House Bill DRH40320-CCa-7: PFAS Studies
Short Title: PFAS Studies (Public)
Sponsor: Representative Harrison
This bill directs various agencies to conduct studies related to PFAS contamination. PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances) are a group of man-made chemicals that have been found to be harmful to human health and the environment.
Part I. Studies Required from the Department of Health and Human Services
The Department of Health and Human Services must develop a program, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Quality, to study the estimated human exposure to PFAS in the Cape Fear River Basin. They must also conduct an epidemiological study to identify disparities in disease prevalence that may be linked to long-term PFAS exposure. The Department must issue a final report on their findings, including any recommendations for legislative action, by December 31, 2022.
Part II. Studies Required from the Wildlife Resources Commission
The Wildlife Resources Commission will study the ecological exposures and impacts of PFAS contamination in the Cape Fear River Basin. They must issue a final report on their findings, including any recommendations for legislative action, by December 31, 2022.
Part III. Studies Required from the Office of State Budget and Management
The Office of State Budget and Management will study the costs incurred by the state, local governments, businesses, and individuals in response to PFAS exposure. They will establish an estimate of costs attributable to each source of PFAS in the state. A final report on their findings, including any recommendations for legislative action, must be issued by December 31, 2022.
Part IV. Studies Required from the Department of Environmental Quality
The Department of Environmental Quality will create an inventory of ongoing PFAS discharges to air, surface waters, and instances of contamination in soil and groundwater in the state. This inventory will include the location, amount, and duration of the discharge. They must report their findings to the Environmental Review Commission by September 1, 2022, and provide quarterly updates thereafter.
The Secretaries' Science Advisory Board of the Department of Environmental Quality will conduct a risk assessment of the health risks posed by PFAS exposure in the state. They must report their findings to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services and the Environmental Review Commission by September 1, 2022.
Part V. Studies Required from the North Carolina Policy Collaboratory
The North Carolina Policy Collaboratory will study the costs associated with PFAS discharge, contamination, and impacts in the state. They will determine anticipated costs based on scientific information about PFAS risks. Their findings must be reported to relevant legislative committees by September 1, 2022.
Part VI. Studies Required from the Environmental Review Commission
The Environmental Review Commission will study the statutory and regulatory requirements for disclosing PFAS discharges or releases to the Department of Environmental Quality and the public. They will report their findings and recommendations to the General Assembly.
The Environmental Review Commission will also study actions taken by other states to promote green chemistry, a sustainable alternative to the manufacture and use of hazardous chemicals, including PFAS. Their findings and recommendations will be reported to the General Assembly.
Part VII. Funding for Studies Conducted by State Agencies
Specific funding amounts are allocated to each agency to carry out the studies required by this bill.
Part VIII. Effective Date
This bill becomes effective on the date it becomes law, unless otherwise specified.