm Trail Special Utility District. [SB-1067]
Relating to the dissolution of the Chisholm Trail Special Utility District.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Schwertner Referred To Special Purpose Districts on 05/12/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the applicability of petitions to release an area for certificates of public convenience and necessity for water or sewer services. [HB-2322]
Relating to the applicability of petitions to release an area for certificates of public convenience and necessity for water or sewer services.


Sponsored by: Rep. John Cyrier Read First Time on 03/20/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a requirement that certain recipients of financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board adopt certain restrictions on water use by their customers. [HB-2240]
Relating to a requirement that certain recipients of financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board adopt certain restrictions on water use by their customers.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Lucio Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/01/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the requirements for construction contracts for certain water supply projects, treatment works, and flood control measures. [HB-2204]
Relating to the requirements for construction contracts for certain water supply projects, treatment works, and flood control measures.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lyle Larson Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/03/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the revocation or amendment of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for water utilities in a service area. [HB-2187]
Relating to the revocation or amendment of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for water utilities in a service area.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Lucio Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/12/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority and liability of owners and managers of apartment houses, manufactured home rental communities, condominiums, and multiple use facilities in charging tenants for submetered and nonsubmetered master metered water and wastewater services. [HB-1964]
Relating to the authority and liability of owners and managers of apartment houses, manufactured home rental communities, condominiums, and multiple use facilities in charging tenants for submetered and nonsubmetered master metered water and wastewater services.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Murphy Placed On General State Calendar on 05/09/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority and liability of owners and managers of apartment houses, manufactured home rental communities, condominiums, and multiple use facilities in charging tenants for submetered and nonsubmetered master metered water and wastewater services. [SB-873]
Relating to the authority and liability of owners and managers of apartment houses, manufactured home rental communities, condominiums, and multiple use facilities in charging tenants for submetered and nonsubmetered master metered water and wastewater services.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Murphy Effective Immediately on 06/01/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the designation of a water conservation coordinator by a retail public water utility to implement a water conservation plan. [HB-1648]
Relating to the designation of a water conservation coordinator by a retail public water utility to implement a water conservation plan.


Sponsored by: Rep. Four Price Effective On 9/1/17 on 05/26/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the implementation of county solid waste management programs in certain counties. [HB-1584]
Relating to the implementation of county solid waste management programs in certain counties.


Sponsored by: Sen. Judith Zaffirini Effective On 9/1/17 on 05/26/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to personnel requirements for water loss auditors. [HB-1573]
Relating to personnel requirements for water loss auditors.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Creighton Effective On 9/1/17 on 06/01/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to regulation of production of wells for retail public utilities by a groundwater conservation district. [HB-1318]
Relating to regulation of production of wells for retail public utilities by a groundwater conservation district.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eddie Lucio Committee Report Distributed on 05/09/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the phaseout and repeal of the miscellaneous gross receipts tax on utility companies; decreasing the rates of the tax. [HB-1228]
Relating to the phaseout and repeal of the miscellaneous gross receipts tax on utility companies; decreasing the rates of the tax.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Murphy Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/03/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the quality of water provided by public drinking water supply systems to state supported living centers. [SB-546]
Relating to the quality of water provided by public drinking water supply systems to state supported living centers.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Effective Immediately on 06/09/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to authorizing a regulatory authority to establish reduced water utility rates funded by donations for the benefit of certain elderly customers. [HB-1083]
Relating to authorizing a regulatory authority to establish reduced water utility rates funded by donations for the benefit of certain elderly customers.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ryan Guillen Effective On 9/1/17 on 05/26/2017

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State (Texas)
Texas 85th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the authority of a retail public water utility to require an operator of a correctional facility to comply with water conservation measures. [HB-965]
Relating to the authority of a retail public water utility to require an operator of a correctional facility to comply with water conservation measures.


Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer Effective Immediately on 05/29/2017

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