SB-145: Relating to a credit or refund for diesel fuel taxes paid on diesel fuel used in this state by auxiliary power units or power take-off equipment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Tommy Williams
Scheduled For Public Hearing In S/c On . . . on 04/18/2013
You have voted SB-145: Relating to a credit or refund for diesel fuel taxes paid on diesel fuel used in this state by auxiliary power units or power take-off equipment..
HJR-95: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees and taxes on motor fuels and lubricants may be used.
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Harper-Brown
Read First Time on 03/04/2013
You have voted HJR-95: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees and taxes on motor fuels and lubricants may be used..
HJR-29: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes
Scheduled For Formal Meeting On . . . on 04/23/2013
You have voted HJR-29: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used..
HJR-136: Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the permissible uses of the state highway fund, including further limiting the use of additional tax and fee revenue attributable to changes to certain state taxes and fees, to increase revenue for nontolled public highway purposes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patricia Harless
Scheduled For Public Hearing In S/c On . . . on 04/10/2013
You have voted HJR-136: Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the permissible uses of the state highway fund, including further limiting the use of additional tax and fee revenue attributable to changes to certain state taxes and fees, to increase revenue for nontolled public highway purposes..
HJR-108: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants and motor vehicle tires and parts, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used.
Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Phillips
Scheduled For Public Hearing In S/c On . . . on 04/10/2013
You have voted HJR-108: Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants and motor vehicle tires and parts, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used..
HB-3742: To repeal certain state sales, use, excise, franchise, severance, production, occupations, gross receipts and inheritance taxes, to repeal or limit certain local sales, use, excise and ad valorem property taxes, to enact a statewide and local value added tax, and to reform school finance and administration; providing penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dwayne Bohac
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/04/2013
You have voted HB-3742: To repeal certain state sales, use, excise, franchise, severance, production, occupations, gross receipts and inheritance taxes, to repeal or limit certain local sales, use, excise and ad valorem property taxes, to enact a statewide and local value added tax, and to reform school finance and administration; providing penalties..
HB-3157: Relating to taxes and fees wholly or partly deposited to the credit of the state highway fund; increasing the rates of the gasoline and diesel fuel taxes, authorizing the increase or decrease of those rates in subsequent years, and increasing motor vehicle registration fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patricia Harless
Scheduled For Public Hearing In S/c On . . . on 04/10/2013
You have voted HB-3157: Relating to taxes and fees wholly or partly deposited to the credit of the state highway fund; increasing the rates of the gasoline and diesel fuel taxes, authorizing the increase or decrease of those rates in subsequent years, and increasing motor vehicle registration fees..