You have voted SB-1750: Relating to extreme weather preparedness of critical electric and natural gas infrastructure; authorizing administrative penalties..
You have voted HB-4126: Relating to clarifying that natural gas and electricity are necessities during a declared disaster under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act..
SB-1583: Relating to inspections and examinations by the Railroad Commission of Texas of certain sites and facilities conducted using unmanned aircraft.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes
Read First Time on 03/24/2021
You have voted SB-1583: Relating to inspections and examinations by the Railroad Commission of Texas of certain sites and facilities conducted using unmanned aircraft..
HB-3881: Relating to the creation of an advisory committee by the Railroad Commission of Texas to facilitate the movement of natural gas to high priority customers during periods of emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Craig Goldman
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/12/2021
You have voted HB-3881: Relating to the creation of an advisory committee by the Railroad Commission of Texas to facilitate the movement of natural gas to high priority customers during periods of emergency..
You have voted SB-1579: Relating to the recovery and securitization of extraordinary costs incurred by certain gas utilities; authority to issue bonds..
HB-1510: Relating to the response and resilience of certain electricity service providers to major weather-related events or other natural disasters; granting authority to issue bonds.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dustin Burrows
Effective Immediately on 06/01/2021
You have voted HB-1510: Relating to the response and resilience of certain electricity service providers to major weather-related events or other natural disasters; granting authority to issue bonds..
SB-1516: Relating to the imposition of administrative, civil, and criminal penalties for violating certain statutes under the jurisdiction of, rules or orders adopted by, or licenses, permits, or certificates issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas; increasing criminal penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Roland Gutierrez
Read First Time on 03/24/2021
You have voted SB-1516: Relating to the imposition of administrative, civil, and criminal penalties for violating certain statutes under the jurisdiction of, rules or orders adopted by, or licenses, permits, or certificates issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas; increasing criminal penalties..
HB-2957: Relating to inspections and examinations by the Railroad Commission of Texas of certain sites and facilities conducted using unmanned aircraft.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes
No Action Taken In Committee on 05/13/2021
You have voted HB-2957: Relating to inspections and examinations by the Railroad Commission of Texas of certain sites and facilities conducted using unmanned aircraft..