You have voted SB-293: Relating to telemedicine medical services, telehealth services, and home telemonitoring services provided to certain Medicaid recipients..
You have voted SB-1580: Relating to state fiscal matters related to health and human services and state agencies administering health and human services programs..
You have voted HB-842: Relating to telemedicine medical services, telehealth services, and home telemonitoring services provided to certain Medicaid recipients..
You have voted HB-70: Relating to telemedicine medical services, telehealth services, and home telemonitoring services provided to certain Medicaid recipients..
You have voted HB-3666: Relating to state fiscal matters related to health and human services and state agencies administering health and human services programs..
You have voted HB-3258: Relating to telecommunications service discounts for educational institutions, libraries, hospitals, and telemedicine centers..
HB-3171: Relating to improved efficiency in the delivery of Medicaid services to certain recipients, including recipients with chronic diseases, through the use of telemedicine, telehealth, and home telemonitoring services and certain disease management initiatives.
Sponsored by: Rep. Naomi Gonzalez
Read First Time on 03/18/2011
You have voted HB-3171: Relating to improved efficiency in the delivery of Medicaid services to certain recipients, including recipients with chronic diseases, through the use of telemedicine, telehealth, and home telemonitoring services and certain disease management initiatives..
HB-4117: Relating to the provision of telemental health services to prisoners confined in county jails, including the creation of the county jail telemental health fund, and to certain rules and procedures relating to the safety of those prisoners.
Sponsored by: Sen. Drew Springer
Posting Rule Suspended on 05/18/2017
You have voted HB-4117: Relating to the provision of telemental health services to prisoners confined in county jails, including the creation of the county jail telemental health fund, and to certain rules and procedures relating to the safety of those prisoners..
SB-1633: Relating to the supervision of pharmacist-interns, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy technician trainees by a pharmacist and the provision of pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system; establishing a remote dispensing site license.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Cosper
Effective On 9/1/17 on 06/15/2017
You have voted SB-1633: Relating to the supervision of pharmacist-interns, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy technician trainees by a pharmacist and the provision of pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system; establishing a remote dispensing site license..