Transportation - Capital Projects - Life Cycle Cost Analysis [HB-1325]
Requiring the Department of Transportation to adopt regulations to establish a methodology for applying life cycle cost analysis to the evaluation of specified pavement projects; requiring that the methodology address specified matters; requiring the Department to utilize the results of the life cycle cost analysis for specified projects; defining a term; etc.
HB-1325: Transportation - Capital Projects - Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Sponsored by: Rep. John Wood
Third Reading Passed (128-9) on 04/04/2013
Transportation Infrastructure Bank [HB-1322]
Establishing the Transportation Infrastructure Bank as a special revolving loan fund in the Transportation Trust Fund to provide loans and other financial assistance for transportation projects; establishing the Bank as a special, nonlapsing fund; requiring the Department of Transportation to administer the Bank; specifying the contents of the Bank; requiring that interest on money in the Bank and specified payments be credited to the Bank; etc.
HB-1322: Transportation Infrastructure Bank
Sponsored by: Rep. Galen Clagett
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. (ways And Means) on 03/14/2013
Procurements by Maryland Department of Transportation - Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefits Required [HB-1294]
Prohibiting the Department of Transportation from deeming a bidder or offeror as prequalified if the Department determines that the bidder or offeror fails to provide accidental death and dismemberment benefits for its employees; providing that a prospective bidder or offeror that is not prequalified that makes a bid or offer on a procurement by the Department may not be deemed a responsible bidder or offeror unless the bidder or offeror submits evidence to the Department, as specified.
HB-1294: Procurements by Maryland Department of Transportation - Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefits Required
Sponsored by: Rep. David Rudolph
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2013
Evaluation of the Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program by the Public Service Commission [HB-1055]
Requiring the Department of Transportation, the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs, and the Public Service Commission, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to evaluate the feasibility and constitutionality of requiring the Public Service Commission to apply the provisions of a specified minority business enterprise program when exercising specified authority; etc.
HB-1055: Evaluation of the Application of Minority Business Enterprise Program by the Public Service Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 661 on 05/16/2013
Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2013 [HB-102]
Altering the frequency with which specified payments from a special fund are required to be paid; requiring the reduction of specified grants and payments under specified circumstances; providing that a specified District Court surcharge shall be added to fines imposed for specified traffic cases and not to court costs; providing that specified regulations and licensing requirements of the State Lottery and Gaming Control Commission supersede specified county fees or regulations and licensing requirements; etc.
HB-102: Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 425 on 05/16/2013
Transportation - Highway or Capital Transit Construction Training and [SB-884]
Authorizing the Maryland Department of Transportation to use the maximum feasible amount of specified federal funds available for a highway or capital transit construction training program and supportive services, including skill improvement programs; requiring the Department to administer specified programs in collaboration with the Governor's Workforce Investment Board; requiring the Department and the Board to submit a specified report by February 1 each year to specified committees of the General Assembly; etc.
SB-884: Transportation - Highway or Capital Transit Construction Training and
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Favorable With Amendments Report By Finance on 04/02/2012
Transportation - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority [SB-824]
Establishing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority to finance, construct, operate, and maintain the William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial Bridge and the parallel Chesapeake Bay Bridge; providing for the members, appointment, terms, chair, and staff of the Authority; prohibiting the Department of Transportation from exercising jurisdiction or authority over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge; authorizing the Authority to take specified actions in the performance of its duties; etc.
SB-824: Transportation - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority
Sponsored by: Sen. David Brinkley
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. (budget And Taxation) on 02/09/2012
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Land Acquisition for Department of [SB-807]
Allowing a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax for the amount of gain resulting from a payment made by the Maryland Department of Transportation for the acquisition of a portion of an individual's property on which the individual's principal residence is located; limiting the subtraction to a specified amount; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2011; etc.
SB-807: Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Land Acquisition for Department of
Sponsored by: Sen. Ulysses Currie
Approved By The Governor on 05/22/2012
Transportation - State Determination of Paratransit Service Eligibility - [SB-789]
Requiring a county or local government agency to consider an individual eligible for specified paratransit service on notification from the Maryland Department of Transportation that the individual has been certified eligible for paratransit service; etc.
SB-789: Transportation - State Determination of Paratransit Service Eligibility -
Sponsored by: Sen. James Robey
Unfavorable Report By Finance Withdrawn on 03/15/2012
Motor Fuel - Mass Transit Tax - Transit Funding [SB-766]
Imposing a mass transit tax on motor fuel in specified jurisdictions; establishing the rate of the mass transit tax as 2.1% of the sales price charged by a distributor for motor fuel sold to a retail service station dealer; requiring the mass transit tax to be imposed at a specified time and collected and paid in a specified manner; requiring a distributor to file a mass transit tax return; allowing a distributor to deduct a specified amount of the mass transit tax due to reimburse the distributor for expenses; etc.
SB-766: Motor Fuel - Mass Transit Tax - Transit Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. George Edwards
Hearing Cancelled on 03/12/2012
Transportation - Transit Authorities - Red Line and Purple Line [SB-696]
Establishing the Red Line Transit Authority and the Purple Line Transit Authority to finance, construct, and operate the Red Line and the Purple Line light rail transit lines; providing for the members, appointments, terms, chairs, and staff of the Authorities; prohibiting the Department of Transportation from exercising jurisdiction or authority over the Red Line and the Purple Line light rail transit lines; authorizing the Authorities to take specified actions in the performance of their duties; etc.
SB-696: Transportation - Transit Authorities - Red Line and Purple Line
Sponsored by: Sen. David Brinkley
Hearing Cancelled on 03/12/2012
Task Force to Study Toll Rates and the Funding of Transportation Facilities [SB-693]
Establishing a Task Force to Study Toll Rates and the Funding of Transportation Facilities Projects; authorizing the Maryland Transportation Authority to hire a consultant for specified purposes; requiring the Task Force to study issues relating to tolls and funding of transportation facilities projects, including whether toll rates are appropriate and fair and whether revenues from each transportation facility are being used in a specified manner; requiring the Task Force to report findings on or before December 31, 2012; etc.
SB-693: Task Force to Study Toll Rates and the Funding of Transportation Facilities
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Favorable With Amendments Report By Finance on 04/05/2012
Sales and Use Tax - Mass Transit [SB-589]
Increasing the sales and use tax rate on a sale in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Montgomery County, or Prince George's County by a specified amount; creating the Mass Transit Account in the Transportation Trust Fund to pay for the costs of light rail and subway transit facilities and transit service operated by the Maryland Transit Administration in specified counties; requiring that revenue from the increase in the sales and use tax rate under the Act be credited to the Mass Transit Account; etc.
SB-589: Sales and Use Tax - Mass Transit
Sponsored by: Sen. George Edwards
Hearing Cancelled on 03/07/2012
Highway User Revenue Distribution [SB-440]
Reducing the percentages of revenues credited to the Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Revenue Account that are authorized to be used by the Department of Transportation for specified purposes; increasing the percentages of revenues that are required to be used to pay allocations of highway user revenues to the counties, specified municipalities, and Baltimore City; etc.
SB-440: Highway User Revenue Distribution
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Hearing 3/9 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2012
Public-Private Partnerships [SB-358]
Establishing the policy of the State on public-private partnerships; altering provisions of law relating to public-private partnerships; authorizing a reporting agency to establish a public-private partnership and execute a partnership agreement in connection with specified functions, services, or assets; requiring a reporting agency to adopt regulations and establish processes for the development, solicitation, evaluation, award, and delivery of public-private partnerships; etc.
SB-358: Public-Private Partnerships
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Re-referred Environmental Matters & Appropriations on 04/09/2012
Baltimore City - Vehicle Height Monitoring Systems [SB-306]
Authorizing and establishing requirements for the use of specified vehicle height monitoring systems in Baltimore City to enforce specified State and local laws restricting the presence of specified vehicles during specified times; establishing that a vehicle height monitoring system may be used under the Act only if its use is authorized by an ordinance adopted by the Baltimore City Council; providing for the contents of a citation under the Act; establishing a maximum fine of $500 for a third or subsequent violation; etc.
SB-306: Baltimore City - Vehicle Height Monitoring Systems
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012
Transportation - Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority - Revenue [SB-1064]
Altering the amount of the State grants to the Washington Suburban Transit District for transit service, as specified; altering the amount of the State grants to local bus systems in Montgomery County and in Prince George's County, as specified; requiring Montgomery County and Prince George's County to contribute revenues for local transit service, as specified; etc.
SB-1064: Transportation - Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority - Revenue
Sponsored by: Sen. E. J. Pipkin
Unfavorable Report By Budget And Taxation Withdrawn on 03/29/2012
Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Requirements - Authority to [HB-992]
Requiring specified State and local entities to make specified efforts to determine if another State or local entity is participating in a specified contract before initiating a specified procurement; and authorizing that, in specified fiscal years, the secretaries of specified agencies may withhold specified percentages of funds distributed under specified programs to local entities under specified circumstances.
HB-992: Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement Requirements - Authority to
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Morhaim
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations Withdrawn on 04/03/2012