AN ACT relating to reading and language arts instruction. [HB-612]
Create a section of KRS Chapter 158 to define terms to be used in the section; require the Kentucky Department of Education to establish an approved list of reading curriculum that does not use a three-cueing system; require that school districts not use any curriculum that employs a three-cueing system; prohibit the use of a three-cueing system in teacher professional development; require the Educational Professional Standards Baord (EPSB) to promulgate regulations establishing curriculum for each approved educator preparation program; amend KRS
HB-612: AN ACT relating to reading and language arts instruction.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Tipton
Received In Senate on 03/12/2024
AN ACT relating to nuclear energy development. [SB-198]
Creates a new section of Subchapter 12 of KRS Chapter 154 to require that the Cabinet for Economic Development create and implement a financial assistance program to support the nuclear energy ecosystem; provides for the staggering of initial appointments; requires that the Kentucky Nuclear Energy Authority conduct a study to identify the workforce needs to develop and support the nuclear ecosystem and submit its findings to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission on or before December 1, 2024; requires that the Kentucky Nuclear Energy
SB-198: AN ACT relating to nuclear energy development.
Sponsored by: Sen. Danny Carroll
Delivered To Secretary Of State on 04/12/2024
AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities. [SB-201]
Amend KRS 164.295 to permit a comprehensive university to offer certain research doctoral degree programs upon fulfilling requirements promulgated by the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE); permit a comprehensive university to describe itself as a research university or institution upon fulfilling requirements promulgated by CPE; direct CPE to promulgate administrative regulations establishing those requirements.
SB-201: AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Givens
To Education (s) on 02/14/2024
AN ACT relating to access to the records and meetings of public agencies. [HB-509]
Create a new section of KRS 61.870 to 61.884, the Open Records Act, to require a public agency to furnish an officer, employee, board member, or commission member an agency email account; define terms; allow the governing body of a public agency or its appointing authority to identify, in writing, the names of specific personnel that do not require the use of an agency-furnished email account; allow a public agency to issue an email address through a third-party provider if a public is incapable of issuing an agency-furnished email account; prohibit
HB-509: AN ACT relating to access to the records and meetings of public agencies.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Nemes
Floor Amendments (4) And (5) Filed on 04/12/2024
AN ACT relating to postsecondary education funding and declaring an emergency. [SB-191]
Amends KRS 164.092 to define “nontraditional age students,” to remove all references to “minority,” to require that any formula not include race-based metrics or targets, to increase the percentage of public university funding based on student success outcomes produced from 35 percent to 40 percent, to decrease the percentage of public university funding for student credit hours earned from 35 percent to 30 percent, to include in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System’s student success outcomes weighting for credentials aligned with
SB-191: AN ACT relating to postsecondary education funding and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Givens
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 196) on 04/17/2024
AN ACT relating to the endowed research fund and making an appropriation therefor. [SB-1]
Creates a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the endowed research fund to be administered by the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) for the purposes of funding research consortiums between two or more public universities; provides that the fund shall consist of appropriations, federal funds, and other proceeds made available to the fund; provides that the funds shall not lapse; provides that there shall be five consortium accounts within the fund that shall each be assigned to a unique research consortium selected by CPE; provides
SB-1: AN ACT relating to the endowed research fund and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Stivers
Signed By Governor (acts Ch.41) on 04/04/2024
SJR-132: A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Council on Postsecondary Education to conduct a feasibility study on transforming the Hazard Community and Technical College into a four-year, residential university.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Stivers
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 192) on 04/16/2024
You have voted SJR-132: A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Council on Postsecondary Education to conduct a feasibility study on transforming the Hazard Community and Technical College into a four-year, residential university..
AN ACT relating to sexual extortion. [SB-181]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 531 to establish the crime of sexual extortion as a felony; provide for enhancements to penalties; create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to establish a civil cause of action for sexual extortion; amend KRS 17.500 to include sexual extortion in the definition of "sex crime"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require superintendents of local school districts to notify students in grades 4 and above and parents and guardians of all students of the crime of sexual extortion; create a new section of KRS
SB-181: AN ACT relating to sexual extortion.
Sponsored by: Sen. Julie Adams
To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 02/08/2024
AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships. [HB-432]
Create a new section of KRS 164.7871 to 164.7885 to allow the use of Kentucky educational excellence scholarship funds for dual credit courses; require the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to promulgate administrative regulations to administer the section; amend KRS 164.7885 to conform.
HB-432: AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships.
Sponsored by: Rep. Myron Dossett
Introduced In House on 01/31/2024
AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages and declaring an emergency. [HB-439]
Amends KRS 211.285 to rename the “malt beverage education fund” as the “alcohol wellness and responsibility education fund,” to add proceeds from Alcoholic Beverage Control Board distilled spirit auctions to the fund, to issue moneys from the fund to the Alcohol Wellness and Responsibility Education Corporation, to modify membership of the corporation’s board of directors, to authorize the corporation to accept grant applications from Kentucky high schools, colleges, universities, and other entities that promote alcohol responsibility, and to increase
HB-439: AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ruth Palumbo
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 46) on 04/04/2024
AN ACT relating to dual credit scholarships. [HB-399]
Amend KRS 164.786 to add eligibility for high school freshmen and sophomores, require an "approved dual credit course" to be in the statewide general education core; provide that scholarships shall be awarded in order of application date; revise scholarship to allow two career and technical dual credit courses in each academic year of high school and two general education dual credit courses in the 11th and 12th grades; amend KRS 164.787 to conform.
HB-399: AN ACT relating to dual credit scholarships.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Tipton
2nd Reading, To Rules on 02/21/2024
AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. [HB-345]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms; establish the Kentucky Aerospace, Aviation, and Defense Investment Fund Advisory Committee; establish the membership of the committee; establish the Kentucky aerospace, aviation, and defense investment fund to be administered by the Council for Postsecondary Education for the purpose of funding public and private partnerships to provide aviation training scholarships and aviation and aerospace equipment grants; require that the portion of the fund expended towards the council's administrative
HB-345: AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/13/2024
AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. [SB-127]
Creates a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms; establishes the Kentucky Aerospace, Aviation, and Defense Investment Fund Advisory Committee; establishes the membership of the committee; establishes the Kentucky aerospace, aviation, and defense investment fund to be administered by the Council for Postsecondary Education for the purpose of funding public and private partnerships to provide aviation training scholarships and aviation and aerospace equipment grants; requires that the portion of the fund expended toward the council’s administrative
SB-127: AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 109) on 04/05/2024
AN ACT relating to lobbying. [SB-120]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 48 to prohibit a public agency or any other entity created by an act of the General Assembly from using public funds for lobbying activity or to employ or enter into a contract with a lobbyist; define terms; exempt public agency employees who perform lobbying activities as part of their fiduciary duties; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to prohibit a public agency from using public funds for lobbying activity or to employ or contract with a lobbyist; define terms; exempt public agency employees who perform
SB-120: AN ACT relating to lobbying.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jay Williams
To Appropriations & Revenue (s) on 02/02/2024
AN ACT relating to postsecondary education and declaring an emergency. [HB-9]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms; prohibit a public postsecondary education institution from providing differential treatment or benefits on the basis of an individual's religion, race, sex, color, or national origin; from influencing the composition of the student body or scholarship recipients on the basis of religion, race, sex, color, or national origin; from implementing a student housing assignment plan on the basis of religion, race, color, or national origin with designated exceptions; from expending any resources on
HB-9: AN ACT relating to postsecondary education and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley
Floor Amendments (1), (2) And (3) Filed on 02/14/2024