You have voted SB-1239: Relating to distributed renewable generation and compensation for excess electricity generated by distributed renewable generation..
HB-890: Relating to the conversion of the West Travis County Public Utility Agency to the Hill Country Regional Water Authority and to the creation of the Hill Country Regional Water Authority; providing authority to issue revenue bonds or notes; granting the power of eminent domain; providing an administrative penalty; providing authority to impose fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Workman
Returned To Local & Consent Calendars Comm. on 05/17/2013
You have voted HB-890: Relating to the conversion of the West Travis County Public Utility Agency to the Hill Country Regional Water Authority and to the creation of the Hill Country Regional Water Authority; providing authority to issue revenue bonds or notes; granting the power of eminent domain; providing an administrative penalty; providing authority to impose fees..
You have voted HB-404: Relating to liability of certain public utilities that allow certain uses of land that the public utility owns, occupies, or leases..
HB-3547: Relating to standards and procedures for determining whether a person who owns, operates, or manages a pipeline is a common carrier; authorizing a fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Philip Cortez
Committee Report Distributed on 04/29/2013
You have voted HB-3547: Relating to standards and procedures for determining whether a person who owns, operates, or manages a pipeline is a common carrier; authorizing a fee..
You have voted HB-3293: Relating to requirements for addressing and preventing damage to underground utility facilities; imposing a fee; creating an offense..
HB-3080: Relating to a study on the feasibility of creating a program to provide discounts on Internet access to individuals who are eligible for lifeline telephone services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Marisa Marquez
Read First Time on 03/25/2013
You have voted HB-3080: Relating to a study on the feasibility of creating a program to provide discounts on Internet access to individuals who are eligible for lifeline telephone services..
You have voted HB-2826: Relating to telecommunications service discounts for educational institutions, libraries, hospitals, and telemedicine centers..
HB-2585: Relating to the reimbursement of utilities for relocation of utility facilities following improvement or construction of certain tolled highways.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Bonnen
Effective Immediately on 06/14/2013
You have voted HB-2585: Relating to the reimbursement of utilities for relocation of utility facilities following improvement or construction of certain tolled highways..
You have voted HB-258: Relating to liability of certain public utilities that allow certain uses of land that the public utility owns, occupies, or leases..
HB-2332: Relating to the liability of an operator of an underground facility for damages that result from a failure to comply with a duty to mark underground facilities to prevent damage from excavation or a duty to make certain notifications.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cecil Bell
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/22/2013
You have voted HB-2332: Relating to the liability of an operator of an underground facility for damages that result from a failure to comply with a duty to mark underground facilities to prevent damage from excavation or a duty to make certain notifications..